Geoff’s Journal - Glm + LotS + LD

Man, it seems like everyday I get a little better.

The stoic mindset I can feel. I’m so non-reactive, I seem to let go of things so easily. This level of detachment I’m experiencing is so nice.

I spent two hours today digging up my grass layer in my backyard because it was higher than other sections lol. Talk about drive, discipline and dedication. Even though it was hot out, I was sweating and it wasn’t fun…I just did it and kept doing it. Even when I took a water break and thought about doing some more later, not 5 mins later I was back at it.

Last week I wouldn’t have bothered.

Got my compost tea bubbling for my garden going. I changed out my battery connectors finally and without using the parts I bought, so now I can return them tomorrow.

I went from sabotaging behaviors, sitting around and avoiding whatever to now I can’t seem to sit down until it’s dark out. This is nice. I’m having slow progress with neurofeedback but it’s getting there. As my brain changes, I’m struggling with conscious presence, I feel like my mind easily drifts and even though I’m taking action, I feel like I’m on autopilot a lot. So hopefully I move through this, otherwise I’m feeling pretty good.

Working out specifically is challenging as I haven’t felt motivated but to be honest I’m still feeling sore from the last effort so I think maybe that’s why.

I’ve become a little more sensitive to my financial situation suddenly and have started reigning myself in. I’m noticing a stronger restraint mindset forming. More discipline with spending and the past 2 days I’ve eaten less too. A better foundation is forming.

I think I’m sleeping less too, too early to tell if it’s a temporary glitch or an actual change but I’ll wait and see. I think my body just wants to go back to days. I’ve been putting thought into a new job but after my neurofeedback session today I realized it’s not smart to make a change until my results improve and stabilize. I can’t be changing jobs when I’m feeling disconnected and zoned out.

I am feeling a sense of vigor or excitement though, for my life. A willingness to start participating as I’ve suppressed myself for years and things are changing. Glm is helping in ways I didn’t expect along with N.F. I’m on the right track


Woke up at 1pm today, which is crazy early for me. Quiet energy all day, I’m not as tired as I used to be. I’m also finding it hard to be bored too. I used to just avoid things around the house, only do what was necessary for the week and just waste time.

Today I was outside doing stuff, completed a lot of projects. I notice that I’m starting to care more, specifically about external things like stuff I’ve neglected around my house. I’m not feeling too internally focused, hopefully that will change.

I don’t know if it’s a lack of appetite or that my frequency/quantity of eating is going down but I’m definitely going longer with out feeling hunger and I’m barely interested in food. I was 152 last week, tonight 149 so not much, probably water loss from being outside.

I’m looking forward to this coming week, back at work to gauge how I handle social interaction and stoic mindset. I’m curious if my sleep will maintain early rises or not.

When I go out to stores, I seem less interested in others. I mean I look around to maintain awareness but that insecure feeling of wondering what others think/feel ect that I used to have has left my mind. It’s weird because at the same time I seem to feel more open others as far as conversation. I made a comment to a greeter at my grocery store, chit chatted with the guy at the auto parts store when I returned the unused items. I bought pea gravel at the nursery near me and made small talk with the girl working. Pretty new for me as I was always pretty avoidant or straight to the point before.

Buddy invited me today, to his house for guys night. I’m going to pass as I have things to do tonight to prep for this work week. Plus while I appreciate the invite, it’s always at his house (40 min drive each way) and it’s always short notice and always when he’s free. But the point is, things are happening which is good.

It’s been a pretty good week in my book, this calm openness is a nice development.


I forgot to mention, my sex drive is gone and I love it.

I even looked up a former heffner playmate out of pure curiosity relating to a YouTube video talking about females hitting the wall yet demanding respect after selling themselves in youth and well I see a pic of her spread eagle and my only thought was “that’s a shame” and I felt a slight, slight of feeling arousal for a second but it died and I just moved on.

Even when I’m out and see females, it’s really dumbed down from a sex appeal standpoint. It’s just flat out lack of appeal or interest and I haven’t pmo’d at all.

I honestly feel free. If I never felt sexuality again, It wouldn’t bother me. The female body is the bait that hides the hook, and the sex drive keeps you a slave.

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Monday, 5:30 am

1 loop of Glm - 15 mins and 1 loop of Limit Destroyer - 15 mins.

I will be running Limit Destroyer with each sub for the next 2 weeks for this cycle.

Last night at work was pretty good. Calm, positive mindset. Truly unperturbed. Emotionally level headed. I feel comfortable in my own skin.

Tonight will be the test as the miserable, grumpy guy on my shifts comes off vacation tonight. I’m curious how he will affect the mood of our shift, if I’ll remain “stoic” and positive. He’s a big reason why I want to make a custom with a lot of modules like Iron Frame, Ebon Maneuver, Lion 4 ect.

I woke up early yesterday, so this early rising/needing less sleep could be a positive result, does legacy perk up the body so you don’t sleep as much? Or have I just been depressed for 30 years and Neurofeedback therapy is changing my brain…probably both :grinning:

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Curious about LD, and looking forward.

Did LotS cause you to have more energy(not in a stimulating way) and you sleep less/need less sleep?

Trying to narrow down why I suddenly sleep less, get up earlier and have longer lasting energy

Funny you have mentioned that. I actually had this issue for the last two weeks. I thought it was somehow related to Pure Adrenal 400 as you know I am taking or from Fo-ti, but as you are saying it could be LOS.
Actually, I was sleeping before 7-6 hours and now it is more 6-5 and many times under 6 hours.
Just yesterday according to my Oura ring I slept only at 5:42. Despite that I was able to do my almost 2 hours workout and in the end, I had still the energy to do something more but had to force myself to stop.
And at night when I am going usually to sleep, I was not even that tired I could stay awake longer but went to sleep anyways.

I had to ask Saint on the LOS thread what is happening.

And this is also my case. Before I woke up around 6:30 - 7:30
Now many times I woke up even before 6:00.

I think I slept 8 hours, fell asleep at 6am and awoke at 1:58pm (call it 2pm). I thinks Legacy is optimizing my body, trying to get my internal clock back to days or something.

I went from having no appetite the past week, to last night/today hunger pangs more often. I’m not really eating more because of it yet. I just feel hungry more often. Honestly I have stored calories on me, I’d like to use that up first lol.

Sitting outside in the sun the past hour. Funny how I never used to do this and I’ve been going outside all week, even if I’m just sitting around.

I can tell I’m missing some self love or esteem/worth. While this stack is addressing things I need, the motivation for Self care isn’t there. I’m taking care of my things, my environment but not really myself, not how I should. I really don’t want to run LBH while in neurofeedback but I should plan on addressing this issue soon.

Edit: about 45 mins after I woke up I noticed sensations, pressure and slight achiness in head, pre frontal area and top forward area. I guess Limit Destroyer is doing some work. I didn’t feel this running just GLM.


Power, strength, ambition, character, discipline, dominance. All traits that describe a masculine man. And Godlike Masculinity was created to bring out these qualities in you, and not only bring them out, but develop them in the most natural way for you.

From the sales page.

I do feel this internal sense of power. A can do attitude, willingness to meet a challenge vs. avoidant behavior. - a big change in mindset for me.

I’m not sure how to describe strength. Physically, I’m doing mini workouts as it’s these random moments my mind motivates to do something, anything and I do. Internally I feel strong, in a foundational way. Mental fortitude possibly.

I have been going after things that need done, I do take care of daily tasks and finish what I start but as far as ambition and drive toward a goal…well I have yet to really define a goal in order to go after it.

My character is improving, I feel more inclined to act with integrity without fear vs. acting timid and reserved due to feeling fearful. I will say I think I’m going from one extreme to another lately. I get this feeling of almost arrogance and I check myself. I guess I’m just feeling so good, so “right” that it can easily exaggerate itself.

My discipline is increasing, consistency is forming in my life. I’m actually doing things I need to do every day without skipping like before. There is less moping around and very little excuse making. I almost can’t go there, my thoughts say do this and I just start executing with any “inner talk” or resistance. It’s pretty great.

The dominance aspect is very new to me. Though I’m 5’ 4" and out of shape for now, I’ve never felt dominant, Physically nor mentally and this week I’ve felt so comfortable with myself and so open to interaction that I think I’m starting to see my demeanor express some dominance. I have to learn more about this to fully understand but in conversations at work this week, I don’t back peddle, validate or trip over myself, I don’t mix words. I can hold in silence without feeling weird or awkward and I no longer feel the need to carry a conversation or entertain anyone whose come over to talk to me. I feel full Internally and therefore not needy. When I talk to people, male or female it’s very direct and while I feel I’ve lost my sense of humor a little, the air of…idk, intensity and control is there but it’s not forceful, it just is. Who knows, as I said this is new to me.

Last night the grumpy coworker came back off vacation. He talked to me and was less loud, negative and complaining. This could be due to his R&R so I’m giving it time but I felt much more assured in myself and it felt good.

Tonight, we had a cook out and my bosses were here cooking. I went up to them myself and asked frank questions, the bosses were softer than I’m used to. I also did not feel apprehension or fear as before. My ability to do uncomfortable things has increased. Normally I wouldn’t bother talking, just wait and hear gossip over time. But no, direct action this week.

Work is slow, comes and goes. I don’t get as frustrated about it. I just read a book I bring when it’s slow and I also keep searching for possible better opportunities. My mind no longer dwells on things, it simply shifts to something else that is productive while removing negativity.

I’m loving GLM, it’s been what, 2 weeks…Legacy I think it either improving my face or my perception of my face…it’s hard to tell. I haven’t lost much weight but I do look a little more filled out, I’ve only listened 3 times so I’m not going say much but so far so good.

I hope it causes my cheeks to fill out in my beard, as I have great neck, goatee, and mustache growth but a chin strap look on the rest. I’d love it if the cheeks filled in. Not sure how to guide it. It’s hard to picture that area filled in but I just kind of say what I want out loud and to myself in my mind when looking in mirror. I’ll have to get minds eye, maybe that’ll really help with legacy?

GLM should be mandatory for every male lol, especially those of us who never had a father growing up. This is having a profound impact on me and the effects are amazing. I don’t think I’d be doing as well as I am now if I hadn’t run Dragon Reborn first. I was so neurotic and anxious, I don’t think GLM could have overcome it. But now I’m just leveling up slowly and surely. This is the foundation, no rush.



I just imagine seeing myself in a mirror as I want to look. Eyes closed and seeing it in my mind’s eye.

I struggle a little bit visualizing the desired result. I can picture myself, I can see myself in the mirror in my mind…but seeing the change I want, yea…needs work.

Do you think getting/running minds eye would be a big help with legacy in this regard?

It might for sure. That’s what it’s for.

It’s funny to me how positive I’m feeling, damn near humorous. Just below the surface is a desire to smile, laugh and joke. I’ve been very lighthearted the past 5 hours at work. When I’m alone, it’s stoic calm all the way. But around others or just in public, this sense of inner positivity blossoms and waits for opportunities to express. I feel like this is what LBH would bring lol

It’s so weird to have effects from something that you would not expect. Maybe LBH scripting is expressing now from back with DR days :thinking:

Anyways, I’m just really filled with this inner positivity + openness. The way it feels could translate into the saying I love life. But I can’t say that I do because I’m still working on it, as climbing out of the limited life I’ve confined myself to for decades is no small task.

I guess the sheer lack of negativity is making positivity look supercharged.


So today was the second time I woke up from sleep feeling wholly fatigued. Total body tiredness. The past two days specifically I feel/hear my spine cracking. Stretching has become more pleasurable if that even makes sense lol.

I slept 2 hours longer today than rest of week. I never really had “bags” under my eyes but I did have darker lines/circles under them, which has reduced 80%, almost unnoticeable unless I focus on them. Face looks tighter, firmer. Not sure if my self perception has improved or its actually physical. I have not had anyone comment so could be either.

Grumpy coworker I’ve mentioned previously has sought me out 3 times since yesterday and it has gone from me being used as a sounding board to an actual reciprocal conversation. I think my presence is manifesting respect now as before he’d crack jokes (he does with everyone) but it’s more friendly and funny vs. deprecating. Work environment is changing, though time will clarify the reason why.

I’ve engaged increasingly with exercise but it is not consistent yet. I am recognizing that the push to do something is getting louder. I’m also feeling more self assured, the internal comfort emanating is nice. I also see myself and fully understand that I need work but there is no criticism or self defeating thoughts.

I am planning a tight custom with these 2 Cores and I’m already sensing about 4 modules I might not need as the Cores seem to be addressing those wishes already, which is fantastic. I didn’t think Glm/LotS would be so comprehensive but I’m glad they are.

Adding in Limit Destroyer for the rest of this cycle was a good idea by @Palpatine. Just listening to it on Monday has I think activated more scripting or unblocked my limits and I’ve experienced a jump this week so far. Excited to run LotS/LD in the morning.

If anyone knows, is it better to run LD before or after a sub? On mon I did Glm then LD. I’m thinking it’s better after as LD has something to synchronize with.


Maybe Los’ organ’s healing is doing its thing.


LotS - 15 mins and Limit Destroyer- 15 mins

Perceptually I am seeing a tighter jaw line as listed in LotS objectives. Today is my 4th loop total so I’m impressed so far. I wish someone would make a comment to me in person about if I look different so I’d know if it’s actual physical change or perceptual. I’m not discounting the sub, I’m just not sure myself.

I’ve been walking in a way that says “I feel good about myself”. I’m also standing and walking with great posture, shoulders back(in a relaxed way, not ridiculously rigid, lol) and am just feeling good. Even if I’m feeling tired or off, I’m still in a content mood, open and receptive. What a way to be, how much I’ve changed.


Definitely in reconciliation today. Slight headache 3 hours after getting up. I’ve been irritable all day.

SaintSovereign is getting on my nerves because my question on LotS has been unanswered yet he’s been off and on the forum all day. Oh well, it’s just recon…it’s temporary.

Grumpy guy at work came over to me again all excited to share gossip. I don’t know what’s going on lol. What is affecting the environment that him and others are interacting with me more often, it’s unusual. But then again I have stated that I feel more open and receptive so maybe I just answered my own question.

I weighed myself when I got up today. 149lbs. I started at 152lbs, so I’ve lost 3lbs in 2 weeks. I’ll say my pants are slightly looser and I do feel bulkier in a muscle-ly sense though my goal is really to slim down.

Last week I ran Glm/LotS together twice. I had little to no recon that I noticed. This week I ran each with LD. This mornings LotS loop + LD hit hard. I’m guessing I have limits when it comes to LotS. Glm + LD wasn’t bad.

I might leave Glm solo next Mon but LotS/LD on Thurs then washout for a week. Looking forward to seeing a LotS bloom after this recon fades. Getting recon with LotS signifies what…that I have obstacles in being physically fit? I hope things finally change in this regard.

Diet has been strict this cycle too, nonexistent impulsive behavior, especially with food. I have not Pmo’d at all since starting so this stack. Exercise still needs work but I’ve been tired and now recon, so I’m going to take it easy and remember I have time, it doesn’t have to happen overnight. I didn’t get out of shape overnight so…patience.


How about a support ticket?

I did yesterday along with a direct message which he answered 2 hours ago. I am satisfied now :slight_smile:
No hard feelings to anyone, recon makes me grumpy but it shall pass.

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