Graphic design - which is better?

Hello my intelligent and wise compatriots at subclub, so I have a friend who’s trying his hand at graphic design and I thought he could stand to get a little kick of encouragement so he can see it through as he’s never really done it before.

If I were to point him in the direction of a sub that could be of help to him what would you recommend?

Ultimate Artist

Our of the 3 which would you say would be a good entry point to help him get started. In terms of pure creativity and learning of the craft?

And if it’s a combination of two or all three, do you think anything else could be used to bolster results as well?

Once I’ve got some good replies I’ll be able to get him one or more for when he gets started

Many thanks


If your friend is looking for a creative boost to use existing skills, then either RM or UA would be good. If your friend still needs to learn software (eg Illustrator) then I’d suggest Limitless and AM or Mogul to start first.


Stacking RM and UA would be best. For just one, I’d actually go RM first. That will help with the training aspect, then UA to bring out the artistry. @BLACKICE’s post is good also.


SaintSovereign, @Lion @Lichtenauer @Malkuth @7empest @ouroboros @
Dear friends,

I’m learning design from my friend, and I’m eager to create masterpiece designs in a few weeks. I’m wondering which subliminal I should start with - RM OR UA.

I believe the UA subliminal is primarily focused on creativity, which could be helpful for someone new to design. It may also provide motivation and guidance to earn a side hustle from design.

Additionally, I need help with a subliminal that supports the mastery of syntax, sentence structure, grammar, and word choice with little effort. I’m also interested in one that includes visualization scripting from Mind’s Eye, Revelation of Mind, and new scripting specifically designed for enhancing visualization in writing. Does this include visualization for designing as well?

Would this subliminal help with writing, speaking, graphics, and design? Will it assist in developing skills for all of those areas?

I’m looking to learn design from my friend, and I’m wondering if this subliminal will also help me become more disciplined in pursuing this goal.

Therefore, will the RM subliminal serve the same purpose scripts as the UA for my design goals? And if I want to focus solely on my design learning goals, which one should I go for?

Thank you for your guidance.

Not my cup of tea.
Or rather nothing I used subs for.
You’ve known SC much longer than me, so I kinda feel honored that you’re mentioning me.

A few weeks isn’t much time for profound and lasting change. What are your priorities?
Which titles did you use in the past?

The wide array of topics you’ve mentioned made me think of the new Limitless. Creativity, Language, patterns, learning new skills, etc.

UWX would help with everything language related, but probably overkill.

Basically everything that comes to mind is already mentioned above.

So we have RM, UA, RoM, Limitless, ME, UWX

Perhaps start with RM + Limitless for a few cycles to get the whole thing started, later on the journey RoM and UA?

If you have the money, a custom could be interesting. Building my first myself atm. There are so many modules that would fit.

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Expectations… not sure your current skill level, but “I’d like to become a master in a few weeks” is a bit grand.

If you want writing, the new sub is Renaissance Man, Ultimate Writer, which has a big boost to creativity overall.

Ultimate Artist is mostly for the hard skills… the actual physical act of creation through pen, paper, brush, etc.;

Renaissance Man touches hard skills, but is especially soft skills oriented. Creativity, leveraging inspiration, consistent creation, the money side of business, the creative lifestyle overall, tapping into emotions etc.

Which do you need more? Hard skills for art (UA?) or Soft Skills for Creativity (RM) or hard skills for writing (RMUWX)

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Can RM help with art through pencils & brush and then designing on a software?

Is RM only for writers, would it make me a professional designer and achieve my goals through motivation etc…

And by designing at start it would be a pencil designing but the whole idea is to design on adobe and aoftwares?



I don’t know much about your creative process, but you might help here better than me.

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I agree with sir Saint

RM and UA are the best combo.
I ran UA for few months (6 maybe) and RM for only few weeks - I got reconned and dropped it quickly. I felt a lot of emotions on it. Being a person who is very in touch with emotions and feels all kinds of wheels all the time, it was too much for me personally. Maybe Ill give it a shot in the future again.

However still I can confirm that UA indeed boosts your skill way faster. Over just few weeks or months I was able to up my skills in digital drawing like never before. But again… I did draw every day. I do my entire life. Put in some practice daily (even if only 10 / 15 minutes minimum if youre busy) and see the subs help you grow at unreal speeds in just the direction youd like.

definitely! It will help you with drawing, painting, designing etc… Its creative process all of it.

no. At least I dont think so… Its for creative souls - the ones who want to create stuff.

It can! If you will practice your craft while using this sub yes. With time, dedication and patience.

Again I didnt write the script so I dont know what is in RM or UA but… I would assume that it will help you with any and all forms of creative expression and creation. This applies to design especially.

I spent 2 years creating fantasy character designs and used UA here and there. It works well. I got really really really good at it with time. I was able to deliver custom designs to people and know that I created something they wish they could have for themselves. Not only was I able to come up with super creative characters, backstories, looks, clothing etc etc etc… bunch of fantasy stuff but also - my drawing skill level increased tons very very fast.

This leaked everywhere. I am also better at designing websites and animation. Practice and subs go hand in hand. Enjoy my friend.

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My process is very intuitively icon teach it yet