How do you reset a sexual fetish?


Chosen made me superhorny. But only in the beginning. Very interesting!

This is a big one.

“What you think about, you bring about.”

As long as you have a negative connotation to that thing or focus on it in a negative sense, it is constantly on your mind.
Same with quitting porn. Just not thinking about fapping etc is usually best!

I say “just” but you get the idea.

Occupy yourself with something else.


Thank you so much guys for the amazing responses. I’m grateful to each and every one of you!

What I realized in the last 24 hours is that,

  1. My desire to watch porn has gone down
  2. My main problem is the arosual with “fantasy of fetish” over the real act.
  3. I can say that rewiring my brain to lose appetite for the fetish will fix things for me.
  4. I have lost morning wood and any boner throughout the day
  5. No PMO for over 4 or 5 days

You know, @mecharc. I was thinking of this today and realized that you could either go through the healing route or the “focus on something else” route. Eg-

Healing journey:

  • Limitless ZP
  • Regeneration ZP
    (+ NoPMO + therapy)


Focus on goals journey:

  • Ascended Mogul Qv2
  • Spartan ZP
    (Am picking titles just to highlight focusing on chasing excellence, money and fitness so as to keep your mind off your fetish. I think if you don’t reinforce your fetish, it will go away in time. By then you will be having so much real sex and might even have an opportunity to turn your fetish (or something close to it) into reality that it won’t matter what fetishes you have. You could pick titles based on your goals though. Like StarkQ v2 + WANTED ZP + Limitless ZP is another example)

Limit Destroyer did that.

On a side note, Limitless is another ZP title (it was Wanted before) that decreased my libido just after embarking on the journey with it.

First, I would accept your fetish. Resisting it makes it stronger. Think about a fetish is like a part of you that generates emotions and if you can’t control it, that means that that part was being repressed and you lost control of it.

Six step reframing from nlp or parts integration can help a lot.


What he said.

Energy goes where attention flows.

“Do NOT think of a pink elephant.” What do you think of?
“Do NOT indulge in your fetish because it’s negatively emotionally charged.” What do you do?

Y’all need to read the Untethered Soul!

Also what @Lion said. Both routes work fine I am sure.


Thanks bro! Do you have any suggestions for self therapy?

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Internal Family Systems is a great therapy system.
If I were you and I was facing that type of problem, I would actually also pick just 2 subs and run them for a long time. Something like Regeneration and Ascension. I would disregard other subs and run those 2 for a whole year.
I’m not sure if you’re the athletic type but if you are, try picking up a martial art. Boxing or Muay Thai. Become obsessed with that. Train constantly and you’ll see that you’ll have little energy left for PMO anyway.


literally came here to say this…

changing the imprint on the socio-sexual circuit is a losing battle.

sorry I don’t think you can reset it… altho I cant speak for the effects of medicinal psycheledics… they might help if your situation is very desperate

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Unfortunately I don’t. I think @ksub 's advice regarding this is really good.


Hey bro thanks for the advice. But I don’t understand what it is.

Stacking regeneration, Spartan and Ascended Mogul will be great for that

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I tried, I really tried. @Palpatine said I’m on my last warning :sneezing_face:

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Why not raise a ticket with SC help desk.

Perhaps write

“Dear Support i have foot fetish i love to lick peoples feet can you please create a module to remove my foot fetish”

Replace “foot fetish” with your fetish.

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Stopping porn, masturbation, orgasm and social media for 1 month would give you some clarity. You’ll find that a more pure sexual desire and intent comes back, a more organic lense to which to view life and women remerges.


You’re too clowny bro :joy::joy::joy::joy::clap::clap:

I’m surprised that no one suggested paragon

@mecharc Paragon is more focused on physical healing rather then emotional.


Internal Family System is a very effective therapy system :
But you have to commit to it and take it seriously. If you treat it like you’re treating your subs (constantly changing and switching), you won’t get results.

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