GLM vs other Alpha Titles

considering that the answer have all chances to be delayed for a month… better late, then never.

Never ran GLM but the most consistent thing I hear from people who have ran it is that it brings a lot of calmness, which can’t be found in any other “alpha title” except Khan.

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GLM does bring a sense of groundedness, I would hope so as that; in and of itself, is a masculine trait. It also is true that Khan is the only alpha title that seems to bring an identical sense of calm with it.

GLM basically is the essence of the alpha titles. By that I mean in order to achieve the goals of the alpha title, one is going to have to be and display the same masculine qualities that GLM was designed to work on and enhance.

GLM is more for inner transformation while the alpha titles are more for developing yourself to the point where you can establish and enjoy the type of lifestyle a truly masculine man can. Can you achieve the same lifestyle the alpha titles aim for using only GLM, sure but that’s not what it was made for. It’s more like the fuel, where alpha titles are the vehicle.


Where does this generalization come from??

From my own experiences and testimonies from the most experienced users on this forum, many of whom I am in regular contact with?

What type of question is that?

Don’t the alpha titles also have fuel? Is this a unique fuel or u can just get it from an alpha title?

This is wat I exactly needed to hear cus last night I literally posted:

I have been healing fear, which was my main motivator/fuel. GLM can give me an alternative fuel.

I’m looking for more of internal transformation than external rn so this is confirmation that GLM was the right choice for my stack

The alpha titles WILL also boost your masculine qualities but they aren’t meant to specialize in doing just that alone like GLM is. GLM is for when you want EXCLUSIVE focus on strengthening your overall masculinity or when you feel you need an extra masculine boost for your stack without having to add larger titles like the alpha ones.

GLM will help heal, enhance and build up every last one of your masculine qualities like will, power, resilience, etc. Judging by your response GLM is what you need right now so depending on your goals, you may want to run it solo for a cycle or two.


GLM sounds perfect for wat I want rn.

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By definition, every alpha stereotype implies calmness, a poised character.

I don’t know why some users think this state cannot be found in other alpha titles.

Maybe they are changing their stack a lot.

If you are consistent with Ascension, it will bring about calmness.

If you’re gonna sit here and tell me that the feeling of calmness you get from Ascension is the same degree as it is in Khan, I’m gonna frankly tell you to stop gaslighting me and other users. How many alpha subs have you ran?

Deep work for extended periods of time on many subs can do a lot of things, depending on the person. But to sit here and pretend that all alpha subs bring about the same immediate effects is utter bullshit.

Sidenote, I am fucking tired of people on this forum talking like they know something when they obviously don’t. It’s frustrating to see so many users outright lie blatantly, all across the forum, and not be chastised for it.

Somebody having a different experience than you had isn’t gaslighting.


Ive had very different effects on ascension, stark and wanted than some other journals ive read despite the fact that weve all used this subs for a long time. The subs can have varying effects on everyone depending on a shitton of factors. Just because someone hasnt had the same experience as you or people you talked to, that doesnt mean theyre “blatantly lying”



Let’s calm down a bit.

You seem very sensitive. Not the way i’d imagine someone drowning in the alpha calmness from an stoic state.

Lately i see people becoming dogmatic about certain titles.

We shouldn’t confuse experimenting with subs with going to church.

I am very far from a stoic state because I am not running a stoic sub, how simple is that? If anything, my lack of “alpha calmness” disproves your point further.

I’m not running Khan. I’m not running GLM. You’re claiming that I should be calm regardless, but why would I have this calmness that you’re claiming can be acquired with the use of any alpha sub? Seems like the only person being dogmatic is you.

And again, you still haven’t answered my question: How many alpha subs have you ran?

Please share your experiences instead of pointing fingers, while curling into a ball screaming “sensitive” when anyone challenges your statements.

I thought that talking from your own experience meant that at least you had run Khan.

Again, you seem very sensitive overreacting to a simple question first and to a second commentary later…

You’re absolutely right, I don’t think @Theacrobat is lying so clearly I misspoke and I apologize for that.

I feel like people are missing the key part of my initial statement:

We’re discussing different time frames related to effects. This is a key part of the point I’m making, that deep extended runs of subliminals tend to lead to effects that are more unique to the listener, but the initial ZP “trailer effect” (that so many have referred to) tends to be very consistent across all subs.

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I’ve ran Khan in the past. My initial comment comparing GLM to Khan was based on my experience of Khan + the experiences of GLM and Khan ran by other users.

I’m running Emperor Black right now, which for anyone who has actually tried the sub before, knows that it almost represents the exact opposite of stoic calmness in a person.

Let’s be clear, my gripe with you and my supposed “sensitivity” stems off this statement:

This is a false assumption to make. I never said that at all, this dogmatic statement was made by yourself.

Please keep in mind that the only other person in this entire thread that replied to OP’s question that has more experience than I do with these types of subs agreed completely with what I said:

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Where do yo read “any sub”?

I clearly meant any alpha sub, read the rest of the comment and it’s clear what I meant; I’m not allowed to make a typo?


Oh god… yes you are… I just thought I misunderstand what Theacrobat had said.

It’s not that if you imply things other people do the same, I was not

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