How to deal with a fear of darkness and monster?

You don’t need to do anything.

It’s like a song stuck in the head. It’ll go away automatically.

Maybe binge watch some cartoons or movies, if you want to speed up the process.



I had a fear of ghosts and the dark from when I was a kid after watching some horror movies like Child’s Play and Evil Dead.

I still had this same fear until I ran Elixir + Regeneration. I wasn’t intending to heal from that when I ran this stack but I noticed that I started to go into dark rooms without switching on the lights. After one month of running this, I was 90% okay. DR healed the rest of it.

Right now the dark has no power over me. There’s only the normal fears now. Nothing obsessive.


first I would run a program from the main shop and after enough time I would build a custom with a core of the program and add modules for a long run.

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Thanks God I added Steadfast module into a custom I’m going to run today. I will learn more about Sanguine and Spartan. Thank you!

yeah, some part of my rational mind tells me the same. thank you! :wink:

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I’m glad you got rid of the fear. I will probably try DR + Sanguine, or Regeneration +
The Elixir first and then DR + Sanguine. thank you, Lion!

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This is from my personal journal this morning. Not sure if it will be useful to you.

Wisdom involves continuous deepening of familiarity with the drivers and shapers of perception.

The challenge is that what are most apparent and compelling are, instead, the objects and projections of perception.

You “see” the lion. You do not “see” your adrenaline.

To say it another way: remember that fear always involves a mixture of something happening Outside, and also somethings happening Inside. Because of how we’re set-up, our attention usually goes mostly to the Outside parts.

But if you can learn to work with the Inside part, it makes a big difference.

For me, the methods mentioned by @Palpatine and @Simon (they’re actually pretty much the same method) usually help a lot.

Also, another way of putting it: Change your body state, and use that to change your mind state.

Exercise and breathe deeply. Go for a walk or run. Go dancing. Listen to happy music or sad music. Whatever. Just get the gears turning inside. Your mind and body are processing constantly and they’re already working to deal with the experience you had.

The little suggestions we’re offering you on this thread are just ways to support your mind and body in what they’re already doing naturally. And they’re ways of ‘getting out the way’ so that the process proceeds with optimal smoothness and ease.



Its very easy to deal with your problem.

First you need to understand that it’s your mind that’s making this scenarios.

Second thing is, if it’s your mind you have control over it because it’s not an attack from outside yourself. Or let’s say you can develop control over it to the point it dissolves in seconds

Now the fun part begins

Imagine you have a sword that destroys every evil. Picture this sword clearly in your mind and then write in letters of light on the blade: evil Destroyer.

Then go to the toilet at night and let the monsters come and then slay the Motherfucker, slay them all, your the fucking master, make yourself bigger than any monster, stomp on it squash them kill them with your hands, burn them, torture them.

If this is to much then do it with humor.

Next time a monster pops up, give them a coconut to drink, put a sombrero on the head of the monster and put lipstick on his lips, then shot it into a wheel chair and doing a walk in the park, later go skydiving and go so fast that the monster becomes frightening. Laugh in his face the whole time and say: you like that?? No?? I am gona give it to you really good now Motherfucker.

Grab them by the feet and swing them in a circle so fast that the monsters start screaming and then start laughing and enjoy it.

In a couple of seconds the whole problem is vaporized into air.

Enjoy the slaying and lipstick


Hahaha! I loved that lesson from @Leandros. Teach them monsters a lesson! Might as well change your name to @Monster-Lesson.


The moment you clown these “monsters” they loose every power they have over you.


I had my monster lessons and The Dragon Lesson was more important for my life


@Malkuth @Leandros
methods you suggested works as good as garlic bread is tasty. thank you a lot, guys!