Good people/toxic people

@SaintSovereign, @Fire : Many of the subs will make you attractive to women even if (like me) you’re not looking for that. I actually don’t mind being hit on by attractive women, I just won’t respond to that. My concern is different. Not every women that finds you attractive is mentally stable. I had a few bad experiences like that. I’m running Asc. Mogul. The last thing I want is having needy women chasing me.
Question # 1 : Is there scripting that keeps mentally unstable, manipulative women away from you or that makes you avoid them all together?
Question # 2 : Is there scripting that keeps mentally unstable, manipulative or dangerous people away from you or that makes you avoid them all together?
Question # 3 : Does Asc Mogul creates synchronicity so you meet the right people for your business goals? (Mentors, potential partners, etc). Or just so you attract good people in general?

That’s a lot of questions but I’m an intellectually detailed person. :grin:


For questions 1 and 2 I don’t believe there is any scripting. Such scripting likely goes against what the creators envisioned for their subliminal. I’m sure their approach would be for you to learn to identify the patterns and avoid them if they come up.

I can answer question 3 from my own experience.

Yes you will meet mentors and potential partners for your business quite easily.

I’m learning photography right now and I’ve met so many people who want to teach me photography.

I know these are synchronicities because the events surrounding them are always so odd in hindsight.

For example, sometimes I feel a very strong pull to go somewhere when I have other options. I go and I meet someone who just happens to be there for that brief period of time that I’m there and link up with them. If I had gone 30 minutes to an hour later or earlier, I would have missed them.

I go to art shows, bars, my coffee shop and happen to meet people with jobs in the field I want to go into. Then I have the courage to approach them and ask, which wouldn’t always be the case for previous Alexander.