I Am Known - Commander Limit Destroyer Stark

Began my first cycle of Chosen, Limit Destroyer and Emperor in this order. I listen to all three of them at one go, 3 or 5 minutes each. My schedule is one day on (3 minutes), one day off, then one day on (5 minutes), probably two days off, and repeat.

Before this stack I did shortly Limit Destroyer, Stark and Emperor (2 weeks+ then 9-day washout). I didn’t listen to all of them at one go, my schedule was 7 minutes LD+Stark one day, then day off, then 7 minutes LD+Emperor, then day off. Yet as I continued this stack, I felt like the stack was pushing back against me. I wanted to hold on to that stack since Stark worked on me faster than Emperor, yet the recon was quite potent and persistent. Before long I realized that I had to drop either Emperor or Stark.

I felt like both Emperor and Stark brought me both good effects and less stellar effects. When it came to choosing between them, it was akin to a trade off, my focus became on what kind of side effects I was willing to handle in order to obtain the positive manifestations.

Emperor for me was quite grounding, to the point I’d say bordering inflexible.

  • I’d say the not so stellar effects was it enhanced the serious/introvert side of me; I was quite reserved, no small talk, and had little facial expression.
  • My thinking and behavior were one track and straightforward. I could be quite boring, and intense.
  • I also felt like it could be quite harsh and unsophisticated when pushing me to do something I didn’t feel like doing; It pushed me out of my comfort zone but it seemed to pay no mind if it was a cliff in front of me.
  • I got irritated more frequently yet the good side was, paradoxically, I was in control of my emotions, and by extension my reactions. I was used to got carried away by my emotions, so it was eye opening to me that one day when I got angry I had this voice asked me “What exactly are you angry at? Why the what makes you so angry?” and as soon as these were asked my anger subsided. That never happened before.
  • The physical shifting aspect was also working quite well, my voice was deeper, my body shape was also improving (I ran it for three cycles though never solo)

Stark on the other hand enhanced the extrovert side of me.

  • I was more talkative, more smiley, more flexible, more nature to be in touch of my feelings.
  • I felt that Stark indeed helped improve my cognition; I was more big picture thinking, made associations more effectively, and more deductive.
  • People responded to me better than Emperor.
  • The flip side was I was more anxious, less stable, more violable. Even though I drew a sound reasoning, my emotions refused to accept it.
  • The deep voice I got from Emperor disappeared like that.

Now back to Chosen. I ran it once so far. I don’t know if this counted as perspective shift but Chosen unexpectedly brought up the disquiet concerning death/dying combined with the reflection on what’s important in life. When listening to the stack I felt quite hopeful during the run (it might be because I primed my mind with AsC before the stack). Yet soon after the followings happened:

  • Suddenly had a serious reflection on what and how I’d react when facing death’s door.
  • I had this deep sense that my struggles against materialistic stuff/wealth were petty and off target. As in a disappointed voice asked a rhetorical question “Out of all the important things/misfortunes in your life/in this world that is what you focus on?”

The above lasted no more than 10-15 minutes, then I was reverted back to my carnal self.


Second loop of CZP, LDZP and EZP, 3mins each.

*Felt good during the listening.
*My mind liked Emperor quite a lot, wanted more of it and found it hard to imagine dropping it. This happened occasionally during the previous cycles too.
*For a moment or two I was more comfortable with who I am. I tend to think I ain’t quick witted, not smart, easily fall prey to traps etc. But during those moments I made peace that I wasn’t a strategic nor mastermind type of guy, and was okay to be simple and straightforward.
*I don’t know if it is Chosen or I was having recon with RICH in previous cycles, but so far I feel like Emperor isn’t as boring or harsh as I remembered it to be.

Ran 5mins each of Chosen, LD and Emperor, and full AsC.

I found that, intuitively, running AsC before the stack seems to be better than after. When I ran it before the stack, my mind was more silent and more susceptible to both AsC and the stack. When I ran it after, my mind wandered and I found it hard to guide my attention to the manifestations I wanted.

I don’t know what it is but when it comes to Emperor, it seems to bring the opposite of reconciliation on me. I am not talking about external manifestation or manifestation at all. I am talking about being addicted to it. I tried substituting HoM for it the past few days but had this pull/urge to go back to Emperor. The same pull also happened when I was deciding to either keep Stark or Emperor in my previous cycle (when I against my intuition and went with Stark against my intuition, the urge of stop listening to all subs hit me). In short, I can’t bear to drop Emperor lol

I am pretty sure it is the effects of the whole stack-I am slowly accepting myself as I am. I tried listening to HoM again because I wanted to be more likable, more clever, more prepared, more skillful, more tactful etc. Irl, I come across as direct, blunt and unsophisticated. There seems to be a gap between who I am and what other see me. When I was being open, people didn’t appreciate it. When I was being sincere, girls thought I was flirting or hitting on them. I missed a few opportunities because I answered the questions too honestly. Yet with the help and support of the stack I am beginning to feel good about myself. I felt it quite strongly when I was listening to the subs, that I am unique and I know there are people out there value me for who I am. There are opportunities out there that are fitting for me and just for me.

I asked AsC and the stack to guide or reveal to me what and how I should move forward and an answer popped up. I have no related experience to that so I am gonna research into that. Wish me luck🤞

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Big like for that title!
Will follow your journal, seems like an interesting stack. Success with it!

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Ran the whole stack 15 minutes each (and a couple minutes of AsC) by accident due to running them in ultrasonic, something came up and got my full attention. Yet because of this I found the followings:

  • I finally got the grounding/steadfast effect of Chosen I read in reviews. Around an hour or so later, many of my wandering, bordering obsessive thoughts vanished.
  • The obsessive thoughts likely came from Emperor. What I experienced was obsessive thoughts :arrow_right: Take action :arrow_right: Productivity. It would work great if one had a clear intention and that intention was within his control. Yet if it wasn’t the case, I for example would “busy” myself with unnecessary stuff or my mind would be filled with all kinds of scenarios or imagination.
  • 3, 5, or 7 minutes listening time might be a great idea for easing someone to a new sub but I began to wonder about the long time trade off compared to full 15 minutes. The good sides of 3, 5 or 7 minutes are i. There isn’t overload even though I listened to three subs (four including AsC) back to back; ii.The processing is more active as far as dreaming as an indicator. The trade off seems to be i. Compared to the full version It took more days for the same effects to raise up; ii. Once the rhythm was off, e.g. from 15 mins to less, the previous effects diminished, and had difficulty picking up.

I said all this because

  • I never felt the grounding effect of Chosen until I listened to it fully even though I ran it, 3 or 5 mins, for close to a cycle.
  • The wonderful nofap effect of Limit Destroyer (I ran it fully for a cycle previously) was gone (during a long washout) and hadn’t come back since; again I ran it 3 or 5 mins close to a cycle.
  • It took almost two 3, 5 or 7 mins cycle for the effect of Emperor to reach the previous level.
  • 3 or 5 mins House of Medici worked fast as for a day or two I looked up investment resource (though the interest easy come easy go) but I had listened to the Q2 version of it for quite awhile.

Since I listened to the whole stack fully, I am gonna take a slight early washout (maybe 5 days maybe 7 days). For the next cycle I may go back to the full 15 mins listening pattern.


2nd day of washout.

Had been contemplating to get Wanted yesterday. I barely gave attention to it since it was no related to my situation or goal but I felt like shaking things up. The attractive egotistic bad boy (that’s how I understand Wanted) archetype seemed fun and freeing. Was quite close to pull the trigger but then Chosen stopped me. Just like the very first time I listened to Chosen, a disappointed voice/thought asked me “you should be/have been casting your sight upward, why do you wanna reverse into that, why do you out of all things desire such a corporeal thing”. As soon as that happened a huge part of my attraction towards Wanted turned into indifference. Though a small part said “maybe”.

Before I listened to Chosen I had imagined that it would bring back the better part of me that I either lost or hid because of life. Yet never did I foresee it would work in such a spiritual way.

Edit: feeling a desire to listen to LD and Emperor but not Chosen. Also the desire to get Wanted lingers.


Finished my washout one day early. Did a full loop of Chosen and Emperor. Thinking the schedule of this cycle may be 15mins each CZP+EZP, day off, 15mins each LDZP+EZP, day off, and repeat.

I know “feeling” is not an accurate benchmark for the effectiveness of a sub but still I can’t help but think Chosen+Emperor isn’t “the” stack for me.

*About a few minutes listening to Chosen I began to get slightly irritated out of nowhere.
*Soon after the stack was played I rebuked myself for not listening to LDZP+EZP instead.
*My rigidness to decision or thinking came back. Last cycle I was okay with swapping one sub to another during the cycle. Now I felt like I had to take another washout in order to start afresh to the LDZP+EZP stack.
*Being rigid was how I was in general during the previous cycles, except the last one. I can only attribute that to either I had been recon/overloaded or the residual effect of StarkZP, which reviews show help one be more flexible/open minded.
*The grounding effect of Chosen is less available. Once again my mind speculates but it isn’t as bad as it used to be.
*Overall I am in an intense mode.

It is too early to draw a conclusion; there are variable factors to determine the right subs and the right listening schedule. The factors so far are

*The effect of 3, 5, 7 minutes was very diluted, yet 15 minutes seemed to bring noticeable recon/overload.
*It might be having 3 subs was too much for me.
*I might have a peculiar issue with @Fire’s style of scripting. Both Stark and Chosen are written by him and the effects of them were quick acting for me, then something started to push back. In contrast to Emperor and LD, it took awhile to the effects to be noticeable but there was slight to no push back.

(@SaintSovereign can you comfirm if you wrote Emperor and Limit Destroyer?)

Would you please enter a support ticket for this?

@RVconsultant I feel like only submitting a ticket when I absolutely have to as I don’t wanna burden the ticket support system; saint mentioned that they already receive many trivial tickets daily.

What I am gonna do is limiting my stack to two subs, listen to them full loop each, then take two rest days, and repeat to see what happens.

Listened to full loop of Ascension Chamber, Chosen and Emperor in that order. Will take two rest days.

Maybe it’s AsC priming the mind, or maybe it was because of the lower volume of the sound, so far I haven’t experienced the previous reconciliation.

The grounding effect of Chosen is nowhere near when I listened to the full ultrasonic version of the subs accidentally. A slight anxiety came and went, thoughts still wandered occasionally. Good thing is I am feeling less rigid overall.

Since I listened to Chosen, I slowly re-picked up some spiritual practices, especially this cycle. I started meditation, I read religious/spiritual books that I got long time ago but never really finished.

During meditation I got green light from subconsciousness to listen to full loop of all three subs on my next on day given that I take two rest days. I am gonna listen to them in ultrasonic to see if I could replicate the previous results. For some reason I got really excited about this during the meditation and was really looking forward for my next listening lol


Have had a headache the past few days. It’s not caused by subs, I think I caught something, but my stubbornness to listen to the whole stack in ultrasonic seemed to exacerbate it. I am gonna turn the rest days into a washout. Will start the cycle when the headache is gone.


I began to notice how the conscious guidance works in Ascension Chamber. Whatever thoughts I had when I was listening to AsC, it took it as my intention and would inspire me accordingly. Since I unambiguously defined the framework and meditated to them, I was inspired to listen to Stark, Commander, and Limit Destroyer.

I pair either LD or Commander with Stark, e.g. listen to CDZP+SZP, two days off, LDZP+SZP, two days off, and repeat.

Previously, I found the advantages of Stark were also paradoxically the disadvantages of it. I liked the “airiness” of it; it made me more playful, more open minded, and my thinking and actions were more flexible/adoptable, which once again presents in this cycle. The disadvantages were it lacked grounding, my mind was floating to all directions depended on my emotions. Not to mention deep down I had this resistance towards fame (I dislike attention and inherently speaking I am more shy than not). Yet maybe it was the residual effect of Chosen or it was AsC helping me harmonize the divergence within, I now welcome Stark, and fame with acceptance. Once I overcame this resistance, listening to Stark so far brought me no recon.

With Commander adding to the stack, I feel good knowing that it supplements Stark with its iron frame (I don’t mean the module), enhanced executive functioning, e.g. no longer overthink, and power within/self assurance.

Limit Destroyer never disappoints. It does work better once I followed @Tobyone 's advice on identifying specific limitations that I wanted to remove. While before I just assumed it would work automatically on whatever limitations related to the archetype/wealth subs paired with it.


The thought of dropping Commander and LD for Chosen had come up a few times the past few days. It’s too early to tell since I only ran Commander a couple of times and there were always a 5 day gap in between, so far unlike Chosen, Commander hasn’t provided enough alpha punch as I had hoped it to be.

The thing about Chosen for me is when I used it I had this high standard of being and disliked greatly material goals. It reminded me the time when pureness wasn’t even good enough for me and I strived for holiness. I couldn’t imagine how I could resonate Chosen with material goals, It horrified me to see it being used for sales, for attentions, for personal gains. I guess I didn’t and still don’t know how to be in this world but not of this world.

The place where I did summer intern years ago called me out of the blue, the odd thing was all they wanted was for me to send them my updated resume if I was willing. Definitely Stark manifestation.

During the 2 rest days/bloom of LD, I had this meta realization-relying on subs itself is a limitation including the reliance on LD itself. I spent so much time and mental resources on deciding which subs would be in my stack to the point where dropping a sub made me feel like losing abilities/manifestations related to that sub, and only would I gain other abilities/manifestations by adding another sub. If this was a real life relationship it would be clear as a day that it wasn’t healthy. Unfortunately the realization only lasted awhile, by that I mean I feel like I know of it but no longer know it. Hence back to the beginning of this post where I needed the alpha punch from Commander.

Already on a washout as I had recon/overload (honestly at this point I don’t know nor care about the difference) largely due to my poor eating diets and sleeping schedule. On a related note, my appetite increases, and I think it’s got to do with the processing of subs.

Have had been thinking to drop and/or pick up subs that are not related to my goals or lifestyle. Random subs aside, it’s down to choosing between Chosen and LD+Commander.

I feel that Commander (and maybe Stark) slowly helps me to be more selfish. It’s quite striking one day I just had this sense that its okay for me to be selfish, its okay for once to say screw all and put myself first. As long as I remember I always put others first, maybe its more fair to say I always put myself last. It could be something as innocent as always letting other kids go first to pick up candies or colors and me being left with whatever leftover I disliked even though I did want certain candies or colors. Or me giving up positions and opportunities for the sake of another person. Really it was beyond low self esteem, it’s like I was invisible to me.

Stark brings up lots of old negative memories/impressions. A scene here, a sentence there. I kinda expected this would happen on cognitive subs. In order to be smarter or more quick witted, cognitive subs would enhance the connections and by extension associations in the mind. Just think of Eddie in Limitless, not only does he learns new stuff smoothly, he recalls the stuff he learnt years ago as a foundation. How does one recall? Via memories, impressions. When I let go Emperor and picked up Stark instead, I told myself that I accepted it as it came; I am not resisting this aspect of Stark, however there’s no denying it’s unfortunate and uncomfortable.

Gave in to nudge of listening to Chosen. The day after listening to it I was actually pessimistic, all is lost, what’s the point kinda of pessimism. Yet today a thought of forgiveness towards myself just came to me out of nowhere. I realized all the things I regretted ashamed upset of, the things I held against myself for so long were okay - I was just a dumb kid making dumb decisions resulted in my life being in a dumpster fire; I didn’t know what I know now, I didn’t understand what I understand now, I didn’t see what I see now. The veil was finally being lifted and that’s all that matters.

Still on washout, aiming to make it pass 14 or more days. Why, because I want my brain/mind to be at its most refreshing/optimal condition for my custom😝 Yes I ordered my very first custom🥳 super looking forward to it!

I don’t know if it is due to me taking multivitamin or if my brain has been processing subs but during this long washout, my dreams are more active; easily have two or more dreams each night. Some were in my face spelling out hidden issues of mine for me. A few were more fiction-y but more nightmarish.

The reviews on the new Emperor test zp are evilly tempting. Not only because I am gonna stick only to my custom but also because of I had to pick Stark over it. Let’s be clear I liked Emperor quite a lot actually, I’d say more than Stark in fact. The inner game of E was good for me, but I noticed I had to work harder for the outer manifestation. Contrast to Stark which the inner game is quite so-so but things just seem to go my way more without me trying too hard. The analogy I could think of was heavyweight vs lightweight boxing; E is the heavyweight one, you are bigger stronger but so is your competition; S is the lightweight one, you may lack the size or mass but so is your competition.