Identifying Purpose, Identifying Work/Mission (Astrological Perspective)


That’s an interesting video. Thank you for sharing.

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“When the flower opens, you don’t have to look for bees.”

…and now I want to learn more about astrology.


my favorite line:

“nobody needs astrology.”

In any subject, I appreciate teachers who recognize this.

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The best person to know the answer is fire
We should ask him about astrology

After you posted this, I dove head first into gaining a basic grasp so I could at least begin to understand what this guy was talking about.

Now I know that several days worth of research is just enough to know that there’s so much more to know…

But it was enough to help me feel more connected to a deeper desire that’s been nagging at me for awhile… and it renewed my certainty about the path I’m already on.

The moment the insight hit me felt like what I imagine Neo felt in the Matrix the first time he talked to the Oracle.

And what’s really going to bake my noodle is wondering if I would’ve continued walking this path if I hadn’t done this research.

Nobody needs astrology, indeed.

But it was exactly what I needed this week, so thanks for taking the time to share this.


Thank you for the inspiration.

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I have a love for vedic astrology it’s more soul based goes in depth about karmic cycles and somthing that has really helped me especially when choosing which direction to go in is Mahadasha periods I’m in my Venus Mahadasha and as soon as it started my passion for Art came back and I started creating again I also found a need to have balance and harmony in my life all things that venus rules over. During my mercury Mahadasha I found myself in sales and became a General manager of a fitness facility and lots of communication was involved lots of mercury energy and the energy really shifted my life. During my ketu Mahadasha all earthy things I was connected to the ketu energy forced me to let go of (ketu is the spiritual warrior) During that Mahadasha i was pushed you to evolve spiritually and let go of any attachments holding me back from spiritual transformation it was a dark place for a while but its what sparked my spiritual journey this is when i started learning about different spiritual practices, alchemy, astrology and the occult.all these things happened before I was even aware of vedic astrology but when I look back I see the shifts and how everything aligned with the energy of the specific planet. This is my personal experience i believe I am very sensitive to planetary energies I can feel everything so the experience may be different for everyone some are more connected to tropical (western) astrology and that is ok they both are special and serve a purpose. In the astrology community some argue one of better than the other to me they are important just different. I will admit I feel like it is going to take years of learning for me to understand and comprehend everything in vedic like Nakshatras and all that lol Great post!!!

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What is astrology
I mean my astrology concept is that I am born on 4th may so the movements of planets started affecting me from that tome shaping the path of my life
I dunno actually
How do I know my chart?

Your concept is pretty on point of course there are more details lol. For me personally astrology is not about prediction its about preparation and awareness. It has helped me notice certain trends In my life and have a better understanding of all my life lessons it’s been a guide to help me overcome my weaknesses and know my strengths. When there are certain shifts in my life I know why and can prepare myself for the changes (retrogrades)
A good place for beginners and seeing your Natal chart for the first time is astrocafe they have a good breakdowns and explanations the information can seem overwhelming at first.

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Why lots of laugh🤔
Please watch this sadhguru speech
He has immense knowledge
Myself as a masculine man don’t wanna get affected by planets vibrations
May be it will create a bit resistance, but not that much
My possibilities are unlimited beyond the possibilities of planets create for a Taurus

Sorry hope the lol didn’t offend you I just always think about when I first started learning vedic and I jumped right into it thinking oh I can learn this in a few weeks I didn’t know what I was getting myself into :woman_facepalming:t4: i felt like I was opening pandoras box should have used this emoji :sweat_smile: instead of lol. I like sadhguru yes he does have great wisdom. His teachings do keep me grounded. I always tell others work with the energy and let it flow don’t let it control you or think that it is. I could have decided not to take a sales position out of fear (social anxiety) during my mercury Mahadasha but I trusted the push and somthing told me this experience will better my life. I wasn’t even aware of planetary energies at that time but looking back the mercury energy was very potent in my life and intuitively I worked with it not against it. This is just my personal experience I don’t force this on anyone we all have different paths and I respect that.

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Yes I totally understand this. Sometimes people do get to wrapped up in the details and they start to put limits on themselves. I had that issue for a little bit and I had to ground myself and I look at the big picture and take away major points instead of getting caught up in the details.The planets are teachers and help to guide but ultimately we are the ones in control. As far a the actual zodiac signs that’s would be another discussion I don’t think I can articulate my thoughts without writing a novel and causing confusion so I will zip it on that for now.

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I don’t know why me asking a questions makes you think I am offended.
In my point of view the astrology tells you this general route in life will be easier for you.
For example for a taurus: you will have more sex I guess. I was really a horny kid when I was 9 or 10 I guess. But my brother ain’t.
I was lazy(taurus does not have good financial aspects, cuz I read it somewhere). And other things
But I really am not satisfied with having sex and being a lazy guy
Cuz I never wanna encounter humans, especially a woman from position of weakness. I’ll try my best to reach my goals. Ultimately the purpose is to create stronger vibrations from my brain than the vibrations created by taurus planets
My dad is a legit millionaire
And it has like 4 months which I am independent
Not a penny from him
And he also started by saving little by little
I guess he was a taurus too
And he’s the most primitive and aggressive mehn I know in my whole life
Everyday he had a fight
I am like him but in a much less scale, he’s arrogant
But I aint. I say this because has also sth like a sigma male thing
But I wanna be Alpha and I am Alpha
I got the leadership in a bug society somewhere last night
So yeah
I guess I can influence that

Thank god I never had the interest in it

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I thought it was the lol that offened you not the questions it was a misunderstanding on my part my apologies for the confusion. What many see as their main sign in western astrology is actually there sun sign in your case would be Taurus but there are many aspects in a chart so one Taurus maybe completely different than the other because of the many different placements in the individuals chart. In vedic there are many different chart such as a d1 basic general, d2 focuses on your career wealth and so on there are over 10 different charts that break down each area of life.


It’s getting interesting
But I got other priorities for real
I read somewhere sub is leadership and status
I am born 4th may
I’d love to hear from you about it
If you want