Grasping_infinity on DREAMS ULTIMA

OK I just had this astral projection and I thought I’d share it. I felt the sensation of passing through and electric plane and as I did I went through it and I woke up in my old house and then as usually I did some meditation mudras and I begin to float off the ground and drift to different places with the wind. I drifted into this forest and usually I don’t like going to those places because I haven’t had the best experiences. As long as I was doing the Mudra I kept off the ground and that’s always good but the further I got a notice forest there was like a bunch of telephone wires and if I passed or touched up and get like a little shock and it just kept getting like more and more intense and there’s like other weird things. And It kept getting more and more scary so I asked my higher self to teleport me somewhere safe and I asked him a few times and then I close my eyes and then it all went black and then I woke up in this new place and I’ll explain that.

I was next to the big hill and on the top of the hill there was this big fence with like Barb wires and I had a feeling that I shouldn’t shouldn’t go on the other side and I didn’t and then on the side going down hill there was a bunch of pebbles and all these pebbles had like couples names engraved in them and I didn’t read through all of them but they had like Tony plus Susan for example engraved in stone and. My feet kept sinking into the ground a little bit and that was kind of annoying and then I just kind of realize this isn’t fun so I woke myself up. And as I was laying there in bed I heard the voices of affirmations. Because I was listening to libertine ultima and took off the headphones and I was still in a light trance, and I could hear the affirmations from the sub very faintly


in reality or in astral ?

i wanna ask that, Is astral projection easy for you ? I have been trying from 4 nights to astral project while focusing on tinitus type sound. I aslo used the rope method but didn’t make with that. Any tips for astral projection as i am a beginner.

what do YOU think?

Haha in the astral. I’m not there yet :joy:

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Yeah it is pretty easy for me. I think it has something to do bec I am a very light sleeper. this mades it easy for me to achieve the mind awake, body asleep mode that is necessary. I also had a kundalini awakening and ever since then it has been easy for me. Ryan Cropper has a pretty helpful YouTube channel in regards to astral projection.
Deep physical relaxation and keeping the mind awake is key for this to work. the more you can relax your physical body, the easier you can slip out of your body.

Okay so I listened to 10 minutes of DU last night before bed.
It really put me in a relaxed state at the 9-10 minute mark. really nice bec I’ve been working not stop on some big projects (that BLU is helping me a lot with). But as I went to bed, I felt this sharp pecking on my crown chakra. it was not pleasant. felt like a wood pecker was on my head. I didn’t know what to do bec every time I would drift off, I would get this thing on my head [painful]. So I looked around for my ulexite crystal and held that in my hand and asked for protection. then I felt asleep with no problem.

as for the dreams, I remember I was in this massive school and I was learning things about ancient history (Egypt) but this was like very basic intro class (elementary school). I remember seeing big crystals and reading books that had a pic of thoth on it.


Paging @Fire and @SaintSovereign what might this be?

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Interesting! …I’ve been listening to Dreams Ultima while falling asleep the last few days and had an eerily similar dream two nights ago. It was Egyptian themed and it seemed I was in the library of a large school surrounded by bookshelves… there was one big leatherbound book with an image of Ra on it and others with Thoth on the cover.


Most likely, some kind of energy blockage being cleared.


Please see above post by @SaintSovereign

but if the sub somehow gives permission to allow other energies to influence the listener, it could [willingly] allow other entities to attach to the chakras. which would cause imbalances

I also had another synchronicity today.
I was in mediation and it was good, but I wasn’t getting any visuals. just blackness for 40 minutes. I did see one face briefly and a waterfall once but that was it.
I had an idea to listen to RVx (so I could have more visual experiences). but I first asked my intuition. and of course it said no.

but then I was like "ok if I’m really not supposed to listen to this, someone will text me right now. like literally right now. so I started the sub.

Then within 1 second, someone from a group chat texted me. so I stopped the subs


alright I listened to elixir around 8pm ish before and then went to sleep. I had a pretty interesting dream:

It started out in this very dark and narrow canyon (about 10-20 feet wide) with dark/black water waving around similar to a storm at sea. I don’t actually remember seeing my body at this point but I think the water was so dense, that I was able to stand on it and that’s why I didn’t sink. I also saw this girl (not too attractive but in this warrior armor/battle suit). then I saw what I can only described as a wave of energy with zero mass come through, hovering off the ground about a foot or two and was about 6-8 feet long (mostly yellow/golden, and a mix of rainbow. This wave went right through the girl and kept going on down the narrow canyon. apparently the girl knew that there would be another wave coming and got ready for it. As soon and it came, she started to run with the wave of energy and it execrated like a rocket.

eventually the wave went down and I got dropped off at this creek/swamp place. there were ravens/crows everywhere (hundreds) and they were all telling us to go back to where we came. They didn’t all say it exactly like that (each had there own way of saying/rephrasing it but it was the gist). for some reason my mom showed up with me at this time as well. she was acting kinda drunk (idk why).

for some reason I knew to stay on the stone trail or there would be some sort of security defense. I tested it out and through a rock in the pond and yes there was a security defense. the rock I threw in was ‘attacked’ with many other rocks that seemingly came out of nowhere. so I definitely wanted to stay on the trail. but my mom didn’t care about that rule. she would walk all over the grass.

Then as we got to the end other the trail, we ended up in my neighborhood and started walking down to my house. then we heard this super loud pickup truck roar and come down the road. there was a little kid and his dad in there and they had shot guns and were basically trying to kill us. I think I told my mom to run and I would take care of them. Shortly after I realized I had telekinesis (as I do in almost every ‘dream’) so I flipped this guys white pickup truck on its head with a moment of my hand. This got him pissed and flabbergasted, so he started shooting at me. Using telekinesis, I stoped the bullets (similar to Neo), then using my fingers, I did this karate kick via telekinesis to kick the gun out of his hand.
I new my mom was safe so I consciously woke myself up.

and that was just one of the dreams I had last night.

I think its safe to say that my brain produces way too much DMT