Hemi Sync background music

Hello, why you not include Hemi Sync technology (brain synchro) to background music for your subliminals? I think it can take the recordings to the next level. Improve information absorption and processing. Improve the overall condition of a person. So Alpha brain waves work too. Even combination of Hemi Sync and Alpha brain waves.

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Its not really necessary.The subliminals put you into an optimal state for listening automatically


This is not entirely true. I have over 10 years of experience with this. This is only true if the subliminal fits you very well. Which, of course, does not happen. But these technologies improve this. They improve the absorption and processing of information. This means that they facilitate and speed up the process of realizing the content of subliminals.

Im not too sure.Would have to get a reply from saint or fire for that.Pretty sure this module is in the main script of all the subs though so brainwaves would be handled


An immense module designed to make any subliminal self-developing and to push it ever onwards in increasing power and efficiency. It will push to the limit all avenues of subliminal input, processing and output, and then continuously develop, pushing the limit further and further. It will also make use of any smaller details needed to do so, such as brainwaves, hormones, energetic systems, etc.

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I know this module and I have it in my wish list for future. But this is another technology. Imagine how you can improve with Deus etc. and Hemi Sync and or/witch Brainwave technology together.

i think the alpha brainwave thing is something you would have to do by your own

just play subs before you go to bed, and when youre asleep you will absorb all the script in alpha brainwaves which is the brainwaves of the sub-conscious and its the brainwaves that you had when you were

0-7 years old

i think thats an effective way, rather then just listening while awake

but hey were all different so what works for me might dont work for you

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Hmm,not sure then.Will need to see if saint or fire want to clarify about brainwaves.
@RVconsultant Any thoughts on this?

Nope. I dont. :thinking:

Haha,was tagging the forum moderator to see if he had any ideas.He still has a direct line to saint and fire.

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@Meng123 Thank you for the tag!


Please submit a support ticket about this.

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Thank you. Yes i will. :thinking: :slightly_smiling_face:

And once you’re done, maybe share the results of the support ticket. Would be useful to know :+1:


Plus one, would appreciate a public answer as well, as I own several hemi-sync titles. I wonder if playing hemi-sync together with the subliminal (e.g. through AudioShare app) could be benefitial.

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Technical merits aside, one big reason is that SC doesn’t own that IP… so they can’t integrate it any more than they could have a popular song in the background of their titles.


Please do not listen to subliminals when listening to brain wave entrainment, hemi-sync, or other such technologies.


Thank you.

Yes I will let you know.

Yes, I believe so Andy. :thinking:

Because it is scientifically proven that the synchronization of cerebral hemispheres (Hemi Sync) has quite a major impact on our health, both mental and physical. Alpha Beta Gamma Delta brain waves produce our brain quite naturally and, when measured, indicate the current state of our consciousness. It has been investigated that the most desirable during the day are Alpha waves. Especially when studying and the like. When you sleep well, it’s Delta waves again. It is also necessary to realize that subliminals are simply silently transmitted information (curriculum) delivered to our brain. Silents are in order to bypass our consciousness and get into the subconscious more easily and act back on our being. Anything that improves our consciousness, be it Hemi Sync, stimulation of Aplha-Delta brain waves, good coffee or good mood, etc. naturally help in this process. So why avoid it?

I’m aware of brain wave entrainment and hemi-sync technologies, as well as their effects and benefits.

The subliminals are designed to be used as they are without other input.

If you want to use brain wave entrainment or hemi-sync, please listen when you are not listening to your subliminals. Please do not use subliminals while simultaneously listening to hemi-sync or brain wave entrainment.