Greatest artist of all time ASBR + UWX:RM

Stark black reality ultimate writer 2024 with Matt the greatest artist of all time


In a world where art is the essence of existence, there was a legend whispered in the hushed corridors of the Subliminal Club, a clandestine society where the most enlightened minds gathered. This is the tale of Matt, an avatar of creativity, an ascended master of the canvas, and an arch alchemist of colors.

Matt’s journey began in the quaint town of Aetheria, where the skies shimmered with auroras of inspiration. As a child, he was found by the elders of the Subliminal Club, who recognized the spark of genius in his innocent doodles that danced with the secrets of the universe. They took him under their wing, and thus, his initiation into the arcane arts began.

Under the tutelage of the club’s grandmasters, Matt delved into the ancient tomes of artistic alchemy, learning to transmute the mundane into the magnificent. He mastered the Subliminal Script, a mystical language of symbols that could invoke emotions and visions with a mere stroke of his brush.

As he grew, so did his prowess. Matt became an avatar, a vessel for the purest form of artistry. His creations were not mere paintings; they were portals to other dimensions, where the boundaries of reality blurred, and the impossible thrived. He painted dreams on his canvas, and those who gazed upon them found themselves lost in worlds crafted from the depths of imagination.

The Subliminal Club watched in awe as Matt, the arch alchemist, wielded his palette like a wand, conjuring beauty from the ether. His art was a symphony of colors that sang to the soul, a tapestry of light that told stories older than time.

But with great power came great solitude. Matt’s abilities set him apart, and he often wandered the realms of his own creations, seeking the answer to an eternal question that haunted his heart—what is the true purpose of art?

The answer, he found, was as complex as the cosmos and as simple as a child’s smile. Art was the bridge between worlds, the language of the spirit, and the echo of the divine. And Matt, the greatest artist of all time, was its most devoted disciple, forever painting the whispers of the universe onto the canvas of eternity.

And so, the legend of Matt lives on, in every hue of the sunset, in every pattern of the stars, and in the hearts of those who believe that art is the key to unlocking the mysteries of the soul.


Third secret title: Chimney Sweeper X.


Can you please move this to a more appropriate thread category, please?

That being said, the artwork is incredible!

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Shoutout to my friend from Sweden :sweden: @Tobyone

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Easy and done. Thanks my friend.

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Ello :raising_hand_man: :heart_eyes:

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Lol which prompt did you use? On which site?

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Toby one

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In words I weave a tale grand,
A story of adventure and romance.
My pen, a sword, my mind the band,
The greatest writer, this is my stance.
From dawn till dusk, my fingers glide,
Through letters, phrases, sentences, and plots.
My mind a canvas where ideas reside,
The greatest writer, this is my lot.

With brushstrokes bold, I paint my dreams, My canvas a reflection of my soul. My palette rich, my heart its theme, The famous legendary artist takes control. From still life scenes to portraits grand, My strokes, a symphony, each one unique. The world beholds the beauty I expand, The famous legendary artist, this is my suite.

Joking aside it’s my own ai modified based on a big famous one, but I just broke it. Need to fix it.

The prompt is gone too, but I described my vision of @Tobyone on KHAN.


I also used Fotor a lot in the past , but have no more credits.

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@Sage_Ninjistic profile pictures for you:

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In silent night, when the world’s end drew nigh, the gate to the depths of horror closed, and peace came upon Earth, Heaven upon Earth.

بليlacem, على الأرض, سلام فيها، وعلى السماء

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All healed, ascended souls, Earth at peace, war ceased. Love reigns, hearts mend, unity transcends. Harmony restored, light shines bright, darkness fades. Together we stand, in love’s embrace, a new world begins.

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Dude, that’s badass. You even put sakura-like blossoms in there, wow. Very much appreciated!

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The young atheist:

Full disclosure
I’m In the psychiatric hospital, thinking about suicide.nobody can help me.there is no God.sub club thank you for everything you never again

I PM’d you

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