So I’ve ran Seductress for 3 cycles and seen an improvement in having a smoother skin and reduction of cellulite which is amazing but I’m wondering if Hots will cover that as well? The sales page doesn’t include firm skin or reduced cellulite. I’m intrigued with Hots and leveling up my physical appearance. I want a thicker fuller hair and better shaping of my waist. Anyone has ran Hots and care to share your experience?
Yes. HoTs is better than seductress, or anyother title, for physical change.
From the Sales Page:
Now, we’re not going to make the claim that you can just run the title and get mindblowingly incredible results, but the scripting is written to provide results, even at a low level of daily physical activity — and that’s exactly what has happened with our other new physical shifting titles. Obviously, you’d see incredibly profound and accelerated results when using it alongside a regular fitness routine. We’ve also included scripting designed to accelerate fat burning while channeling that extra energy towards your body sculpting pursuits. This adaptable method can be consciously guided to suit your individual needs, ensuring that those who prefer not to lose fat, can still optimize their transformation journey.
It will cover everything you’d need, and if it isnt mentioned in the sales pages, then concious guideness is your key - which is mentioned in the sales page.
Thank you @Phoermes suspender sir!
I’m thinking about making a custom. You had mentioned customs can work quicker. Would you please give me your thoughts on the following:
Cores: Helen of Troy & Limitless
Synergy: ambrosia
Epigenetic and DNA modulator
Renaissance man: vibes st 2
Voice master
Productivity unleashed
New auric experience core or Synergy: primordial aura
My goals are to improve my physical appearance, as well as increase my cognition and also improve my voice to a level of a good singer if that’s possible.
Do you think this custom is too mixed? Thank you so much for your help.
Since you are uncertain about New Auric Experience, consider Physical Shifting Experience if that is more of your priority.
Further, feel free to add more Shifting modules from the APS set of modules, to further emphasize the Physical Shiftin scripting and focus, such could also be achieved through adding other modules like Emperor Fitness Height Inducer, Apollon and Synergy: Sexiness Unbound.
Another option is to leave the Auric Experience in, but add more shifting modules of your liking and goals.
In either case, your bases are already covered and the cores will synergize will together. Limitless will do its thing, as well as enhance your learning experience with singing and where ever HoT takes you. HoT might also work on your vocal instrument, repairing, stretching and tuning them strings, along with Vibes.
Drop your final draft at the support to get a deeper insight
Thank you @IRON for your input. I was looking to make a custom so that I can include different modules without having to listen to 3 other cores but I understand having 1 goal would make it more effective. How does including the other physical shifting modules work if it’s already in the core?
If your goal is pure physical shifting then Hots is the way. I would also like to reccomend Synergy APS: Face/head for extra focus on the head and or face. Otherwise Synergy: Apollon Unbound for extra attention towards the full body.
The reason i reccomend one of them is simply becuase Hots might take a while to upgrade and if i am correct it’s in ZPV2 tech meanwhile the synergy modules are ZPV2max + NSE.
Let’s take a look on how NSE cores work in general. They are still pretty new, and it seems there are a few misconceptions out here in the forum. Thankfully, @Fire explained quite a bit in the MDFY thread. I’ve learned a lot rereading his answers a few times.
So NPSE isn’t necessary for Physical Shifting modules. It can boost them though.
But, and this a big but, it will use all other modules for physical shifting.
So if we frame this on NPSE, it would cause all the other modules to be used for the purpose of physical shifting.
So a singing custom with NPSE would try to help you get better physical shifting through singing?
Sounds strange, but after reading Fires answer over and over, I think this is correct.
To improve your singing, you need enough sleep, stop smoking (if you do), get good nutrition, train your muscles to keep the tension constant etc.
So you could boost physical shifting through singing after all, if you do it properly.
This one refers to New Result Enhancement Experience
So with NPSE all modules will try to use their scripting for Physical Shifting.
About your custom, I’m pretty in line with @Iron.
I’d, at least cut Limitless out.
You can make a custom that looks all over the place as long as there’s a uniting goal. Singular.
Since singing is a very physical task, I’d say you could leave it in there. I had a training session with an opera singer a few weeks ago and it made me realize how your complete body is used if you want to do it properly. The obvious parts are your throat, the vocal cords, the lung and the diaphragm. Not to forget tounge, nose and mouth. But also your butt, your legs, even your feet have a huge influence on your diaphragm.
Thank you @Parsifal for a very detailed response. My mind is trying to comprehend how all the different modules can work synergistically together. It’s a lot of information and I’m still new to the subliminal world and this will be my first custom. Looks like I have quite a bit of reading and contemplation to do to create a custom that I’ll be listening to for a while.
Your session with the opera singer sounds amazing. It makes sense they use their whole body to create music that is so resounding.
I would also recommend running Symmetry: Helen of Troy by itself first before running a custom. There are no refunds on customs, but the major titles come with a 30-day no questions asked refund policy. Will allow you to see if you would even benefit from the title before committing to a pricey custom.
I know customs are fun and exciting, but in many cases, just running a single stage with an intense focus on what you’re working on is actually more effective.