Hello, I need quick solution

My father has gone through a rough time recently. He got serious medical illness.
I am trying to help him. If i use AM ultrasonic in front of him will it work for him(without letting him know)or the antipiracy will kick in and not work for me either.I guess i can’t help my father btw :pleading_face:
@RVconsultant @DarkPhilosopher @SaintSovereign @Fire


Sounds like Paragon Complete would be best.

(Praying for you and yours) :pray:t6::pray:t6::pray:t6:


But i am not able to buy any product now. I am trying to help him with the stuffs i have. I mean its been a while he recovered but he is mentally weak. I want to give him mental strength

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AM definitely gives mental strength. And the (non-name-embedded) ultrasonic played in his vicinity will benefit him.

As far as the antipiracy, I now see why you tagged the official people in your post. Because I don’t know the answer to that.

Will wait to see what they say. But I think I’d play it in the meantime.

Remember that there are also other methods (prayer, affirmations, manifestation, magick, etc.) for producing beneficial effects in your world. I’ve found that some of them synergize quite well with subliminals.


Yes i will try manifestation. And if Am kicks in he will improve faster. Ig.
Btw I would have asked this question earlier but it didn’t hit my mind that time. I wish i would have tried this earlier but i am not sure of antipiracy


When you’re able, you can buy a 2nd copy of AM just for him. That will remove the entire question.

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Why Ascension Mogul instead of Ascension?

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Paragon and maybe Ascension - good luck!

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wow thanks for caring so much about your father and wanting to help :heart:

maybe consider some healing subs? im not sure about other subs i know so littlie about other subs plus im new

praying for a safe recovery :pray:


Thanx. But my message misinterpreted.(sry for that)
Let me mention that he got stroke almost 10 months back. He recovered but he is still suffering from paralysis and doctors said he only needs willpower to cure his paralysis. He needs exercise and stuff but he lost his mental strength @RVconsultant already knows this
I am planning to make him listen AM fir will power and action taking and it will also benefit him because he is a service man and has interest in Share market
I hope he gets back to his normal life soon


I have so many products till now
Ql, emperor, Am, limitless, blu , stark(not bought by my own money,i mean only stark) .
But none of it has healing :pleading_face:
I still have AM Q which has extra healing script. U know right paralysis needs exercise and will (told by doctors).
Should i use this?? But i must until the official member say something.

No matter what, he shouldn’t be exposed without his knowledge. As far as the sub to use, if paragon is what you want, running anything else won’t give the desired result

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wish you nothing but love i send my prayers :heart:

im sure members here will help a lot and have more knowledge than i have, bless you

Now that you’ve revealed more details, it looks a bit different to me.

The first question is price-point.

Customs cost money, but a custom seems pretty appropriate in this case.

Several healing and fitness/fitness-motivation modules (e.g., re-read the description for QL1), plus some others for Inner Strength, Optimism, and Vision come to mind immediately as the kind of ideal strategy.

But the truth is, sometimes the most important thing is just to start and take a step. It is very, very possible and happens all the time that people succeed without using the ‘ideal strategy’. So, start from where you start from. You can always upgrade and adjust as you and the situation evolve. No need to overthink it. Trust your intuition and take a step.

AM + manifestation.

As your vision evolves, so will your strategy.

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I am thinking of exposing to him. If it works then i will play the mp3s around him

As @palpatine said, telling him what it is is very important.

You can put some time into thinking of the best way to present it. ‘An innovative soundtrack that helps people to heal and make changes’ would be one way. But you know your dad.

Keeping in mind that stroke is caused by cardiovascular/cerebrovascular function and that it has effects on neurological function; keeping in mind also that ‘mental strength’ is also very much related to neurological/endocrine function, I’d also consider Paragon Complete and/or SPS: Nervous System, SPS:Endocrine (and possibly even SPS:Cardiovascular.

But again, no need to overthink it. Or to try to do everything in 1 day. Your plan sounds like a great start.

How do you imagine that you might you explain to him what it is?

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I would never tell because he thinks that subliminals are BS. I explained him but he is not open minded in these stuffs but i know its power. I will try. Lets see.
And yes he got a clot in a nerve on brain stroke amd i think i will just start with half loop. If anything negative i see i will kindly stop it or rather wait until i am able to buy paragon

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Yeah, running it sneaky without telling him, that’s where I stop helping. Good luck though. Maybe RVC will have some advice.


What does he not think is BS?

This may be an opportunity for you to challenge your abilities and expectations about Influential Communication, while also helping your dad? Might not work. But…might.

Allow the possibility that he may surprise you both.

So what does your dad believe is extremely legitimate, valid, and effective? What is his worldview?

Finding a way to contextualize what you’re offering in terms of his perspective rather than your own can often facilitate a shift.

What do you think? And what do you think might work?


@Matrix - my advice would be to use Ascended Mogul to make yourself alpha and help your father (and anyone else) by example.

It is not necessary to introduce subliminals to anyone (especially since I find it to be a hassle to change their mind).

So make yourself strong with the subs you have and let your father be inspired by your strength.

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