I solemnly swear i will not buy another Subclub Program

I solemnly swear i will not buy another Subclub Program until atleast April
I solemnly swear i will not buy another Subclub Program until atleast finishing 30 days Khan ST4
I solemnly swear i will not keep on switching my Stack of Khan & Am
I solemnly Swear I will only complain of no results, if there is no results after 6 months from now
I solemnly swear this may be reconciliatiion


I have not purchased any programs since April and am listening to what I already have.

It is really easy to flit to the next hot thing.


Share your secret:pray::pray:


Khan is a huge program that includes the functionality of AM. I’d just play the first three stages for two months each by themselves and then play stage 4 for three months by itself and then see where you’ve gotten.


I am on a month of Spartan and two weeks of Primal at this point. Before that I ran UA for a bit more than a month by itself and prior to that ran Regeneration by itself for three months.


Personally try a sub that fits your objective and live your life independently of the sub. Eventually you will see how much you changed in a couple of months…!

When we run subliminals we tend to forget how much changing is a slow process. I have so much more control over my thoughs right now that before starting subs… In like 9 months, my confidence improve dramatically, my carefreeness improved like crazy, social intelligence is so much higher than before! And more!

9 months is long…! But I have made way more progress in the last 9 months than in the past 4 years! You can go and try to change as fast as you can without sub… I’ll watch…

What did you do before doing subs? Just keep doing that + a couple of change to turn your life towards what you want!


What has changed for you by running regeneration for three months?

You need to breakdown what you really want. Then run the same stack for 6+ months. Khan is a huge sub and it needs time. I dont believe 4 months are enough to see the complete results of the sub. Some partial sure


Yep, definitly need way more time!

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I’d go even further and say 12 months on Khan ST4 will completely change your life. That’s my plan.


The more you use one sub the deeper and more profound the changes will be. Consistency is the key


What sub do you think contributed most to your increase in social awareness?

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Khan, and primal seduction before that. I was running primal seduction and was paying more attention to social cues.


Couldn’t agree more.

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