I think the most “real” Alpha thing to do on earth is being elon musk

Hello guyz. I hope I receive some comments on this post.cuz no one gave idea on my last post yet.
Today I sat my goal to joining Elon musk and climbing my way up.
Nothing is impossible I guess. And nothing is better than having a specific which is being space X or tesla CEO. You know, helping humanities big issues. Like energy, ozone and mars colonization.
Ok, bette than that would some yoga and sadhguru things. Bu naaah
I mean as a masculine man
But you know, I also wanna have that dominance
So do you think I can have both dominance and productivity?:thinking:


Dominance and productivity are two qualities i gained through subs so yes its possible.

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You are the arch alchemist
So you have a lot of experience I guess. What about people tending to help you? I mean do they tend to help you more on stark or Khan?
Well if you run stark and don’t have the knowledge of rocket science or electric circuits. People won’t come and help you. You gotta be knowledgeable to get people to help you. Not just being chosen. Because that is shallow. So what I literally say that if you learn and learn and learn. And also have some Khan+components of HOM and inner circle
How would that be ?
Or is it better to exchange khan with stark. Because if it’s the productivity pf the stark, we could get it from QL st4. But if it’s the inspiration. Is Khan able to inspire? Maybe it is
But not with the words of stark. But with the action, resolve, hardwork Khan and productivity of QL besides it
Sprry i talked abit here and there
But you get the gist

So long as you don’t remain stagnant day in and day out; being blown away by the currents of life while on your knees, then yes. Elon Tusk wasn’t always like this. Look up his early days before he became an alpha, dominant, and a leader, or whatever label you wish to use. He was always an intellectual and that’s his primary thing.

Find your own strength, your own passion and what makes you feel alive and work with it


@Phoermes is correct what are your strenghts ?what can you use right now to add value to your life ?

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Well I am also an intellectual
And Being the real Alpha makes me feel alive
I think with subs you get good strength in most of the things. Like elon can have any girl on the planet
And he adds the most value to the world, except SC and some gurus I guess.
And Mars colonization is the best thing to go towards, or solving energy and global warming problems.

One of my good strengths is leadership(I am for real) and also analyzing the human relationship, like it’s a game.

You know I’ve seen celebrities just expressing their admiration to elon
Because he creates physical value. Like the real value
But actors? Naaah
If you wanna succeed, you can’t watch movies all the time.
But you know elon literally is starting a revolution and why should not we join him

Elon Musk is awesome, he deserves to be among the world’s wealthiest men.

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I am so sorry for writing consecutively again
So sorr
I guess I need a punishment to remember next time

He is mehn
He is
He’s the most wealthy now

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Somehow you feel so relatable and close to Elon Musk.

Then you see Mr. Jeff Bezos and his weird cold laugh.

But not Elon, he’s warm, open-minded, talkative, innovative – human!

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What’s funny is his mental age is 300 and 20 at the same time…

His intelligence is like 300… but his sense of humor and personality is 20!

He also looks younger than he is.

Jeff is weird for real😂
I am just laughing when I think of his face and laughter

Jeff who?:rofl:

Elon is the Alpha male of the earth
Like The Alpha of Alphas(in a sense)

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Elon Musk is a joke and I call into question the judgement of anyone who looks up to the guy. If success in public is the only measure you respect then you’ll quickly find yourself living in a world of flashy with no understanding of how to accomplish anything of actual worth.


Thats great so how can you use those skills to create wealth and great relationships.

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Looking up to guyz is not good
But elon joining elon on his service for humanity is the most valuable thing as a masculine man. No doubt on this. Jeff bezos also creates value
Like blue ocean and everything
But his smile is really weired
You know when someone like elon becomes a visionary and inspiring and leading. His jokes become funny. It’s in nature of us humans.
Not all of his jokes are funny to me
But some really are
Like when he told bernie sanders sth like: you know you love me, I guess sth like that
And the joke was from A position of power and It was funny for me as a human

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Leading the space X i guess🤷🏻‍♂️

I call into question the judgement of a person who writes nothing but mockery in a post without any reasoning or rationale whatsoever. :wink:


There’s a lot of how he carries himself that is objectively good, you’re right. I just worry people learn the wrong things from his behavior.

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