How to use Beast Within and Beast Unleashed

Hi All
I’m going to run the following stack for the next months: Emperor, Spartan Apex Warrior and Limitless. Now I stumbled upon the Beast Within and Beast Unleashed. They are appealing to me because I have some problems with recovery after workouts and running (I’m 46 and are not willing to accept it as a sign of age). From the description on the sales page it is not clear to me if running this two subs also counts against the stack. And what if I do more workouts than only every other day? How do I use this two subliminals correctly? Because it states that you should use it before (Beast Unleashed) and after (Beast Within) or even during the workout (Beast Unleashed). Any thoughts?

Both Beast Within and Beast Unleashed can be used as more rapid acting subliminals – Beast Within after a workout and Beast Unleashed before. Try not to overload your subconscious however, as these will increase the amount your subconscious has to process.

Our revolutionary title that you play before / during your workouts. The Beast Unleashed will get you in the zone every single time and allow you to give your maximum every time, and then go even beyond with perfect focus, more endurance and increased strength.

Spartan Apex Warrior has improved recovery time.

Beast Within and Beast Unleashed are complete subliminals, and I’m pretty sure they count in the stack. There is no reason to believe otherwise.

If recovery is something you really want extra emphasis on, then it might be worth running Spartan Apex Warrior for 1 cycle and swapping it with Beast Within. It might be better, you never know. Everyone responds differently to different subliminals.

The peri-workout strat is just an option given the rapid acting effect. You can still run the subliminal normally. The main thing is not overloading your subconscious mind.

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They are going to be getting an upgrade very soon.


Would’ve been nice if you could use them like pre and post shakes, before gym to give you that boost/burst in energy and during/after for recovery.