I need your opinion for my wealth custom


  • Be world famous and rich fast and safely.
  • Max out on persuasion in all forms (written, real life, audio, video etc).
  • Dominate social media and online businesses.


  1. stark black (become a force of nature)
  2. mogul (find my path for financial abundance in an extremely versatile way)
  3. New wealth experience (just amazing)
  4. furious ascent (I’m risk averse)
  5. way of roi (shortest path to greatness)
  6. mastermind (HOM’s strategical thinking)
  7. truesell (persuasion 101; mixes well wid dragon tongue, sacred words, moment immortalized)
  8. dragon tongue (persuasive speech)
  9. sacred words (persuasive writing)
  10. moment immortalized (master any social media that uses pics or video)
  11. spotlight (owning an internet business removes the disadvantage of being born in a low economy nation)
  12. fenrir (I’m too kind to bad people; safety module)
  13. ebon manuver (standard safety module)
  14. umbra (more safety)
  15. informaticon (your every problem has a solution (in the internet), this module will help u find that solution)
  16. alexandria (This is how an ENTP mind works. Imp module coz of how my mind works)
  17. nomad (leave my country; safety module)
  18. free pass (I am scared of bureaucracy)
  19. ai whisperer (ai is a very powerful ally for ANY business, this module ensures that my entire businesses don’t get replaced by an ai)
  20. Remaining spot: Maybe a result enhancer: yggdrasil?? (what do y’all think?)
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I would leave Stark Black out. Leave Mogul in. Reply make the custom way more stackable with other store titles. Added flexibility for later.

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Hey, thats a pretty cool way of thinking.
I’m gonna keep stark black in, though. So that I’ll only have to stack 2 titles instead of 3 (this custom, stark black and pheonix).
What do you think about Yggdrasil? Or is there an option wid a better fit (looking at other modules)?

Your stack is pretty wealth focused. Stark Black, Mogul, and fantastic module selection.

So… makes me wonder… why add NWE?

All of your titles are already focused on wealth so adding NWE, which is like a filter that makes all your other subs/modules more wealth focused, isn’t doing much if they’re already all wealth focused. Right?

If you remove it, you’re not just removing a module, you’re removing a core, which reduces your stack-density quite a bit.

Use Safety Net instead - great for wealth, I’ve had good success with it

Use Negative Energy Transmutation instead, kind of accomplishes the same goals, but will also be helpful for stress & overall negativity - self inflicted and other-inflicted. Also a great module.

remove this - this is complete fear based thinking and not grounded even in what it is you want to do.

Ultimately, I think your need for “safety” isn’t objective - it’s not safety from the OUTER world that you want… it’s confidence in your INNER world. You’d probably have more success with fearlessness subs than with “Safety” subs.

Your speech will already be VERY persuasive thanks to ASBR

Yggdrasil is an amazing manifestation module - maybe the best one. Go for it.


Thank you!

My thinking is NWE acts as a results enhancer (among other things). As there is very little modules that specifically help in manifestations.

This is very true. I am afraid. But I plan to do “risky” (not immoral or stupid) things to get wealthy fast. I think I will need these safety modules to traverse my journey with ease of mind and efficiency. What do u think?

I did ask in support about this. They said its not necessary. I want to add this coz I will be making another health+emotional healing custom later on. And I want to make sure that my sharp speech is noticeable in my day to day life.

Great! Thanks for your insights.

Yggdrasil for module number 20 makes sense.

Maybe you looked into this one but how about Gloryseeker? Or you chose The Spotlight over it?

Financial Success Reality Shifter module? But you would have to remove one for it.

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Saint did say spotlight or gloryseeker isn’t needed in a Stark black custom. But i’m putting spotlight just so i get that extra focus on being social media famous (coz I’ll be stacking this with a health custom in the future).

I think mogul covers this.

I think remove ebon manuever and umbra, replace that with Safety Net & Furious Ascent & Negative Energy Transmutation

Manifestation modules are: jupiter, divine will, tyrant, current invoker, DEUS, omnidimensional, Void Of Creation, Dominion, intuition enhancer, wheel of creation, mountain breaker. Then there’s wealth manifestation modules… Positive Being Attractor, Financial Success Reality Shifter, Cosmic Wealth, many more.

I think you should also look at Cosmic Navigator for wealth - if you want FAST wealth that’s important.

But more importantly, if you want your custom to hit fast, you should make it smaller, with Pragya and other results-enhancers.

If i reworked your custom it would look like…

  1. stark black (become a force of nature)
  2. mogul (TBH i would switch this to Nouveau RICH but it’s up to you)
  3. furious ascent (I’m risk averse)
  4. way of roi (shortest path to greatness)
  5. Value Proposition (instead of True Sell - better for social media)
  6. sacred words (persuasive writing)
  7. spotlight (owning an internet business removes the disadvantage of being born in a low economy nation)
  8. fenrir (I’m too kind to bad people; safety module)
  9. safety net
  10. negative energy transmutation
  11. informaticon (your every problem has a solution (in the internet), this module will help u find that solution)
  12. alexandria (This is how an ENTP mind works. Imp module coz of how my mind works)
  13. nomad (leave my country; safety module)
  14. free pass (I am scared of bureaucracy)
  15. Yggdrasil
  16. Pragya
  17. Financial Success Reality Shifter
  18. Cosmic Navigator

I tried the main store title. I prefer mogul to NR.

I meant like in this custom (not in the q store). I pick NWE coz it helps wid manifestations and more.

Its a valid solution. But I think I’ll stick with what I chose.

This will be in my other custom.

Now this, I have to think about.

Also, if my module selection seems abit overkill, its coz I want fast wealth AND infinite upside (I want to be world famous). So, I’m balancing quickness of results with depth.

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Enjoy! Just one man’s two cents. You do whatever resonates :pray: :fire:


I see. That makes sense in picking The Spotlight.

I think Mogul covers Financial Success Reality Shifter also. Adding that module makes the effect stronger.

The custom draft seems solid to me. Reasonings for the modules make sense.

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Thank you!

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Ordered. Finally. :star_struck: