I need your help. Thank you in advance!

The ad page for Mogul:

With MOGUL, you’ll quickly begin to experience rapid internal growth (and external results) in every aspect of your life where money and wealth are involved. Be prepared for work superiors to take notice of your increased efforts and productivity. Be ready for long-term wealth generation ideas to suddenly materialize alongside a powerful, positive motivation to bring those ideas to fruition. Prepare yourself for better financial and spending habits, like automatically and effortlessly limiting frivolous purchases and instead routing that money into a business, investment, or other wealth generation vehicle.

Simply put, with MOGUL, you WILL think differently about money and those new thoughts and habits WILL lead you to a debt-free life of wealth and prosperity. MOGUL also contains scripting to help you discover your personal mission and guide you down a path toward generating massive amounts of wealth from that mission. There’s nothing better than doing what you love AND earning money while you do it.

I think Ascended Mogul and Renaissance Man would be exactly what you’re looking for. Ascended Mogul to help guide you to your path, and RM to integrate and synergize your many interests into something useful and profitable

Stark + RICH Ultima.


Ascended Mogul with Limitless or Quantum Limitless based on the subs you have in mind.

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@Gilligan @Ice @hyperbeam

Hey guys thanks for the suggestions!!


I think the best option here is Stark. You wish to learn, create and increase your wealth through creating something on Youtube, in Tech and your family business. You also need to be popular and charismatic to promote yourself. Get Stark first, see how you are after a month. Then you’ll notice you’re lacking/want to enhance a particular area. If you want more money, go for Mogul/Ecstasy of Gold. If you want more learning, add on Limitless/Quantum Limitless. If you want to be more creative and enhance your creative output, add Ultimate Artist. Stark is a broad enough program that it covers all of these, then it’s just a matter of enhancing a certain area. If Renaissance Man attracts you a lot, then having Stark + Renaissance Man seems like a great way to go.

Oh I missed that, among those three I think Renaissance Man and Ascended Mogul is going to be great! Ignore the above paragraph :rofl:

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We’re pretty much back where we were 8 months ago.
Now with YouTube and Renaissance Man.



What can I say… old habits die hard :see_no_evil::rofl:

In all fairness…

  1. In regards to the family business already taking action in the business

  2. In regards to the income streams, YouTube is one stream I want to look into. Also have some investments in the stock market.

  3. IN TECH I wanna do something with block chain

So in the essence of things, it’s 3 steps front and only one step back. :see_no_evil::see_no_evil: @Simon

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In fact Stark & Ascended mogul is my current stack.

I was thinking of replacing Stark with Renaissance Man. But I can see how stark + Renaissance Man makes more sense.


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  • Dragon Reborn to help you go through this and force remain on this path for 4 months (stages).
  • AM to recenter your focus on money (50%) and get your shit together (50%)
  • Dragon Reborn to help you go through this and force remain on this path for 4 months (stages).
  • AM to recenter your focus on money (50%) and get your shit together (50%)

None of this is really difficult or complicated for someone like you, just organisation, time and focus on these subjects.

  • Month 1 with DRST1 & AM + a few Udemy courses for 1&2. After one month you have tackled 1&2. AM help you with (4)
  • Month 2 with DRST2 & AM. You go deeper on 1, 2, 4. And you have momentum + ball rolling
  • Month 3 with DRST3 & AM. You go deeper on 1, 2, 4. You found 3 and 5, you have more momentum.
  • Month 4 with DRST4 & AM. You go deeper on 1, 2, 4, 3 and 5. You are a beast.

Frankly man you are smart enough from what I can read on your posts. Forget the magic mentality. You have a GF, you are going to get married, you dont need Stark.
You will take over your family business at some point, so in order to get there you need AM + DR. Read AM and DR review posts.

Quantum Limitless frankly won’t bring you what you think you need right now. Everything you need to learn you can do it by sitting down and learn. AM will help you. Use an ultima like BLU/LE or whatever.

Bottom line.
You dont need Stark, Renaissance Man, Quantum Limitless. But you need to get focused, organised. Put dates on your calendar, organise your learning.


Hey bro!! This sort of feels like you just read my mind… I’m really intrigued by this statement.

Can you please elaborate a bit on this please?

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Quantum Limitless is about becoming brighter to a QUANTUM level. Is it what you want FIRST? Or do you want day to day focus that can be handled by a BLU/LE?

Because you’ve started your first post with :

For the second point:
You are in university from what I understood, doing a bachelor or a master. So you are in the top 15% people in the world. You know how to read and learn academic stuff. So academic intelligence is not your issue. Learning Blockchain and Youtube monetisation has been explained to death on Youtube. You can find GREATLY organised courses on Udemy. You browse one hour on Udemy, you can find the best courses for your subjects of interest. You create a new Udemy account and you have each of them at 13$. You have been through formal education so your brain is used to understand different subjects, providing that you put the hours to go through everything.

For the first point:
Your issue seems to be to clear the fog and remain focused in one path. Right now you want several things and you dont really know which one would resonate with you. And you’ve been there for a good while : indecision, subs switching etc.

AM and Emotional Healing could fix that.
Having a focused stack help you remain on a focused path which is for you:
Removing blockage (AM+DR) + getting your shit together (AM+DR) + make money (AM).

You can use DR or you can create your one stages with what you have.
Month 1 with LDU + AM,
Month 2 with Elixir U + AM,
Month 3 with Rebirth U + AM,
Month 4 with RICH + AM

I dont know which stack you are listening to now, but you may also consider that you are in a


that pulls you away of what you are running now.
Put a good hour on Udemy to find the good courses for what appeal to you and just go through them. That’s the easiest way.

yeah @mecharc maybe it is reconciliation.
@Simon reco was back then to stay on AM.
stay on AM with no other stuff but maybe emotional healing…


Hey Bro!! Thanks! for the detailed explanation.

You make a lot of sense. With everything, you have said!

I’ll tell you what about Quantum Limitless I am really interested in - The ability to run models and simulations in my head and process data in my head quickly to make decisions and visualize outcomes etc.

but you are right! I do need to improve my focus and discipline. That is most important.

I guess this might be reconciliation after all.

As for my Possible Stack, I can’t afford DR now. But I have Regeneration, Elixr, LDU, RIch.

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I’m glad to hear that. :hugs:

I linked to that reply because I saw a similar lack of Focus / Prioritization.

The goals in the OP are super-vague. They range from “unworthy of even being thought of as a goal” to "dude, have you given even 10 minutes to think this through?!"

“Learn Blockchain Development” is like a side-project college kids do in the evenings or weekends.

“Do something big” doesn’t mean anything. Hell, these days even Tech doesn’t mean anything. You studied Economics, maybe you mean FinTech. :joy:

“Monetizing YT” is bloody long and serious game. Going viral could require making 100s of videos; and a need to be proficient in ideas generation, script writing, video editing, voice acting (optional), and whatever else.
If you can only make fewer videos, you’ll probably need to advertise and buy those views.
If you invest in getting this work done from other people, then it will take even more money for the effort to be profitable.
What does it take to get one of those Skillshares and Surfsharks to sponsor a video? 100,000 subscribers at least, I think!
And how fragile is that income? VERY! A few haters, three copyright strikes, and your channel is deleted. :man_facepalming:t2:


Without planning a time scale, and being specific, it doesn’t matter what you stack.

My first ever significant reply to you mentioned Alice in Wonderland.
Your opening post is like Alice asking the Cheshire Cat which way to go.



Alas…After 2 years of My sub journey. I am back to square 1 after all

I still lose focus very easily @Simon @Psiklou I really need to fix that first and foremost.


The best advice I can give you is pick one title such as Ascension and go 6 months with it solo.

It will guide you to make your own decisions and lead your own path using reasoning and logic. :blush:


I think you already got some good ideas here.

I think what would be more important is deciding on a plan and staying with that plan for 90 days minimum. Follow the recommended guidelines for listening to subliminals for 90 days. None of this listening to 10 loops a day. None of the skipping rest days. None of this jumping from one subliminal to another. No experimenting with this and that and whatever. Create a plan and stay with it for 90 days within the recommended guidelines.

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The problem with your advice is that mecharc has a history of being all over the place and is very far away from using reasoning and logic. I also expect mecharc to be both indolent and a time waster. Couple that with a flawed ideology and it is no wonder that they flounder.

Simon is right, it’s just the same old shit, nothing has changed and there has been no action.

Mecharc lacks a backbone, does nothing and has no money.

The solution is AM for a year (as an absolute minimum, possibly for as long as five years).

This will make mecharc feel less like a loser, ie give him a spine, allow him to actually start to do things even if it’s only working as a machine operator on one of his fathers plastics machines and lead him to think about saving money.

The coalescence of all three will allow mecharc to recognise progress and to continue along this path without any of the nonsense we have already seen.


Ok, I am more than happy to give you a fair chance…

Ok, detail what action has been taken, who came up with the idea and who is in charge for seeing it implemented?

Why YT. Is it because you have a genuine desire to get a message out or have you been seduced by watching other peoples and you like the supposed lifestyle they portray? Also you need to brush up on your english language skills if you want serious people to treat you seriously which you will do if you want to become rich. And I will not accept that English is a second language, you took it at school and it is only intellectual laziness and this intellectual laziness is part of your overall problems of why you are where you are. Why the SM? Again is it because you have been seduced by the money for nothing lifestyle or are you genuinely interested in it? About four months ago I tipped ATD-B.TO. (somewhere on here). It is up 20%. How, is the question you need to ask yourself.

Again why, seduced by the lure of easy money because it’s in the news or genuine interest?

So, in essence is it REALLY three steps forward.

Have YOU, mecharc actually taken three steps forward, ie actually taken action in three areas? For the last two you have only been daydreaming, haven’t you. As for the first item, how about supplying some details to the questions I asked above.


@remarkable hey bro, thanks for the tough love!

It’s true. I am indeed time waster. I try to put my hands too many things at the same time instead of focusing on one. when I hit a small road block in any of those set of things, I move to a completely new set of things and start things all over, only until the next roadblock. Net result = hours wasted.

Moreover, In the truest sense, I don’t have a spine to jump into the ocean and swim my way through.i keep on justifying this spinelessness to myself with bullshit excuses of my current life situation.

Every passing day I’m wasting my potential, doing many different things but not pushing to the end line, hence getting no where. Because, the moment I realise : “this won’t be revolutionary/profitable”, my mind completely switches off focus. And justifies itself to find new stuff to do

I work really hard, but to no avail in the end.

I need to focus in the right thing and maintain the focus through and through.

Although, One thing that has changed in me since I started subs is that, I’m not a people pleaser anymore.


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