How masturbation and watching porn affects subliminal results

Absolutely fantastic post, but I want to add a bunch of things that might help y’all to quit it and why it’s so bad, because I was addicted to this shit and it took me YEARS to get over it.

It's not healthy

I know this age old “study” that gets quoted all the time that frequent ejaculation reduces the risk of prostate cancer. Not true. THIS very study everyone quotes mentions this is only true for men over 50-ish, and even then it only reduces it by like 20%. Not worth the loss in energy, confidence, self-esteem, etc.

And let’s be honest, if it truly were healthy and good, we wouldn’t do it in the dark and be embarrassed if someone finds out.

Why you do it

Sexual desire is our most basic drive as a man. All energy is sexual energy. You learn to transmute it into something else, or you don’t.
Science says:
Novelty is what drives you to watch these clips. UNLIMITIED NOVEL sexual acts is like a drug for your primal sexual desire. Because after all we are wired to spread our seed as far as possible with novel women to ensure survival of the species.
Because many might not know it but a woman can only get pregnant about 3-5 days a month. So pregnancy isn’t always secured just because you have sex.

Orgasm has the SAME effects as a shot of cocaine in your brain.

Sex IS addictive.

The reason you do it with porn is because it’s SO EASY to come by. Click a button, success. Of course, your brain takes this route instead of fixing your shit, actually seducing a woman, and indulging in all the fears that come with doing it with a real woman.

Consciousness says:
The ACTUAL reason is that you’re trying to cover up a pain.
Everything bad we do is just because we lost connection to consciousness. To our true Self.
If you are congruent (I am liking this term @Luther24 keeps using) then you don’t need to cover anything up.
This is why some people STILL masturbate even though they have a somewhat regular sex-life. This is because you are seeking an escape from the pain that you’re not who you want to be. Or not in tune with your true self.
It might also just be that you don’t feel the love you need from your woman.

But you’re using a bandaid for a flesh wound there.

You need to get back with your congruent self. You ARE at the RIGHT place for that. Build your masculinity with Emperor/Ascension (maybe Ascension first, because Emperor is pretty sexual), and/or Dragon Reborn to heal whatever is bugging you.

Then you either have the love, admiration, sex you need from your woman or you finally have the balls to pull the trigger to find true love.

Once you are CONGRUENT with yourself this shit is SO BELOW your Self, you will never touch it.

Hunting dopamine

What I noticed is, that whenever I overload myself with subs, I am hunting dopamine. For many that can come as hunting the quick release from PMO. For others, it’s overeating.
So its even MORE valuable to NOT overexpose yourself.

Women smell it

Women are much more on the feeling realms than we are. They might not notice it consciously, but subconsciously they are repelled from a coomer. So if you're not having success with girls, THE FIRST THING you need to stop is shooting into a napkin.

You just have to ask yourself.
Are you a man who fcks hands, or a man who fcks women.

All porn is cuck porn because you are WATCHING another man have sex. You train your subconscious to enjoy this over the real thing…

Decide today.


Thank you for the post.

That’s the very core of our growth and that’s why GLM was developed.

Power, strength, ambition, character, discipline, dominance.

All traits that describe a masculine man.

And Godlike Masculinity was created to bring out these qualities in you, and not only bring them out, but develop them in the most natural way for you.

Also, that’s the reason why GLM betters your subliminal results in general:
Godlike Masculinity: Develop an Impenetrable Sense of Masculinity, Get Better Subliminal Results

I’ve worked with Emperor on those traits for two cycles and only now did I realize that I need to go deeper into healing and strengthening my masculine core. Nothing better than GLM and DR to do so. Six cycles await me.

GLM here I come. :sunglasses:


Don’t make me buy yet another sub :smiley:

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I had bought it a couple of minutes before I got to this topic and it only confirmed that running DR along with GLM is a great idea since it’s going to heal and strengthen my masculine core and that core is essential for our development and fosters our results.

Sorry, Alex! :heart_eyes:

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Thankyou Alex !!!

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You’re welcome.

It’s astonishing how much knowledge one can get if you ACTUALLY look into the study that is quoted everywhere instead of just “retweeting it.” :wink:

But nobody likes to do the research these days haha

Lol, I think a quick little wank a few hours before coitus helps last a bit longer with your SO.

you know the saying
“Good guys finish last”
Its cause we wait for our partner to finish first :smiley:

Edit I might be talking random BS here lol but its to tackle my current recon… I’ve been down in the shits all day and this is the way to force my self out of it.


Was cool rambling tho

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Good guys finish into a napkin

Is the version I like :sunglasses:

To be clear, it is very very unhealthy on many levels, physical, mental, psychological, spiritual, confidence, success, energy.

I mean, you think Steve Jobs wanked at home? Just imagine that sight.

No he was busy conquering.

Animals in captivity all start to masturbate. THAT is a natural thing. He is right above, with covid it was more, but that doesn’t make it right. Or healthy.

Or a viable option excuse.

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this! 100%

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It’s interesting, I’ve been PMO free since I think October of last year. Thing is that I never really thought about it. The things that were causing the compulsive behavior got dealt with on DR and the compulsion just kind of faded out.
That said, if you’re having trouble quitting, a good strategy might be to deal with the parts of PMO separately.
I’ve seen guys have great success when they started by quitting porn and not worrying about the MO part until they had a handle on (pun intended) that part of it. Porn is the trigger for the whole cycle. Once that is dealt with it’s going to be a lot easier to stop the rest of it.


Well said.

Indeed, you have to imagine the brain has sort of firewalls for addiction. My old therapist told me this.
Once you breach the firewall, all hell breaks loose and you can’t stop it.

In the case of porn, this could just be with checking out IG models, or rubbing your dick. Whatever starts the habit, once you START, you’re lost.

This is why if you REALLY can’t quit, just MO WITHOUT SEXUAL THOUGHTS, just the physical sensation is a good method to alter that habit.

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Right. It brings the cycle to a conclusion without the buildup and kind of breaks the association a bit. Good first step.

Isn’t that “Nice guys finish fast”?

I did that for Comedy.



there is so much nonsense and pseudoscience related to this subject.

my advice to anyone reading is do NOT trust anyone on this subject.

run your own experiments and track the results.

i have very detailed notes with careful tracking and analysis over several months to see how porn/masturbation impacts the goals i have in life…my advice to you is to do the same thing.

again, there is a massive amount of stupidity and nonsense on this subject so i strongly advise you to trust NO ONE and simply try different approaches and see what works best for you.


Pls do you think PS Zp can heal one from his negative mindset beliefs about true sexuality and Pmo?

This. I have to make sure I remember this from today.

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For me emperor did this best.

PS is still very sexually focused so that didn’t help for me.

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@Lichtenauer, that’s a great find I forgot about that one. I’ll add it to this thread.

I’ve had someone on this forum (I won’t put them on the spot unless they want to say) who was getting great results from these subliminals even with watching porn every day… to literally quit porn to test out my post. They discovered that they didn’t even know what romance was (verbatim) until a few months without it.

How crazy is that, lol.


I’ve been doing semen retention for a while now (with occasional sex) and at the risk of being unpopular, I’d say that it’s getting better results e.g. confidence, energy, communication improvements etc, than any sub I’ve run.