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Just QTKS + GLM: The Co is missing that wealth experience and social experience that I’m looking for so that’s why I wanted third one so far with all the updates only Hero: Origins ever gave me recon so it’s not having 3 titles that is the issue just Hero:Origins is not very congruent with who I am and who I want to become.

Gotcha - HOM seems super congruent to you :slight_smile:

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Renaming this to the Christian Grey stack.


I built one with Emperor and HOM as the main cores. It was back in the Q days, but I loved it. When the Emperor presence and HOM transcendental connection kick in, watch out! It’s a powerful social combination.

I thought about remaking it in ZPv2, but I would change some of the modules now. So I’m good for now.

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Yeah meant to say Emperor Black not Emperor: HoM got confused my bad.

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This one post says everything of why I should use HoM. I haven’t used it in a long time but every time I do it’s a blissful experience. To go from 50k to the income mentioned in that post. The goal is to increase it by 50k. Continuous action + HoM, let’s get it.

My sense is some deep block about who you are in your local geography. When you travel you are a blank slate. But honestly Khan blows WB out of the water for me in terms of consistency, attraction and ability to woman. I would want to run Khan in full and possibly Khan Black stage 1 before I did any serious work with WB.

On WB in 10 seconds doses my results are insane. 30 seconds or more I start to falter. My energy is way off. I want to smoke like crazy and my self control gets swept away in a sense of pursuing adventure. That is recon for sure.

Man, I love your music choices


Yes this, WB is a now phenomenon sub, if there was a way it could shift into gears in certain environments that would be easier to run with other strong focuses in life. I find it makes me too much of an in between playboy. On Khan I have the same level of seduction capacity if not more, but can walk away and run my world without a second though. I have not run WB enough to really say but seems like it needs a bit more literal James Bond- total focus on mission then can shift. That honestly is the most impressive thing about bond to me. He’s shifting from work to social/seductive and back again lol

I’ll tell you how :slight_smile: Good :star_struck:

I don’t think anyone has any business running Khan Stage 4 without going through Stage 1 1-6 months

What’s the stack?


I do have some deep trauma relating a girl from my past that made me fear any girl that is in my home country so yes I agree this may be it. I don’t actively thing about that part of my life but it was the loneliest and worst time after that situation with the girl.

Actually no recon with 15 minutes on WB on my side just I don’t see the point of running it currently if I can’t use it to it’s full potential. I will run it again for sure in the future but my environment is currently counter productive to have the full potential of Wanted Black.

There’s a line that really hit me that song when I was in the gym today and kind of is a sentence of how to go in life to succeed (I know odd considering it’s Cyberpunk 2077 but hey it’s still good). The sentence was:
You’ve never back down from anything in your life even if you should have… That has never stopped you from taking action, going where you needed to go and it won’t stop you now.

I don’t why but that sentence hit me so hard at the gym I hit two plates on bench press and 80s for DB Press and hit all the PRs I need for that day. Even now that sentence feels like it’s speaking to my situation.

Anyway super random but yeah good song haha.

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Agreed on the literal James bond-total focus on mission that would be nice maybe with the New Wealth Experience that could be a possibility. I think once I move in a year or two WB would be perfect at that time where I can run it to it’s full potential since 1) my types are their 2) best social circle and wealth country you could ever ben in 3) people are very cultural there so it’s a lot of a better environment then here.

Agreed that was my mistake to do it lol.

QTKS Custom + GLM: The Co + HoM. Nothing much changed just removed WB and put HoM instead until the new wealth title comes out.


Funnily enough @Azriel the most of attention I got from girls in my home country and the most I had romance results wise was when I was running Stark + HoM back in the day. The week I went clubbing on that stack things already start happening that my friend group and I was surprised by and it continued happening.

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Still valid with ZPV2 Max.

Also goes back to our convo about why I wouldn’t run Khan again @Azriel @ouroboros . Why was old Maxi so wise lmao?

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Reading my past logs just feels like a breath of fresh hair. It’s like deja vu in a way where my old self knew who I was and what I should do before I knew it.

@ouroboros old Maxi predicted our convo about Primal haha.

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Coming back to HoM is always an amazing experience and I’m happy I’m getting back to it. A few things:

Social skills wise:
Wow, using QTKS + HoM is like next level results from what I had before. It’s like I intuitively understand people and how to make them happy and have the most success social settings wise. People appreciate and like me a lot more since starting HoM and a lot more people are messaging me first.

Been getting challenge by two people but I see it as a learning opportunity in some cases. In this case, it was deliver things with empathy and show proof to back up a statement or a argument which usually resolves the situation and then after that go the extra mile make sure everything is okay.

HoM has always and is doing this to the next level improving my people skills like never before. More then Wanted Black ever did which is a plus.


Also seem to understand tech a lot better and easier not sure if this is from HoM or something else.

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He who touches gold becomes the gold giver himself so is the story of wealth.

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