If I could simply embody what I already have

Oh yeah, and if your main goal is to manifest woman, go with Khan hahahaha

Just wanted to make sure since you used woman as an example :wink:

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I’m not sure I agree with it being a self esteem issue because to me at least that creates an almost delusional sense of confidence or entitlement in yourself and your abilities. I tried reading Branden’s book but got turned off when I discovered that he was a former romantic partner of Ayn Rand the epitome of narcissistic self absorption

Exactly. Because there is also somebody better looking, with more money, etc.

Even though someone might be in the top 2 % at a given thing, instead of feeling great that you are above 98 %, you feel bad because there’s some one-percenter better than you.

Hope Regeneration & Elixir help me work on this.

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Hahah the metaphor just fell from the sky.

My main goal is business/money/confidence related - so will go with Emperor instead of Khan.

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Reading Branden’s work really ignites the “YES THAT’S ME” feeling a lot of times.

What you say about Ayn Rand is through tho haha

Maybe mixing Branden with some Robert Glover (No More Mr. Nice Guy and his other works might be cool).

The one thing a lot of people miss myself included is self awareness. I highly recommend this book

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The unfortunate thing about books like Branden’s is that they are intentionally written to be vague enough that it’s easy to get fooled by the randomness of the wording and what seems or feels applicable to us or our current situation if that makes sense? Very similar to what so called psychics do

Thanks for the recommendation! Just downloaded it on my Kindle and will start with it this week : )

Hmm… Interesting take. I feel like this might be the case. Because with self-esteem books you can easily poke holes in basically everybody - from people with no confidence or people that have a lot of it.

What helped you most? (Besides the book you recommended)

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You are on the right track, my friend. I too had too many instances of purchasing “shiny new objects” from SubClub and (over)stacking my playlist.

But now am on just Elixir Ultima + RegenerationQ, and am healing myself nice and smooth.


Which subliminals have New Beginnings because I have imposter syndrome badly. Is there a way we can get it as an ultima?

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As everyone has mentioned, Rebirth is good. I too have that mentality, which I think is the root of all my self-sabotage. Right now, I am trying to mix RebirthU with Limit Destroyer Ultima. Not sure if it is the appropriate or not. But the fact that one is thinking that “he is not enough”, isn’t that by itself a self-imposed limit that needs to be destroyed?

Best bet would be to run khan stage 1…

I know Emperor has it for sure. It is also a module inside the Q store.

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Wow! That’s a great perspective. A real “aha” moment about being the self-imposed limit.

After my journey with Elixir and Regeneration, I will definitely try out Rebirth and Limit Destroyer.


I think I will make an Emperor-based custom for business & wealth, and another Healing custom subliminal (with extra New Beginnings, Regeneration, Limit Destroyer and other stuff).

And by the time this plan becomes a reality, I’m sure Saint will already put out the official listening recommendation for stacking :smiley:

Since the overall goals of Khan don’t align with me as much as the goals of Emperor, I will not buy Khan just for the first stage.

I have thought however to add it into my custom healing sub.

But then I would have 4 cores:
QL Stage 1 (for brain healing)
Emperor Fitness Stage 1 (for physical healing)
Khan Stage 1

Is that too much? :sweat_smile:

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For me personally i was thinking just like you with regard to buying khan just for stage 1…but honestly when i ran it it hits that spot no other subliminal hit…
I did regeneration elixir etc nothing came close to khan stage 1…i have just started it and it feels so natural i cant tell im using a subliminal.
For me personally regeneration was hard…so i decided to bulldoze the whole foundation with stage1 and start all over.
The regret i have is wish i had started khan the day i started with subclub.
Its so hard to explain it you how i feel on stage 1…people say its healing but i can already see attraction from women when im doing nothing at all…
So i can only imagine 3 months from now on stage 1.
Its clear to me that all my blocks are dissolving.

Ofcos to me it is too much…think about it …
Single titles like emperor,ascension etc have one core and they so potent…now imagine 4 cores :grinning::grinning:


That’s so awesome for you for Khan Stage 1

But single titles sometimes have more than one core-Emperor has 3 cores-Emperor-Ascended Mogul, Sex Mastery, and Quantum Limitless lite which is almost a 4th core.

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Yes u right i didnt think about that…

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emperor would make a good alternative to khan st3/st4, after you get through st1/st2.

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@Leandros is right in my opniion

you feel inadequate that is literally you don’t feel like you r good enough inside which means its internal self worth/self love issue

self sabotage is connected to low self love/self worth

that again sounds like low self love
realizing all the great things about yourself is literally
changing your perception of yourself in a positive way
to see yourself in a positive way

low self estem is the exact opposite of this

but u will heal fast im sure bro bcuz this subs are poweful they all heal everything fast u will kick ass easy :heart_eyes::star_struck: