Goal : No FAP & no Porn : Which Sub?

Thank you so much for this detailed review, i greatly appreciate your feedback.

I’ve never heard reference to Emperor having it. I’m just aware that fire put it in ascended mogul.

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Emperor has the entire scripts of Ascension and Mogul— ascended mogul


You are correct in that point. However, it was only in ascended mogul did he reveal he put the anti porn module in. From what I’ve read ascended Mogul had many more modifications then ascended or Mogul separately.

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@subliminalguy is pointing out that AM has the most NoFap success stories over all it’s versions. It is also faster acting because of the smaller script.

Generally, both EQ and SQ support NoFap as a goal, yet they contain Sex Mastery, and users respond differently to sexual scripting.

Like you are running PSITU, while @Phoermes mentioned Libertine & Diamond …
I personally would never succeed with NF, if I was playing those – as I would have too many sexual thoughts. :smile:

I have recommended Commander Ultima for this before. Click to read more.


Thanks @Simon

I’ve written it on here few times in the past and in my personal journal when I ran Ascended Mogul solo without stacking another major sub with it, I had lots of success with Nofap. Saint and fire have both said AM has anti porn scripting in it. I’ll say this though from experience just listening to a subliminal alone will not 100 percent rid you from a porn addiction or sexual compulsive addiction if you have one.
Listening to a subliminal along with having healthy outlets in your life will give you the best chance to be successful at Nofap.
Each one of us have our reasons why we fap or watch porn. What need are you trying to get met with the fapping ? Once you figure out your WHY for fapping you can create healthy outlets to give to yourself.
Emperor also has anti porn scripting but since it’s a much larger subliminal then ascended mogul the script may not repeat as much as in AM.
Good luck brother


completely agree the AM has some magic in it… against fapping.


saint a long long time ago on here said fire scripted a very effective anti porn scripting and I definitely agree. On AM I don’t have the urge to fap or the desire to pursue women. AM manifested for me as in pushing me to be productive as possible and I was.I think it uses that sexual energy and directs it into productivity


AM is the real deal. finally getting on to highway of NOFAP

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