How much longer would it take for a custom to show results?

I remember purchasing paragon and listening to it and whilst i listened to it it healed all my problems and asthma,but i stopped listening to it and after a while my old health problems came back so i got paragon in a custom now and just wondering how long it took for other people to see significant results with their customs?

Fyi i listen 8 loops a cycle,1 day on 2 days off

My custom:

  1. Synergy: Wisdom Of The Ages
  2. Stop Porn And Masturbation
  3. Legacy Of The Spartan Core
  4. Job Seeker
  5. Paragon Complete Core
  6. SPS: Endocrine System
  7. Paragon Sleep Core
  8. Male Enhancement
  9. Height Inducer
  10. Spartan Core
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Physical results take a lot of time but are deep and permanent, the trick is usually noticing the results and appreciating them long enough for the program to do its magic


sounds like you got

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The time required also depends on how much work your bodymind has to do to produce the desired change. (That includes how much resources you have and how much work you’re doing to support the change.)

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For example ?

Alot of this is unneccesary tbh imo all you really need are thr 2 spartans and 2 paragons

It looks even denser than a major title tbh

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