How To Use Subliminal Club Products To Make BIG Money

I have/had to primary pathways to income

Retainer for being a consultant monthly for one company.
Freelance marketing work through one company but with many different clients/projects

On Emperor I quadrupled my monthly earnings for a year through working harder, taking on more opportunities and responsibilities, offering my own ideas, and being trusted to execute them and sell clients on them. The pathway to the increase in money was through freelance work. I pushed for everything, I made everything happen, I worked 12 hour days etc.

On Ascended Mogul I worked really hard for the job I have on retainer, and then with no real leverage other than showing up impeccably, I negotiated to double my retainer. It was too low before but I hadn’t done that in a couple of years, even on Emperor.

On HOM- I randomly fell into brokering medical sales and came extremely close on many occasions to closing on deals with commissions in the $500,000+ range. I made some money, but the big deals never fell through and I stopped running that sub.

Since I’ve stopped running wealth/work subs my income is cruising but stalled and my mindset around money has detoriated greatly. So will be resuming those soon.

To summate sharing what I learned about making $ with SC products

  1. Run Emperor if you are in a structure where you can increase your earnings through autonomous efforts.
  2. Run Ascended Mogul if you are in a structure where you can increase your earnings through recognition, promotion.
  3. Run HOM if you are in any field that has sales, brokering, acquisition, deal-making/deal evaluation.

I have not run or found a sub that works well, given my current experience, skillset, and propensities, for building my own business or pathways from the ground up.


For me,

RICH is good at attracting clients. It just attracts random or unpredicted money making and saving opportunities.

I have my job plus 1 additional path set up. With RICH, I got 3-4 people expressing interest in that additional path. Thing is, that’s not really what I want to do. So as I see it, it’s on me.

My first task was to clarify what I want and then set it up. It’s not a big deal. But it does require some movement and refinement. For this part, I think that MOGUL is the right choice. I’m working on that now.


I’m sort of in the same situation as you, though getting enough work for the freelance portion is becoming more difficult than ever.

Been wondering whether I should dial down to Ascended Mogul ZP when it is ready.

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my problem with emperor is i do NOT want any of the sexual and non money related aspects right now.

seems like a bad move to choose emperor if your only goal is money since your brain is then wasting resources on processing the sexual aspects of the product that you have no interest in.

and my understanding is that the money benefits from emperor come from mogul and limitless which it contains so i think if money is the only goal then its best to just run mogul and limitless instead of emperor.

I think you need something like beyond limitless in your stack.

I think the improved problem solving ability of such a product is key for big money fast.

the fact that you had the best results with emperor which contains limitless also provides more evidence that my thinking is correct.

I can attest that the sex scripting in Emperor does NOT detract from the wealth drive in the slightest… unless you want it to. But if that’s a concern, run Mogul or Ascended Mogul.


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that seems very very unlikely maybe even impossible.

if its in the product it must be doing something but maybe you are just not aware of it. maybe the effect is on a subconscious level.

seems highly unlikely if not impossible it would have 0 effect.

Why thank you for telling me that what I experience personally is “impossible”…

I didn’t say it has no effect, I said it does not detract from the wealth drive.


If you invest the time to read threads and Emperor journals, you will discover that no one felt like their brain is wasting resources on processing the sexual aspects of the product.

With this thread … are you trying to …
… confirm what you already believe / think,
… get feedback from others’ experiences, or
… give unsolicited advice?

I don’t feel clear.

Sorry for however I may be coming across with the above.



I feel compelled to clarify this comment to make sure i do not end up discouraging people unintentionally.

first, I have lucked into amounts as high as $10 000 USD with pretty much no effort or work while using Rich.

I want to specify this because while that is definitely NOT life changing money for me at all, it would be for some people so i do not want people thinking when i say it has not generated life changing money that im talking about amounts like $100-$200 USD.

Secondly, please keep in mind that almost all my testing of Rich has been along with beyond limitless. my routine was to alternate between them every day before work. so its entirely possible that some of these lucky money windfalls where caused/helped by beyond limitless. Especially since i have also lucked into amounts in the thousands while running beyond limitless solo.


I am curious, what are you doing for work?


i thought it would be a good idea to revive this discussion now that more money products have come out.

anyone have anything new to add when it comes to making big money?


You didn’t answer @friday , after reading your thread I’m curious about that too

He works in fintech.


For me Ascended Mogul + Limitless we’re game changers, I got my first six figure job (I work in Cloud Computing) which I invested into my startup that once sold made me the first millionaire in my family but subs honestly help if you actually work towards your goals of making money. Like just by listening to them you won’t make a lot of money with action which some think is possible (Very unlikely).


Well it really depends how you manifest things and what your goals are… I’ve had thousands fall into my lap thanks to RICH the past few month

I can only imagine what a T or T2 version of Rich wwould do used alongside EoG and Emperor or other titles like it. The other things that matter are what streams of revenue you have to work with… if you only have 1 job and no other way to make money it will be limited.

Yeah but you still worked you know? Like what I’m trying to say is if your just sitting at home doing nothing/sleeping you won’t just wake up with 100k out of nowhere if that makes sense. You have to do something at least to make it happen.


Well actually it had nothing to do with my job it literally fell into my lap lol. One day my dad said he found some money hidden and gave me like 1k for nothing lol

But i agree to an extent … if you have no avenues of wealth what so ever it will be harder to see results from something like RICH or any of the Wealth Subliminals

Okay fine you prove me wrong nevermind then :wink:

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I don’t think it proved you wrong to be honest i think it just gave a little twist in what you are saying since while i didn’t have to work for that at all… I still had an avenue open for money to come in through

Obviously the chances of some stranger giving me 1k for nothing even with manifesting powers of the universe is going to be very hard to make happen