Healing on the Fast Lane

WARNING: This is another long one.

Fasting Journal: Day 14

  • Subliminals: None (Rest Day)
  • Blood Pressure: 107/71 at a 64HR. A good night of sleep and it’s back to normal.
  • Temperature: 36.7C/98F. Seems to remain stable. I am getting some chills here and there though.
  • Water: 2L/70oz.
  • Ketones: 4.8mmol/L
  • Glucose: 3.9mmol/L
  • Weight: -2.8KG/-6.2lbs weight, of which -1.1KG/-2.4lbs fat and -0.8KG/1.9lbs lean body mass.
  • Body Measurements: Hips unchanged, -3cm/-1.2" waist, -1cm/-0.4" chest

Today is measuring day. I will admit I always look forward to it when fasting. See what gains (technically losses) I’ve made. Although I did not look forward to pricking two fingers for the ketone and glucose measurements.

Concerning the ketone & glucose measurements:
Assuming the device is not defective, these readings are very interesting. The ketones should be a lot higher, but that can be explained by the strips simply being unable to measure such high amounts. But the glucose is interesting. I haven’t had carbs in almost two weeks. There’s a few parts of the body that can only function on glucose. As a result, a process takes place called gluconeogenesis to ensure there’s always a minimum amount of glucose present in the blood. Of course, during fasting this means more stuff is being consumed, yay!

Whatever the case, it’s evidence the human body is perfectly capable of maintaining itself even in this state, as long as there’s enough consumables stored (which I have plenty unfortunately). It merely takes a long time for it to fully adapt to it, since our bodies only evolve through stress, when they have no other choice (much like muscle growth). Which is probably why mankind has barely evolved since we invented tools to make our lives easier.

Same principle occurs in neuroplasticity. In people that have suffered a brain injury that caused them to lose partial functionality of their right hand for example, the brain won’t fix it as long as they can still use their left hand. So in treatment, patients are made to stop using their left and and forced to keep trying their right hand. Only then does the brain rewire itself since it has no other choice.

Another example would be scars. A wound is healed only as much as is needed and no more. But if you start derma-rolling over the scar (or stretch marks), it will eventually go away completely. Our bodies are lazy, I guess. Although I’m sure they would call themselves efficient instead.

Concerning weight and body measurements:
As expected, total weight loss is about half of last week. It should remain around this level or a little bit less as my BMR drops slightly due to the lower weight to carry around. I would have hoped for more fat loss obviously, but I can always stubbornly convince myself the scale is simply wrong.

Consider that my scale considers lean body mass to be everything that’s not fat, so that loss does not have to be muscle. Even if it were, it’ll come back rapidly once the fast is broken. Plus, muscle is heavier, so this loss would probably not even be noticeable.

As far as the body measurements go, this is also expected. During a fast, the first fat that goes is the visceral fat, which is the fat situated around the organs. It’s the dangerous fat, since too much of it impairs the correct functioning of the organs. But we don’t see the visceral fat on the outside (well, unless you’re doing an Uddiyana Bandha to creep people out), so visually nothing changes. I expect next week the measurements will be at least slightly improved compared to this week.

Random fact: I learned from an Indian doctor specializing in such things that the bodies of people from Indian descent tend to prefer visceral fat stores, so they may look thinner but can become “fat on the inside” first, before it becomes visible on the outside. Which also put them at much higher risk of health issues.

The Oura is super-confused since I apparently dozed off behind my desk yesterday, so it did not register my very nice 7-8 hours of sleep. Which is sad, I was really hoping it would.

Update: apparently the Oura stops recording once the battery reaches a certain level. That’s kind of silly. I mean, why not simply record until the battery runs out? Instead it has enough battery left to tell me it didn’t record anything. Sigh…

I tried the Muse again as well, and once again it tells me I spent most of that time in an awake state. It’s really interesting that apparently my brainwaves go in a completely different direction to the rest of my vitals, since the Oura, which likely measures cardiovascular stats to determine the sleep stage, tells me my body is asleep. Not to mention I feel well rested and I was most definitely asleep.

I’ve actually reported this to Muse with a request to discuss it with their R&D guys. I doubt they’ll do that, but it’s worth a try. An actual researcher would jump at the opportunity to have another voluntary guinea pig.

I did report the Oura weirdness to those guys. They are more likely to scold me for staying up so late, as they are all about healthy sleeping patterns (it’s pretty much what the ring was invented for).

The last few days there’s been lots of activity in my intestines, combined with burping and feeling like a brief bathroom visit every day. I still remember ye olde days when that happened maybe once every two weeks. Curious to see if it keeps up.

I’m inclined to make a joke about subliminals making people go to the bathroom more often, but people might take it seriously.

My employer sent me a plastic bottle filled with little chocolate bars. It’s like the universe is conspiring against me. #FirstWorldProblems

Reminded me how much I miss the customary whipped cream cakes during all those workplace birthdays. Since we don’t go to the office anymore, no more cakes. But it’s a sacrifice I gladly make.

Guess what? I bought cookies and nuts!
Honestly, I have zero clues why.

It would appear that the weak-ish feeling I have goes away after taking a walk outside. Maybe that’s a difference with before. In previous fasts I had to travel to work.

Going to bed a bit later than I hoped for, there was a process running that I couldn’t afford to stop.

Blending gives it the nice foamy finish. :slight_smile:

I have one of those smaller blenders where the reservoir is placed upside down and after blending turns into a drinking cup.

Now if only they invented a silent blender so you don’t wake up half the neighborhood…

I’ve been considering creating a wooden cover with the same stuff they use on soundproof walls on the inside. I would create openings at the bottom for the air from the blender to escape. Then I can place it on top of the blender to muffle the sound. Biggest challenge is how to turn on the blender…

Well, it is hard to be you. Do I at least get points for trying?

Dr. Berg is another great one. He’s even more meticulous than I am, even measuring the EMF coming from his power cables and cell phone(s). And that powder was designed specifically with this purpose in mind.

I think I found a local pharmacist that sells Potassium. Needed to actually use the scientific names (K, Mg, Ca) but it seems to be good.


Who is Dr. Berg? I think I would be interested in reading his materials.




Fasting Journal: Day 15

  • Subliminals: None (Rest Day)
  • Blood Pressure: 108/73 at a 77HR
  • Temperature: 36.7C/98F
  • Water: 1.6L/56oz.

I went to see about getting me a new bathroom. 13k for my tiny bathroom, yikes! And less than 50% is the actual materials, go figure.

The salesperson was a Type 1 Diabetic. It was kind of fun being able to talk about ketones and glucose levels with somebody that knew exactly what I was talking about. Plus, he gave me more cookies. :slight_smile:

That long walk there kickstarted my productivity and I made appointments at 3 more places so I can compare a bit. Then I did most of the stuff I needed to do today in rapid succession. Actually made me feel pretty good to be so productive all of the sudden.

Since that meeting was this morning I ended up not getting enough sleep. Not to mention it took me a while to fall asleep in the first place.

I think we can pretty much confirm now that deep sleep definitely increases during a fast, at the cost of REM sleep.

The Muse of course told me I had been awake the entire night. I sure hope they get back to me concerning this. In the meantime I’ll see if I can set up Mind Monitor to run throughout the night. That would give me the raw data and maybe we can see what the heck is going on.

Update: I cant stand it when a support “technician” doesn’t even bother to read the mail and simply send back a Copy & Paste reply. Shame on you, Muse! Round 2.

The sleep aside, the ring is happy enough with me.

Tonight I will HAVE to get to bed on time, since those other 3 appointments are all late afternoon, meaning I need to start work early or sacrifice my paid time off.

Other than that, not much has happened. I’ve just been very busy around the house.

And now, and actualy 7 hours and 45 minutes before starting work I’m going to bed. Give it up for little miracles.

Now to also fall asleep…

Dr. Eric Berg.

He combines a strict Keto diet with intermittent fasting and periodic short extended fasts (usually 72 hours). Of course like many doctors on social media, he also loves merchandising and selling his products.

Also has a YouTube channel with lots of useful videos. Including detailed breakdowns of what happens during which hour of fasting.


Fasting Journal: Day 16

  • Subliminals: Paragon Complete (2x), Dragon Stage 4 (2x), Blueprint (2x), Alchemist Stage 4 (4x)
  • Blood Pressure: 105/66 at a 66HR. Quite the decrease and way to many sixes in a row for me.
  • Temperature: 36.8C/98F
  • Water: 2L/70oz.

I actually slept quite well, although I did use a binaural to help out. Still getting more deep sleep in favor of REM sleep. I also woke up naturally around 6 hours after going to bed, after which I tried to go back to sleep for a bit more, but as you can see from the graph I failed.

Instead I spent the time daydreaming. Makes me feel wealthy, having the time to daydream instead of working.

Also had an interesting dream. It was about a group of people that came together in a room with three couches, all facing towards the middle. We were joined by an emissary that would help us to ascend, or leave the physical world behind and evolve to a higher state of being.

This emissary was called Kit and came as a car (Knight Rider anybody?), then transformed into a woman. She told us some things which I don’t quite remember (always the important things) then we all proceeded to meditate on that.

At some point I became conflicted, so I raised my hand and I told her I did not feel like I was here to leave the physical plane but rather something else. She smiled, placed her hand on my shoulder and manifested monetary wealth into my life instead. A few other followed where she did something similar.

At one point she told us where the next meeting would be (Latvia or Slavia or something ending with “ia”) and I remember talking with her a bit about life as a car.

It was an interesting dream to say the least. I don’t often get dreams that actually connect to things I’m working on.


The ring is happy with me again.

I had another very productive day today. As a matter of fact, I got so productive at work that at some point I had to tell myself it was time to take a break because I got tired just watching myself go.

In the afternoon I went to another bathroom salesperson. This one did not feel as good as the last one, mainly because when it comes to something like tearing down the entire bathroom and building a new one I really want somebody to take all the work out of my hands, and this one still expected me to do a lot of coordinating.

It’s strange to consider that when it happens, I’ll have no bathroom at all for weeks. Pretty much have to wash myself with a bucket of water.

Tomorrow another and Friday the last one. Then next week I’ll probably finalize my choice. We’ll see. Thanks to COVID everybody’s been forced to live at home and they seem to collectively realize their homes need renovating, so even when I order this thing it won’t get installed until October or later._

Unfortunately the visit cost me most of my afternoon, but I still managed to do the rest of my tasks on time.

I have to wonder. Either I am experiencing one of the fasting “highs” which leads to the productivity and general good feeling, or I need to take a long walk to get the engine going before I start feeling good. Whatever the case, I’ll take what I can get now.

I’m a little late, wanted to let the subs run out. But I did doze off behind my desk, so it evens out. :slight_smile:

Fasting Journal: Day 17

  • Subliminals: Paragon Complete (2x), Dragon Stage 4 (2x), Blueprint (2x), Alchemist Stage 4 (4x)
  • Blood Pressure: 110/82 at a 63HR. Odd.
  • Temperature: 36.8C/98F
  • Water: 1.6L/56oz

Day 17 already. We’re gettin’ there. The big downside is that I really should switch to a more healthy diet afterwards instead of all the things I really wish I could eat. Hopefully the social accountability this journal and you guys represent will help me do so. At least for a while. The only alternative I know of is playing computer games, it makes me forget all about eating, drinking and sleeping. But that’s not exactly productive.

I went to bed later than I wanted yesterday but still woke up at the time I wanted, so obviously my sleep score is lower today.

Deep sleep is still above 40% and my resting heart rate dropped below 60, yay! Even if only for a little bit, it should start happening more often. Also my skin will get pale enough that people have to wear sunglasses around me.

Health scores are fine.

I also just noticed it puts my resting heart rate all over the place. Once is apparently not enough.

Speaking of the Oura, I heard back from them. Apparently the ring counts sleep as the longest uninterrupted sleep between 6 at night and 6 in the morning. If you for whatever reason sleep until 6:01 at night, it moves up a day. They can not imagine anybody would do that anyway. But I’m all about shattering people’s idea of the world, so points for me!

Muse is probably still annoyed that a copy & paste answer is not enough for me.

I remembered another dream. This one a bit stranger. I wonder what it means.

I was in an elevator with a group of people. The elevator went down, it didn’t fall, but it kept going down at a normal pace and just kept going down until it hit the bottom. At that point it was as if gravity increased, continuing to pull people down until we were all on the floor, struggling to get up. Then it went dark. After that it was over and we managed to get out of the elevator. A bit of a scary experience, having no control like that.

It’s a miracle, I may finally start to remember dreams, yay! Next step, full lucidity. Or is that too much to ask?

Went to another bathroom salesperson today. I swear they are like those stereotype car salespeople. They’ll all give you a high price then tell you that because they are so awesome they’ll personally give you a discount and they shut down the moment they realize you have zero intention of signing right away. Trying to find an honest one…

It’s exhausting. So I’ll blame it as the reason I once again dozed off behind my desk. I certainly won’t blame the fact that I moved my sleep schedule up by about 5 hours.

And once again I manage to start a long running task right before bedtime and run into the early hours. So I messed up. Guess I’d better set my alarm clock a bit later for tomorrow.

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Fasting Journal: Day 18

  • Subliminals: Paragon Complete (2x), Dragon Stage 4 (2x), Blueprint (1x), Alchemist Stage 4 (2x)
  • Blood Pressure: 115/82 at a 62HR
  • Temperature: 37C/99F
  • Water: 1.6L/56oz

It’s strange how my blood pressure and temperature are still this high. I would have expected both to be lower by now.

Day 18 already, getting close to that magical number of 21. I say magical because when religious people water-fast for that long they usually get some kind of religious epiphany or revelation. I never have, doesn’t stop me from trying.

Given how I managed to forget all about sleeping last night, the ring isn’t very happy with me.

I find it impressive that even with that the amount of deep sleep is high.

I will admit I like how I can see every time I do something bad for my health.

Surprisingly, I once again managed to dream. Twice even. Or at least, I remember twice. Both with a certain theme.

Dream 1: The cutting room
I don’t quite recall how I got there, since I forgot to take my dictation device to the bedroom with me. But at some point I found myself in a place where time stood still. Like how in a zero G environment everything is frozen in the air even the dust particles. I managed to find my way to a room where there was a montage, a recording of my entire life up to the moment I entered this place. It appeared as if I could simply rewind the recording to an earlier part of my life and then leave this place to do it over again. I don’t quite remember if I tried.

Dream 2: Beyond the Veil
I was going about my business when I found myself digging into a container. Might have been a thrash can n an alley. At the bottom there was a tear. Remember how in Harry Potter Hermione had a small bag that contained a tear that led to another place where she stored her books? I know another book series that I love where a monk had the same thing, except it led to a silo filled with oranges. So he kept passing out oranges to everybody.

Anyhoot, I was able to open up that tear in reality and step through. I found myself in a movie set of my life. At first it seemed abandoned, then I started meeting all kinds of different versions of myself, all with a different characteristic. Each had a part to play in the movie of my life. The one that I remember most was the one that always had something to eat in his hand. Every time I passed him. Usually a cupcake of some sort. Once again, I don’t quite remember the ending.

So both had a similar theme. I’d be very curious to know if it means anything. Seems to me, it may be a representation of what’s going on behind the scenes (a very fitting term) in my life.

For today, I’m going to try and keep it brief. I already fell asl… practiced unconscious brainstorming while meditating just now. So I’m going o finish my tasks, drink the rest of my water and definitely work very hard not to consider if maybe I can do that one little thing extra before going to bed.

With any luck (if that has anything to do with it) I’ll be in bed in a timely fashion today. I’ll need my wits about me tomorrow, we have a games-session at work.

Gawd, I wish I could play a computer game. Haven’t played one pretty much since the fast started. And Mass Effect Legendary Edition is beckoning.


Fasting Journal: Day 19

  • Subliminals: Paragon Complete (2x), Dragon Stage 4 (2x), Blueprint (1x), Alchemist Stage 4 (3x)
  • Blood Pressure: 106/73 at a 66HR
  • Temperature: 37C/99F
  • Water: 1.6L/56oz

Sleep was good. I woke up naturally after 5-6 hours and figured I’d stay in bed for a bit longer to get some extra rest.

Not unsurprising I made the ring happy.

I had one of my movie dreams. By that I mean the story is like that you would see in a movie. I’m used to having these whenever I can remember them. There are some really good ones which if I ever remember them completely would make for really good TV/movie scripts or even fiction books.

Best one I’ve had was me as a special forces agent. It was semi-lucid and ended with me starting a war with China. Oops! Still remember it.

So, here it is. No idea if there’s a message anywhere in it.

I was living with my mother (don’t ask, Freud) in an middle class neighborhood. At some point I found out that some anarchist idiots had gotten their hands on an old artillery gun and intended to fire it. My mom then told me this particular gun was dangerous because when it fired it would cause a sonic shock wave around it that would pulverize anything in the vicinity.

So I spent the rest of the dream trying to prevent them from setting it off. Which of course resulted in them parking it right in front of my house and taking mom hostage.

At some point I went out and found out yet another group was setting the parked vehicle on fire. I couldn’t stop it and so I started running, shouting to my mom to start running too (every man, woman and child for themselves, sorry mom).

I remember at this point my heart (the real one, not the dream one) was beating so hard the thumping could be felt across my entire chest. I’m sure that must not have been nice for my fasted body. I ended up in the forest away from the city when the dream ended.

It wasn’t until I woke fully that I realized setting the weapon ON fire was actually a very good solution to prevent it from BEING fired and I should have done that a long time ago in the dream.

Oh well, hindsight is 20/20.

You can see that spike in heart rate right after 6 in the graphs by the way. One of the fun parts of monitoring everything.

I’m feeling pretty good. Not productive, but pretty alert overall.

And now for something completely random. I’ve been thinking a lot about having sex lately. During fasting sex drive tends to go away much like hunger. But that’s the physical urge. Mentally I still long for food and now I also long to have sex.

I’m a bit of a romantic, so it’s as much about the cuddling afterwards as about the act itself.

However, just thinking about all those proteins getting lost on orgasm. Yikes! I’m imagining my muscles shrinking every time I would have an orgasm. So, sorry baby, but not today.

Maybe I should just buy a weighted blanket to replace the cuddling. I hear good things. :slight_smile:

I wonder if the body has a mechanism for that as well during a fast…

Well, I may have started the day out full of energy, but work wiped me out. I’m yawning all over the place and feel miserable. My brain ran all out of ketones.

Its unfortunate that sometimes work is either over the top busy or bored out of your skull. If only it was always a nicely balanced workload.

I will say this fast is not an easy one. I’m not hungry but my lower abdomen do keep complaining. I need more sleep than in the past and even when I wake up naturally I still get tired by the afternoon.

But I trust it’s all good and that lots of good stuff is happening right now, so I keep going. One thing that drives me is that if I do this right, and maybe one or two more like it, I will reach that point where I simply have too little body fat left to do long fasts. Meaning I couldn’t if I wanted to. Boy, would that feel good.

G’night everybody!

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Wow! 18 plus days!

You have self-discipline, man!

Fasting Journal: Day 20

  • Subliminals: Paragon Complete (2x), Dragon Stage 4 (2x), Blueprint (2x), Alchemist Stage 4 (4x)
  • Blood Pressure: 110/72 at a 63HR
  • Temperature: 37C/99F
  • Water: 1.6L/56oz

Once again I woke up after about 6 hours. Not uncommon when I’m fasting. What is uncommon is that I’m worn out so soon after.

Nonetheless, the ring is happy enough.

The amount of deep sleep went down though.

No dreams to remember today.

I’ve had complaints from my lower abdomen all morning, combined with a dry mouth. Not very pleasant. One more bathroom salesman to visit and then I can finally relax for the next few days. Without comfort food unfortunately.

I have to wonder at some point if maybe the fasting, the thinking about what to do after and the other stuff were to a certain degree influenced by the subs. Dragon does emotional stuff, Alchemist spiritual, but Paragon and those Hero modules deal with the physical stuff.

All the things that are different from what I’'m used to. My digestion is certainly more active than it was before, my sleep seems to stay erratic instead of stabilizing, and I’m tired more often than not. My temperature and blood pressure aren’t dropping to levels where I can wear a winter coat indoors and get dizzy when I get up. Almost like something is keeping my body active while it is trying to go into deep maintenance mode.

I’m pretty sure Saint and Fire did not anticipate those physical healing modules to be used during an extended fast. All those instructions needing to be processed and the energetic fields. My poor neurological system…

It’s pretty late again, I want to see if I end up sleeping longer now. I will also see what happens when I use Mind Monitor on my sleep. I suspect it will rapidly drain the battery and fail during the night. But we’ll see.

Once the food cravings go away it’s not that hard to fast. Actually, I’ve been able to simply stop eating without food cravings at any point in time since my first fast. I can go to McDonald’s, order a supersized Big Tasty menu with Milkshake and 20 nuggets on the side with 3 sauces, then say “well, that’s enough calories for the next three days” and fast for the next three days without any problem.

Hmmm… McDonald’s… really shouldn’t have brought that up. Now I’ve gone and done it. :slight_smile:

Although I admit it does take a bit of willpower to keep pushing through the exhaustion and boredom during this fast. It is definitely harder than my previous ones. Normally they are quite easy. My best guess it’s because I don’t have to go anywhere, I’m at home most of the time. Which might be confirmed by me always feeling better after having gone outside for a walk.

I know it’s for a good cause. Making me healthier and bringing me closer to my ideal weight.


DISCLAIMER: I make a lot of claims about what this all does to my body. I do that after a ton of researching the subject combined with personal experience, which I do because I want the experience to be as safe as possible. If there are any medical professionals around (med students seem to LOVE subliminals), feel free to school me if I’m incorrect in my statements. I’m always happy to learn. Only about my claims though, let’s not get into an argument on whether fasting is good or bad.

Fasting Journal: Day 21

  • Subliminals: None (Rest Day)
  • Blood Pressure: 121/90 at a 68HR followed by 102/77 at a 66HR. I was annoyed by the high blood pressure, so I did some breathing techniques to bring it down, resulting in the second measurement a minute later. Might still go back up in a bit though.
  • Temperature: 37C/99F
  • Water: 1.6L/56oz.
  • Ketones: See below.
  • Glucose: 4.9mmol/L.
  • Weight: -2.8KG/-6.2lbs weight, of which -2.5KG/-5.6lbs fat and -0.02KG/0.05lbs lean body mass (!). The weight loss resulted in a 35 calorie drop in my BMR. Not too shabby.
  • Body Measurements: Hips -1cm/-0.4", -3cm/-1.2" waist, -2cm/-0.8" chest

Measuring Day!

Glucose actually went up from last week. Interesting development. As far as the ketone-levels go, the bad news is the device flat-out refused to measure. The good news is it did so with a notification that my levels were too high. It was designed for diabetics after all, not for fasters.

As long as the glucose stays under 13 (240mg/dl) I’m safe. If it hits that I’m in deep shit (to put it mildly). If any Type 1 diabetics are reading this, y’all know what I mean.

For everybody that doesn’t but wants to know, search the Interwebz for a condition called ketoacidosis.

These are those moments when my friends ask “Why the heck are you doing this to yourself?!” :slight_smile:

What I find interesting is that the liver is the organ that converts the fat into ketones, but it is also one of the only organs that really doesn’t want to use ketones for fuel. It might eventually, when there is absolutely no other choice. This is why gluconeogenesis exists and there is still glucose in my blood.

And now for the fun part.

Weight & Measurements:
It took three weeks but it looks like my body has finally emptied out the last of its sugar stores. Thank you, ketones!

I actually feel a little bit guilty. The fact that it took so long must mean I was carb-loading like crazy before this fast. Imagine how long it would have taken me to get to this stage if I had gone Keto or OMAD instead…

The overall weight loss is consistent with last week, but it is almost all fat. My body is so far into protein conservation that I had to add more decimals to my Excel sheet.

My measurements are also nice. I store most of my fat in my midsection, which is why the reduction there is highest (and quite visible in the mirror already). I lucked out on my hips (I’ve had more than one woman comment that she liked my ass) so not much there. And my chest a little, which is normal as it’s making the skin tighter around the muscles now, especially around the sides near the armpits.

Fun fact: Did you know that even though weight loss during fasting is far more rapid, there is also far less chance of ending up with excess skin? The body considers that skin as a good protein source so it consumes it. Still depends on age and how long it has been there of course, but the chances are much better that the skin shrinks than with an operation or lipo.

A part of me wishes I could continue until I’ve reached the foundation and build up from there, but I don’t think I can handle that, either mentally or physically. But as long as I do the refeeding right, I should be able to stay at the post-fast point (plus a bit of water-weight) and maybe do another one in July.

By the way, my scale told my my body age dropped enough that I am now 3 years younger than my chronological age. Always nice to hear, even if I’m aiming for 15 (a boy’s gotta have goals).

Well, so much for the fun. Back to our regularly scheduled programming.

I went to bed late, woke up after three hours. Got annoyed, forced myself back to sleep, then woke up late afternoon. Now I’m even more annoyed.

The ring is fine about it.

I do notice that my deep sleep and REM have gone back to “normal” and that my HRV is all over the place.

I actually measured those first three hours with Mind Monitor, but apparently it didn’t save. Will do it again tonight, as Muse support stubbornly keeps telling me it’s all my fault.

I also woke up… dazed? Like my reflexes are lowered, my eyes don’t focus right away, I have a slight headache and feel a bit slow. Too little sleep isn’t good, neither is too much.

I’m going out and taking a walk through my local park now, that should hopefully clear the fog out and bring me back into proper homeostasis.

Yes, I love using big words sometimes. They make me sound smart.

The description is quite amusing: “if homeostasis is successful, life continues; if unsuccessful, disaster or death ensues.”

So, no pressure then. Thanks!

Well, the walk did help. Apart from the headache I feel a lot better. The headache does appear to be light-sensitive though. Very annoying.

Today is magical day 21. A great many religious people that fast for this long talk about epiphanies or revelations on day 21. I have no clue what makes this day so special. I have never noticed anything. I don’t know if that is a good, bad or no thing.

@RVconsultant asked me today if I was open to input. It made me realize something. Logically/consciously I very much am. I always believe that I may learn something from it. Plus it is respectful to accept input (and let’s admit it makes us feel good when somebody takes our input seriously).

But a deeper part of me is still resisting it or the change it would imply, even if I consciously agree with said input. Which makes for an interesting challenge. Even if I agree with the input, how am I gonna convince myself that it is a good thing to do?

The neighbors just ordered out. I swear I could smell the food through the door…

Well, it is now ridiculously close to sunup and I’m still not tired for obvious reasons. I guess I’m gonna give that sleeping thing a try anyways. See if that takes care of the headache.

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I’m still in awe of your self-discipline!

Fasting Journal: Day 22

  • Subliminals: None (Rest Day)
  • Blood Pressure: 105/74 at a 74HR
  • Temperature: 37C/99F (half a degree higher throughout most of the day)
  • Water: 1.6L/56oz

I barely slept, headache is still here, took me three attempts to get my blood pressure normalized and my temperature is slightly elevated.

Honestly, I can’t say why, if the subs are demanding more from my body than it can provide, if I’m coming down with something or if this is a detox. Or something else entirely.

I don’t think it is an illness, as that normally shuts down any desire to eat, which I can positively confirm hasn’t happened. I can smell a burger from across the street and the drooling would make Pavlov’s dog jealous.

Whatever the case, if this persists tomorrow then I will likely break this fast, as unfortunate as it is. I have to listen to my body and it is telling me it’s having a very difficult time right now. The only thing keeping everything in check right now is my breathing.

On top of this, I forgot to charge the ring’s battery yesterday, so no pretty pictures.

I did manage to measure my raw brainwave data though. Since I was mostly awake it’s not very indicative of sleep. One thing of note is that in my awake state I’m heavily alpha and theta dominant.

Right now I wish I knew somebody capable of seeing auras. I suspect that in this state my brainwaves and electromagnetic fields are diminished, closer to the body. Which might explain why the EEG sensors have so much trouble picking up a stable signal.

Just in case I do choose to end this fast and begin refeeding tomorrow, I went to the store and got some ingredients. I will say that once again the walk did me some good. Headache’s still with me, but the other symptoms are gone for now.

I’m now at the end of the day and I’ve been doing breathing exercises throughout pretty much the entirety of it to keep the symptoms down. It seems to have worked as I appear to be almost symptom free. If I’m able to sleep well and wake up symptom-free, I can only conclude I’ve had my first ever detox crisis. A very interesting phenomenon, it certainly taught me why people get scared into eating when experiencing one of these.

So, for now I am cautiously optimistic that I’ll be able to continue this fast after all.

And with that I’m off to bed. No fancy measuring tonight, I just finally want to sleep.

Thank you. Today was a tough one.

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Your reporting makes me want to try.

“You make me want to be a better man” - Melvin Udall

“You make me want to fast for about 2 or 3 days.” - Me

Fasting Journal: Day 23

  • Subliminals: Paragon Complete (2x), Dragon Stage 4 (2x), Blueprint (1x), Alchemist Stage 4 (3x)
  • Blood Pressure: 111/80 at a 77HR
  • Temperature: 37C/99F
  • Water: 1.2L/42oz

Aaaaand… we’re back. For about 99%. Honestly, when I went looking for a spiritual epiphany on day 21, I did not mean to be humbled by the reminder of how fragile the human body is.

In some ways, a severe detox like that (assuming that’s what it was) is a punishment. Fat cells work on a first in last out basis. Whatever we eat, good and bad, gets stored in the fat cells to be processed whenever the body runs out of glucose. If we keep eating throughout the day, stuff keeps getting stored and never processed, including all those unpronounceable things in processed foods.

When you’re in a nutritional ketosis (like when following the keto diet) that bad stuff gets released and processed at a moderate pace. But when you’re in deep ketosis like on an extended fast, it all comes out at a record pace. And be warned if you’ve been living off of fast food and soda.

Now my pre-fast diet may not have been as bad as with some people out there, but there’s been a lot of “bad” carbs during the COVID era. And those are now apparently biting me in the backside.

I often wish that it would be first in first out. Somewhere in that last 10% of body fat are the things I ate as a toddler and teenager. Imagine that. That’s a LOT of candy. :slight_smile:

I still didn’t get a lot of sleep. Actually took me about 7 hours of lying in my bed like a vampire waiting for nightfall before I managed to doze off once or twice.

For obvious reasons, the now recharged ring isn’t very happy.

I gotta love how I managed to fool the ring into thinking I was asleep so often during those first 7 hours.

I still think it is strange. It is my experience that my sleep during fasts stabilizes to about 5 hours a night after a while.

Though I have to consider the struggle that’s going on right now in my neurological system. On the one hand, fasting stimulates the sympathetic nervous system (known for the fight or flight response) which is causing adrenaline and cortisol levels to rise (and metabolism also actually, which was first discovered in 1966 or 1968 I believe). I can imagine that makes sleeping a bit harder to do.

On the other, here I am using breathing exercises to stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system in order to bring everything back down. Two opposing systems trying to find some common ground and establish a balance.

Three, if you consider my Blueprint custom sub contains the nervous system Hero module.

It wouldn’t surprise me if all this outside interference is causing some difficulty.

And now a segue into what is currently my favorite topic: food!

I actually didn’t think of food al that much. Strangely, I thought about preparing food. I saw the water boiling, me cutting veggies, making a basic soup for myself. Using all the ingredients I got yesterday just in case I had to break this fast.

I’ve also been spending considerable time thinking about if how I can preserve ketosis once I start eating. So far, I haven’t found a way. The keto diet may be one of the best things one can do, but it’s also ridiculously strict. I wouldn’t be able to keep it up. Even though it would allow me to eat them nuts.

So I have to figure out some other way. Some way to teach my body the metabolic flexibility to switch rapidly into ketosis. Depending on the amount of carbs, it is unlikely that even OMAD can accomplish that. Leaving ADF or even a weekly three-day (dry) fast. Something to keep kickstarting the ketosis.

I suppose I could be satisfied with 18:6 or OMAD, since autophagy (which is the primary health benefit of fasting) kicks in around the 16/17 hour mark. Doesn’t give it much time to do its thing, but with consistency it should have a noticeable effect over time.

Just to share something interesting, this is me right after coming back from mild activity in the kitchen and then taking 5 deep slow breaths with eyes closed:

The two that are broadcasting the strongest are Theta and Gamma. Theta represents deep relaxation and visualization (also often associated with healing). Gamma is intense focus and higher mental activity. Under normal circumstances these two take a bit of effort to get to consciously, I’m walking around with 'm. I’m guessing it should make those subs happy.

Well, I’m signing off and going to give sleeping another valiant attempt.

I just came out of the two-day detox from heck and THAT makes you want to fast?! :wink:

On a serious note, thank you.

Now there’s a role model…

I’ll go ahead and take it as a compliment, shall I?

Nothing wrong with that, the entire list of goodies should happen in the first 72 hours. All I’m doing is extending them by a few days so I don’t have to go through those 72 hours over and over.

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Fasting Journal: Day 24

  • Subliminals: Paragon Complete (2x), Dragon Stage 4 (2x), Blueprint (2x), Alchemist Stage 4 (4x)
  • Blood Pressure: 124/84 at a 69HR. That’s kind of normal. the monitor actually made me laugh since I had to measure twice. The first time it gave me an error that doesn’t exist in the manual.
  • Temperature: 37C/99F
  • Water: 1.6L/56oz

There’s definitely a few odd things about this fast. Well, more than a few, but a few that stand out.

First, the sleeping. I do an extended fast almost every year and in my experience it initially leads to a bit of insomnia, but that balances out and eventually I sleep about 5 hours a night and fall asleep rapidly. This time, it’s been weeks and I’m still messed up.

Next, normally by this point it is highly inadvisable to jump out of bed in the morning as that evil thing called gravity pulls all the blood away from my brain, resulting in me sitting right back down dizzy. This time, I can still jump, tuck and roll out of bed if I want to.

Also, my abdomen have always complained maybe once a week, whenever peristalsis kicks in to test if everything’s still in normal working order. This time, I’ve had uncomfortable activity going on in my lower abdomen for weeks. Combined with regular burping and um… gas.

Then there is what happened last weekend. I mean, my first detox crisis after 10+ years of fasting? Yeah, right! Some of those years I went to McDonald’s at least once a week and still no detox.

Something is definitely going on. I don’t know enough to say it’s the subs causing it, or maybe just me gettin’ older, but something is different about this one.

I used some binaurals to see if they could get me to fall asleep. Didn’t help, but to their credit they did fool the ring into thinking I was asleep. Even so, the ring is not amused.

Pretty soon it will rewrite the baseline and it will start getting unhappy when I actually sleep well.

They are adding “nap detection” soon. Even time you nap, they’ll ask you afterwards if it was intentional. Way to make us feel guilty for falling asleep behind our desk. Still good for those with the discipline to practice polyphasic sleeping.

Also monitored the running of those binaurals to see if they were working. They were, from the very first second. But as soon as they ended, my delta waves dropped.

The interesting bit is that the highest two are alpha and beta. No wonder I can’t fall asleep. Alpha and beta while lying in bed, theta and gamma while awake? Has the world also turned upside down?

The first luxury problem of losing weight has started showing. As much as people hate it, fat tends to collect in certain areas but disappear across the entire body. Right now the ring is starting to be a bit loose. I moved it to another finger. Who knows, I may even develop the elusive thigh gap. Saves on the wear and tear of jeans.

Who can guess the second luxury problem?

I’m thinking tonight I’m gonna try going into epsilon and lambda. If I’m gonna be lying awake for hours I might as well do something fun. And if the brainwave associated with suspended animation can’t lull me to sleep, at least I can say I went above and beyond.

Maybe I’ll precede it with some Norse lullabies. They are absolutely beautiful, like something you’d hear on Lord of the Rings. In some cases though, best not translate them. Some of them scare children to sleep it seems.

I have to be honest with you. I’ve been cheating a bit. Over the past weeks I must have eaten at least 3 layers of dry skin off my lips. And a few nails for the calcium I think. I know, epic fail.

Today I spent an hour staring at meditating on a picture of a richly filled vegetable soup, imagining each ingredient and how it tastes. This is so hard for me right now. That empty feeling in my abdomen is not helping. Maybe all I need is a good night’s sleep. If only I could find one on sale somewhere.

“A good night’s sleep, now for the low price of $99.99!”
“Disclaimer: Sleep not included. But if you do, it’s oh so good.”

Alright, enough fooling around. Off to bed.


Fasting Journal: Day 25

  • Subliminals: Paragon Complete (2x), Dragon Stage 4 (2x), Blueprint (2x), Alchemist Stage 4 (4x)
  • Blood Pressure: 111/82 at a 71HR
  • Temperature: 36.7C/98F
  • Water: 1.6L/56oz

I think it actually worked! I ran through those Epsilons twice and lost time perception twice. I think I actually managed to sleep. Even though I’m still yawning a lot. I feel so much better.

The ring kind of agrees with me, even though it still isn’t happy with my bedtime and the duration of my sleep. You’d figure it would be used to it by now.

I have no clue what caused that HRV spike.

For those that were paying attention to the screenshots, the ring actually told me two days ahead of the detox crisis last weekend that my temperature was getting elevated.

It’s a little bit disconcerting that it takes using binaurals to pull me below delta in order to make me fall asleep. But I’ll take it if it helps.

This is getting absolutely ridiculous. I spent half an hour with a colleague talking about whether it would be possible to prepare a fried egg with intact runny yolk in a slow cooker, hot air fryer or rice cooker.

It’s not hunger (as far as I know I’ve never actually experienced real biological hunger) but the amount of time I’m thinking about food nowadays might even earn me a compliment from a squirrel.


Wha…? Fine. Never mind. Spoilsport.

Reminds me of last year, when I spent almost 3 hours discussing the composition of the perfect burger with that same colleague.

The challenge with sleeping so badly this past period is that although I’m fine getting through my day, I just don’t have the juice necessary to excel at work. Which is a loss, since otherwise the conditions are perfect for high-level office work. But right now, I find myself wishing for the day to be over so I can crash, while knowing I likely won’t be able to fall asleep.

Should you read this journal and think to yourself that you don’t want to try fasting because of this, I would like to emphasize again that this is the first time I’m experiencing this. My sleep should have normalized during the second week. At least, that’s my experience.

I have done a lot of thinking. At first I was gonna go for the entire month, then I figured I might as well go for 40 days since that was cool when Aramaic was still hip. But given last weekend, combined with the sleeping stuff and the general discomfort I’ve been experiencing I think I will break this fast on Saturday after measuring. I could go on if I wanted to, but unless I’m suddenly sleeping soundly and the hollow feeling in my abdomen is gone by then. I think it’s time. For now. It feels right.

It is likely I’ll still be going with a limited amount of calories combined with an IF (if not OMAD style) schedule for a while, so I’ll probably continue to lose some weight/fat. Plus, I can always go back into another extended fast once I’ve replenished all the essential micronutrients fully. The healthier and more responsible the refeeding, the smoother a subsequent fast can go.

That said, I’ll probably still go a bit faster than is usually recommended with the refeeding, switching to soup on day 2 or 3. It will be hard to keep myself from eating everything in sight once that first flavor hits my tongue. But I promise to let those 200 cookies be. As for the nuts, no such promises.

And now, let’s find out if the same technique I used yesterday will work again today for gettin’ some Z’s.


I don’t understand if this is your humor, or if you’ve taken to biting your nails.

How much more time might you fast?

What would have to happen for you to decide if you will continue or not?