Help! What to do when a girl is playing too hard to get?

I tend to be a bit laid back, but I want to be more active in my seduction. For whatever reason, even before the subs, I’m the kinda guy that women feel comfortable touching, so i know deep down that I could physically escalate without a worry in the world. I get nervous about physical escalation though because I’ve watched too many damn YouTube videos about man’s evil, haha. The subs are helping over come that negative societal programming.

Thanks @Houdini, tbh, this is all a game anyway, so I might as well play it. Whatever happens with this girl, I might as well just play the game as if my future depends on it. Because, in a sense, it does. And @Lion, same goes to what you said. This is an opportunity to shift the garbage in my mind that this situation has brought up, not a failure.

Edit: My future depends on it because I don’t want to live from this limited mindset anymore

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Not sure, lol

If she’s still hyper-ignoring you and being weird then I would still clear up the air in a direct way. Just to make it known that you don’t have time for that stuff and that you see through her. That all of her exaggerated efforts to ignore you were a waste of her energy. It has to be a frame of where you’re qualifying her and too good for her bullshit. A frame of domination. A frame of “I know what you’re doing and that shit doesn’t phase me cupcake, try someone else”.

But honestly, just follow your intuition. Do what feels natural to you or whatever fits your style


Right, the right frame of mind. If I do anything from a frame of, “you’re so beautiful and I’m a goddamn little boy and please love me.” Then I’ve lost, and I might as well become a rodeo clown, haha.

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This feels like shouting neediness from the rooftops.

I think you need an “alpha” foundation, you need to acknowledge that you have everything you need within.

Primal, or Ascension.

I feel like Primal or Ascension would be great for you.

Or you can shift your state by meeting other woman and fooling around a little bit to see what your place in the romantic market is.

Anyhoo… I don’t focus on relationships so.

Have fun! :pray::pray::pray::fire::fire::fire::raised_hands::raised_hands::raised_hands:


I’ll allow myself to make a remark
I’m not sure this is the best way to go about this
Except if you like the idea of it being a game

Remember you attract like wise
If it’s a game for you it’ll be a game for the other person, or she’ll have to endure it

I don’t understand how this advice can be given…
Although I understand where it comes from it sound like a form of vengeance…

Just do your best to find yourself and stay loyal to who you are and ever able to challenge it yet
That’s for me the truest advise in all this storm, also the best magnet for everything really nor only women

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No, you’re right. I literally just watched a video about that the other day. If I play games, they play games. Games attract more games. Not coming from a place of vengeance, but it is the wrong mindset for what I want.

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Hahaha I think you are uncovering your dark side with Wanted.

You mentioned the evil man, and now you seem to be reconciling the believes of whether you must be a good and righteous man in love and seduction or whether you can embrace your devilish side as invictus would say.

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Oh…Well isn’t that interesting. Yes, you’re right. That’s where all the Wanted recon has stemmed from, reconciling my “morals.”

I know it’s not one
Just that how it tend looks like when you think about it
You never wanted it to be a game so that’s why (at least I assume)

If you were a player then I wouldn’t see the problem since it would be congruent to me

Yes congruence, and character, two qualities

It being a game is not the problem, it’s only a matter of congruence

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This for me caused total disastrous recon when I ran Wanted.

I’ve always been a very high moral and ethical person.

I don’t like the dark side, in fact I detest it gravely and all the titles that have it such as PCC for example I get huge reconciliation in regards to “righteousness”.

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Its the only thing that ever worked for me and felt incredible doing it

Baaaammmmm hitting the nail directly feels so good

Fun fact how I got my last 2 girlfriends

My penultimate

I saw one girl in a group sitting in a circle of people. I liked her so much that I took a piece of wood and started to carve it until it was a dildo.
Then I was going over the her, tipping her on her shoulder and holding the dildo in her face and tell her in front of everyone : I think you should use it.

Then I left

So I told myself :if destiny exists, I gona met her again and make her my girlfriend

2 weeks later I was invited to a house party, I did. Not knew the owner, I arrived and see one girl from the circle I know. I was going over to her and asked her what the name of girl I like is.
Turns out she wanted to have sex with me and was refusing to give out the info I want.
So the whole evening she withhold the info and then I thought I am gona play her for good now.

I say to her :give me the name please
She: no, I want you
M: I don’t think you like me
S :let me decide
M OK let’s meet Sunday morning at 10 at this place
S OK but why at morning
M when are going to church
S what???
M yes we do
S noooooooooo
M yessssssssssssss
M then when the priest is singing I am going to drag you into the confession chamber and fuck you like nobody else will. I am going to cum inside you and afterwards we sit and hear what the priest has to say.

She was so angry that he screamed at me : forget it I will never gona do something like that, you know what her name is… … Are you happy now.

Ohhh I was happy

I installed Facebook, searched for my crush and wrote her: I opened this Facebook account only to find you, I want you so meet me.

Next day I met her and she was my girlfriend

My last

I was on a party standing outside and joking with friends, I was standing in the door for the entrance to the balkony. Someone tipped my on my shoulders, I turn and there is she, ancompanied with 2 guys asking me I I can go aside so that she can go to the balkony.
Me :NO and turned around
She tipped again and ask agai
M no
S please
M no
S why are you like that
M turned to her : I find you erotic I can’t let you pass
S blushed and starts laughing
M let her pas
I talked to her 5 min and then i said to her in front of the 2 guys : I am going now out of the club and eat something with my best friend, then in 20 min I return and take you home, wait for me.

Then I left to eat with my friend.
Then I returned
Spotted her on the dancefloor
She in the middle of the 2 guys dancing
Going over
Put my hand from behind on her shoulder
Turn her to me, looking in her eyes and say
Go grab your jacket and let’s go
She looked nearly 40 seconds in my eye until she says: OK give me 3 min.

We go home
I met her again 3 times in 1 week and on the 3rd time we met I was eating from a fruit basket. She tells me this fruit asked is from one of the guys she was with the evening we met, he was here today because she felt sickso he brought here this basket. I ask her if she slept with him with a big smile on my face.
she was shaking her head left and right hard.
Then I start realizing that I was eating the basket of a looser, she was hitting me jokingly all the time on my arm and tell me I am an asshole and I tried to explain that this is the looserbasked and its now mine.

You see direct and shameless works wonderfull


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You can whisper in her ear or tell her bluntly but only if the FEELING of sexual tension is there

So it just depends on the flow of energies.

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Sorry I didn’t get a chance to read the responses. There is a lesson or lessons in all of this for you. First of all, you don’t need to change who you are. You seem like a great person who is outgoing and the girls feel comfortable around you. Those are some great qualities! This girl that was interested in you is overreacting. She hasn’t even gone out on a date with you and she’s already freaking out about some rumor that she heard. I know that you like her a lot, but you probably dodged a bullet. If you were to get romantic with her and you didn’t end up marrying her (like most relationships), how would this girl react? She’s being really jealous and negative before anything even happened. This is not good. She will only become more possessive as she bonds with you.

[quote=“praisetheurdtree, post:1, topic:13972”]
“Maybe she doesn’t know how to flirt and is trying to get your attention.”
She’s not flirting. She’s being petty and is trying to punish you by using manipulation to try to bully you in front of your coworkers.

“She clearly likes you, girls don’t play those games with guys they don’t like.”
She might think that she likes you, but you don’t treat someone that you like the way that she’s treating you. Remember, that she’s still trying to impress you at this stage of the game. She’s showing you her true colors. Don’t let your feelings for her mislead you when it comes to this girl’s behavior. When people reveal who they really are. Believe them.

“You don’t need that energy in your life.”
True. This girl will only get more negative. She’s trying to control you already.

“Text her and ask her what’s going on, just don’t do it in a way that puts the blame on her.”
Keep your distance. Be warm if she reaches out, but it’s probably best that you keep things professional.

“She messed up up.”


What @lrw said.

first the joking response

As far as I see it, your only problem is that you’re not great at assigning pseudonyms.


Less joking response:

Seems like John Smith may have feared that she was getting played. Also, she’s probably just immature around jealousy issues. Most people are.

You’re allowed to be whoever you are


So is everyone else.

One idea:

take your values seriously, but don’t take your self too seriously.

And apply the same principle to others.


Profanity is okay when used occasionally. It’s words such as bitch or whore that are censored. And please no insulting people or name calling.

As for this John Smith. She’s living in your head rent free. She’s exploiting a weakness - you want to feel included and want female attention. I’d ignore her.


@praisetheurdtree I do not know this lady but she has a behavior that I see everyday in Asia. Jalousy in a high level and what they call the “silent treatment”. This silent treatment can last from few days to months, it really depends how deep their feelings were hurt. One way I use when facing that is to use humor and tease the person, but you can do that only if you know well the person. You can send flowers etc or just be patient, even very patient. The @Luther24 way of action would be catastrophic in Asia

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My Response
Thank you everybody for taking the time to respond, give advice, and share your viewpoints. It’s always helpful to see a situation from as many points of view as possible. What I’ve taken from all of this, all your responses put together in light of the situation is:

The internal state comes first. The “conflict” of this situation stemmed largely from my own internal state–my attachment, my expectations, and my deep beliefs about these matters. My response was a reflection of who I was at the time that the situation was happening, a different person with a different internal state would have responded differently. This situation is a teaching tool for the importance of my own internal state–my sense of strength, agency, independence, and all that good stuff.

What I’ve Done
After reading through all these responses, raising state, and generally feeling pretty darn good about myself and reframing my state of mind, I ended up sending a playful text and now I’ve let it go into the hands of the universe and will be following the advice of @lrw @Lion @Malkuth in terms of wise action: letting go, being professional, etc. I’m kind of following everybody’s advice in some way or another because everybody had something valuable to say that I needed to hear. @Luther24 you told me to grow a pair, yeah, that’s fair and valid, my text does reflect having a pair haha and as a general lesson for my life, yes, I need to grow a pair haha. @Houdini and @Melior ya’ll talked a lot about my internal state and how that reflects in this situation and both of you gave some poignant advice about that aspect.

So thank you all for taking the time to respond. Love this community.