I created a terminus squared custom without thinking

Basically Im new to sub club but Ive been in the sub /field game for 3 years now

I made a custom and clicked terminus squared without thinking or doing research because im impulsive and i didnt realise Terminus doesnt necessarily mean stronger :skull:

Wtf should I do? Am i gonna stone wall? I only have 2 cores and 8 modules tbf so not the worst but still. I did 2 loops yesterday and i feel fine mentally but a bit of headache thats it lol

Silly me for not researching!! Hahah

You did x2 15 minutes? Well first thing you can improve is starting with micro loops.

Just do 1-2 min of listen and take a rest next day or two (experiment and find out which one feels better)


Indeed I did and im feeling like im on top of the world !! (except for the headache lol)

Ill try 1 to 2 minutes for sure man but will that even be effective. I was thinking of just doing 1 loop

Try and see it for yourself but there are many reports on this forum that microloops works like a magic. (faster results, less recon etc.)

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thanks bro

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Also don’t forget to dring alot of water and if possible spent some time out in the nature. That might help with headaches.

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Is there anyway to downgrade the subliminal? I heard Terminus squared isnt the best for results and its expirmental…

Never built a Terminus Squared but maybe @Lion can tell.


i feel so stupid bro, why didnt i througholy research it dam

Well think of it as a long term invesment i guess :grimacing: You can still listen the custom for life.

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Yeah I built one ZP Terminus once. But it was too much for me even running it once a week. So stopped playing it.

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oh god…

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The thing is i feel mentally fine . just got a headache thats all… Dam!!

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Hmm. I think you can “downgrade” your custom to standard ZP using the Discount link. It will be 50 usd.

Must admit am not entirely sure but it should be possible logically speaking.

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should i just tough it out? Maybe ill get some amazing results, ive already paid 149 dollars for the terminus squared aswell so …

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you should submit a support ticket about this so the staff sees this

They usually respond within a week


Try it for a cycle and see how it works for you. But do follow the instructions for ZPT2.

Start with one loop once or twice a week though. This format is strong and there is good chance you will overload and stonewall if you run it too frequently.

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can i not do micro loops of like 30 seconds every 2 days instead bro?

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That would work I guess. Am not an expert on microloops but yeah it should be fine.

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for custom 1-2 min is better imo.