How to write good affirmations

Hello everyone,

In order to maximise my time and bring results faster to me, I am using visual subliminal softwares on my computer to complement the listening that I do. I have heard writing affirmation with one’s own name helps to speed up the process. So I wanted to check with people if there is any way I can improve the way I write my affirmations. I would for example write:
X is extremely wealthy and rich (where X is my name)
X is extremely motivated to take action everyday
X is the ultimate alpha male and everyone agrees
Now I have heard of many methods. Some people would say you should write in a transient state (e.g. X is getting richer by the day or X is getting smarter and smarter everyday)
There are also people who say that affs should be written in the past tense (e.g. X has obtained all the job offers he wanted). And of course the most popular seems to be writing in the present tense.
What do you guys suggest should be done? Also do you think putting the visual messages for 10ms is OK or too fast? My software says 10ms is subconscious range and I can barely see what is written at this speed (which I suppose is good)

I wouldn’t do this and run our titles at the same time. Speeding up results is easy – just take action toward your goals and watch everything fall into place.

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I know it is very tempting and I admit I have considered it myself. But I agree you probably shouldn’t add in more subliminal messages, even if they come in through a different sensory medium. If you could write them exactly like SubClub, it might work. But since you can’t, there’s no saying how they would interact.

There’s no harm in visualizing your goals at least once a day though. Or writing out your affirmations by hand (in which case, “I am” statements are usually best) at the start of your day. This keeps you aligned with your goals and supports the subliminals.

I haven’t started them yet

I haven’t started the ones on here yet, because I am finishing on others

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