FractalQ ~ Fractal's Custom Journal

Yes, I think the less mental hang ups/blockages one has around something
the faster the results. Sex/ attraction subs work crazy well and fast for me, money slower
but surely, physical changes -fast for physical changes for body composition - but physical healing incredibly slow.
My biggest mental hang up has been hopelessness around physical injuries or getting injured again.
Survival Instinct started to help with that though.

Did you notice any good effects from Inner Voice yet?

Could it be Your subconscious telling you the old fractal is dying ? Like your not going to be the Same person anymore ?
Interesting dream man

Hi guys, it’s been a while! Sorry for leaving like that, I hope you are all well, and that I didn’t cause any worry since I left things a bit strange lol.

I had to leave for a bit there because it was getting pretty bad for me at the time and when I get like that, often I feel like disappearing, so I disappear where it’s easy to do that, like leaving the forums. I now realize half of it was probably reconciliation. Then I got really busy and just used to not visiting, I tried to write this post multiple times but never finished. I found while visiting here, I learned a lot from you all but also would spend too much time trying to make sure I’m doing things the best way and getting disappointed if my results are lingering compared to others etc. So, taking some time and just trusting myself to handle things was beneficial. If I were to describe my life since leaving, it would be like a roller coaster with ever increasing peaks and troughs.

It crazy, I didn’t purposefully time my post like this, but I realize I got my custom on July 27th, so almost exactly a year since I started my custom journey.

So to catch up…

Starting with that dream where I died, what really freaked me out and made me leave was a revelation I had a few days after posting. I initially hid this realization at the back of my mind and it only came out after obsessing about that dream, the realization was that I first felt not fear, but relief that it was happening. You could imagine a fact like that in my face freaked me out and really forced me to reflect on things.

I believe I mainly thought “not yet” after because I felt like I had all these obligations to still take care of, like not wanting to leave family behind and not achieving my goals in life. So this got me wondering, “What am I living for?”

It was quite a crisis for me to ponder and I couldn’t hide from this question anymore it, was always haunting me. I realized that I didn’t enjoy my day to day living and I even lost motivation for working towards my dreams. My life goals felt like they were written by a person from years ago who no longer exists. So here I am toiling away for this person’s dreams in misery, because they are so hard to achieve in my current state and make my current life worse since focusing on them puts me in a worse financial situation. I then realized I have to start living for the me of today, because that’s all who really matters in the end. If you are a person who ever thought, “what would my younger self think of me today?” than you could probably relate to this stress, because I always tried and failed to climb up to that high bar my younger self set up.

I started to feel some relief that I have at least realized a core issue and now I can start to focus on what I want today. I got attracted to trying some LOA stuff again but they initially backfired and made things worse. October was pretty bad and I was losing confidence, but I still in some desperation kept trying, because the LOA stuff I was reading this time was really resonating with me (the subreddit ALLISMIND for those interested). Around this time, I dropped everything but my Custom, Minds Eye, DREAMS and then added in The Elixir just to try to make me feel better, which did help, honestly this combo is pretty powerful, lots of synergy.

And then in November on a silver platter, one of the most amazing trade ideas was handed to me. I put money in that, a good amount of risk for me, but not a substantial amount. And then in the next moths and following into early next year I watched my wealth blow up to proportions that was unbelievable. I don’t want to say how much exactly but I’ve never made this kind of money in my life to put it simply.

This then set off a chain of events of more and more bubbles in other stocks to put those profits in, it was glorious. For the first time in a long long time, I did not feel like a looser, like I had this world at my fingertips. With the way it was accelerating at the time, I truly believed that I could be a millionaire by the end of this year.

It was too much though, its hard to explain… like getting that amount of cash so fast, you forget how valuable it is, since it was so easy. At the time it was just a number in my account too, since I never spent it on any material thing. I took profits along the way, actually I realized my year profit taking goals in the first months of this year, but I held a lot of those gains and then lost a lot of them lol. Around this time, I picked up the original RICH and I thought that rich would make the manifestations even easier, to the point of becoming arrogant, not confident, and making dumb decisions and not accepting when it was over and get out.

My account has been draining since then, I still am betting on that company for the future to be a big deal though, so I’ll see how that goes. But a few weeks ago, I once again hit my big lows emotionally. I was making swing trades that just weren’t working and making stupid mistakes and then literally seeing the stock do what I wanted it to do after exiting, multiple times, today it happened again even. It almost felt like the universe/God or what have you was over my shoulder and making all my moves backfire, like a total opposite of what I was experiencing earlier this year.

I felt like I was Icarus and was punished for even attempting to think I could fly near the sun. Like I just got lucky, didn’t learn anything, didn’t manifest anything, part of me was trying to doubt the subs being effective etc. It got so bad that I finally realized I had to stop playing subs for a bit and now it’s been almost 3 weeks, and I feel pretty good. Ironically, I started visiting these forums and saw all the people here having trouble with Qv2 and I’m like “ohhh that’s what’s up.” Going off the subs got me in a reflective mood and I have been refocusing my efforts on the LOA techniques again and have been feeling better because of it.

My trading has been improving a bit too ironically. I came across a post that I can’t find now, where @SaintSovereign said everything was going wrong for him with these strange coincidences while running one of his success subs, and that defiantly resonated with me while running RICH. I’m seeing it now as RICH forcing me to develop better trading habits and be better prepared for being rich in the future, because keeping money is much harder than making it. And even though I wasn’t able to sell the top, I still made a good amount and have a much larger cash reserve than last year to work with.

Upon reflection these few weeks, I have decided to try out Dragon Reborn since I still have a lot of fear of failure. A big problem I’ve noticed with trading is my happiness is way too tied to how my performance is, it is just too wild and unstable, I often feel like I won’t be able to live a long, full life doing this, so I would like to be able to be more immune to those fluctuations. And I realized that if I actually do want to accomplish some of my long-term business and creative goals, my current personally would not be able to handle that kind of success, so I believe that I would even subconsciously sabotage, delay progress or not even be able to handle it. Finally, I found it was hard to maintain that success feeling even while winning. It’s just so easy for me to sink back into the depths. I need more tiger blood or should I say… dragon blood lol.

So yeah, I’m debating if I should wait one more week to give it the full month of rest before starting just to see if there’s any subliminal bloom that I’ve heard can happen after a month. I just want to end with this here, that I truly believe that I would not have experienced any of these things, had I not embarked on this subliminal journey. I’m very thankful for it. My life is far from perfect atm but it is going somewhere and I feel like I finally have a fighting chance. I’m looking forward to the future.

I still have some other things to share, but this post is getting a tad long, so I’ll stop for now. Take care!


Man! A roller coaster ride indeed. Loads of lessons and takeaways from this one.

Good to see you back and hope things turn out real well for you both on the financial front and the mental/emotional one where success feels like a pleasure and the journey is fun.

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Thanks man, it’s good to see you again too!

Yeah I’ve been trying to learn some lessons from the mistakes. One trader I remember saying he doesn’t win and loose, but wins and learns. So I try to keep that mindset, can be hard though lol.

I hope you’ve been having a good year too. Have you had any successes with healing your eyes?

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Haha yes. The best things aren’t easy anyways.

Am still running my healing custom and doing all sorts of things to try to facilitate my eye’s to get better. There are some moments when I feel that my eyes are healthier but I might need more time to be absolutely sure. Am also in the process of making a couple of customs for other areas of my life like Success and Mindset so there’s that too.

Hope to see you around more often.

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Nice, that’s a great start from the sound of it to me, I’d imagine a such a change could take a while. Will be amazing when the change happens though!

Yeah I hear you, with all the new stuff released since I’ve been gone, I’m very tempted to make a new custom in the future too.

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I believe my Ultimas have started to lose their active effects after 3 weeks of no subliminals. It seems for me they last for 2 weeks at around full power, start to slow down in the third week, then the effects are almost gone by the end. This is from long term exposure btw.

I noticed this the most today from doing my back workout and my back was still recovering, so my workout was weak. I don’t usually get like that while running Beast Within. I’m also running on 6.5-7 hours of sleep lately, so I can’t deny that would be contributing some too.

Also, with RICH not being ran, I’ve noticed that I am losing a bit more focus and interest in trading this week. The start of the week was pretty bad for trading, but I at least ended the week on a high note today with a good runner.

This is pretty good I must say and makes me wonder that it could be quite detrimental to swap around multiple Ultimas every day since their effects can last so long, could make things very full and unfocused for the mind. I admit, I was fooling around like that earlier this year after V2 Ultimas got released haha.

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This post is a bit of a continuation of my long post above, it more focuses on a dream I had in the winter which helped confirm to me that my psyche is changing and reacting positively to my manifestation visualizations and the subliminals. It felt like a eureka moment for my subconscious expressed though symbols and I found it very empowering. I initially got the base meaning of it only and it took months later to realize the other symbolic meanings, the subconscious is always so far ahead haha. This dream came the night following the first big run in that stock I was in, maybe it was a celebration? This is also one of the reasons why I believe DREAMS can be a great addition to a manifestation focused stack to see how your mind is responding.

I’ll put my dream in italics and leave my interpretations in roman to make things simpler to follow.

My family and I were being oppressed by this man that had a power to control reality. I decided that I had enough and was going to try to take that power from him. So I started to race over to the power, he was angry and fearful that I could overcome him, then hunted me down but could not find me.

I initially thought that the man was a symbol for the powers of the world, you know the system, the politicians, kings, bankers, all the ones that you feel are in control and benefit the way society is structured. However, after gaining more knowledge, this is just another victim mindset of blaming others. The man is a part of me, the real oppressor. The part that has this power but instead uses it to make my life worse. He fears change, likes to be the victim, is critical, controlling and is that condescending voice. He’d rather keep me miserable just to feel secure with the way things are and by doing this, people’s lives around me get worse too. We’re always manifesting, whether we like it or not, he takes up the mantle when I don’t try.

I found myself at a school yard and I knew this is where he hid the power, it was there, buried in a sand box. I kneel down and hurriedly start to dig with my hands.

The school was an interesting symbol that I didn’t think too much about at first, but it makes sense to me now. You learn knowledge of the physical at school, but anything beyond that is seen as woo-woo. It is a place that teaches you to lose the power, join in on the victim mindset, conform with the thinking of the masses. Where one kid sees others are into one thing, so he decides I’ll like that too because I want to fit in. Or another gets bullied and reinforces the victim mindset. The bully too, likely bulling to overcompensate for something, creates his own victim mindset, both creating this feedback loop with each other. These are just a few examples off the top of my head.

The sandbox represents that the power is buried away and is hidden knowledge, like a forgotten ancient artifact. This power was more known in the days of old too. The school and other institutions intentionally or unintentionally help to bury this power.

I finally dig deep enough and find an old sealed urn, but the urn is glowing and fiery hot, as if it was just removed from a kiln. Strangely, I can hold the urn without harming myself. I break the lid off and see it is filled with pristine water. I know immediately what to do and start to pour the water on myself, baptizing myself in this water and the power that it contains.

The urn is hot because I previously saw this power as forbidden or dangerous, the responsibility was too much and always thought that I, or any human, was unworthy for such a thing. It could also be hot as it can turn against you and burn you if you don’t use it correctly, it did not burn me this time, because my mind has changed.

I find it interesting that it was me baptizing myself, as if implying that we can only make ourselves walk this path and have the power and authority to do so, we can’t depend on others or higher powers to force us to grow. If we don’t take that faithful step, we will stay stagnant.

There are also some Christian symbols here to me, such as baptizing in water, the urn maybe could be like a container of “The Body of Christ”, also water is what poured out of Christ when he was pierced. I feel that I haven’t fully realized these symbols and the connection to manifestation yet. However, when I first came across Neville Goddard, I admit that I did not care for his references and interpretations of the Bible to support The Law. At that time. I found he was playing with words as my own interpretation was already set in stone. It distracted me from the core message, which is why I believe the more distilled and punchy way the user allismind on reddit describes LOA was more effective for me, as I didn’t have that interpretation conflict. I’d like to return to studying the Bible and other scriptures again in the future to see if the new knowledge I’ve gained in recent years can make new connections to the LOA myself.

After waking up from my dream I felt joyfully victorious, like something big just happened. I just knew in my heart that the positive changes in my life were going to further express themselves and accelerate.


This is probably my last “catch up” post and is an update on my physical progress. The physical subs used were Beast Unleashed before and sometimes during workouts, Beast Within after workouts and the physical modules in my custom (Serum X and Physical Shifting: Sexiness).

I feel the area of health and fitness is one of the part of my life where I don’t have much trauma or limiting beliefs, so I haven’t experienced much reconciliation on physical based titles, instead they make me feel good, and are often “my rock” while tackling other more troublesome topics such as wealth and confidence.

  • I’ve roughly gained an additional 10 pounds and my bodyfat looks to be relatively the same at around 10-12%. This is where I like to keep it as I try to gain mass, I’m not a fan of dirty bulks and like slow and steady more.

  • My arms are much more impressive than they used to be, not only taller but thicker on the sides up to my delts. I feel as if the subliminals improved my insertions. I measured them and they’re around .75 inches bigger. Other groups have gotten bigger too, but I’ve had the most trouble with my arms, delts and chest.

  • I also feel like my body type is changing from being in between ectomorphic and mesomorphic to fully mesomorphic. The reasons for this is it was like my muscle fibers used to just get stronger more than duplicate and grow in volume, so I’d be able to lift as much as guys that were much bigger than me. Now it seems the opposite, it is easier for me to get physically bigger, but my strength isn’t improving as proportionate to that! I find this very interesting and am looking forward to seeing where it goes.

  • I used to train so each muscle group is worked out once a week, but now with faster recovery, I have added in more frequent chest and bicep exercises per week and also adding in calisthenic exercises at the end of a workout, to get a short full body exercise. I don’t believe my normal recovery rate is able to handle a routine like this.

Other people have noticed my results too:

  • I saw some friends that I haven’t seen in a while and one thought I looked taller. I don’t believe I am taller but my posture has improved and my frame is larger and more intimidating, so I could see people associate that with being taller. Getting taller isn’t a priority of mine, but I wouldn’t mind if I grew an inch.

  • Another friend thought my face changed, like I lost weight. My body fat is the same so I’m guessing this is some subtle facial morphing at work. I have also been mewing since learning about it a couple years ago. The face thing is hard to notice though, even when I compare two photos side by side. I like the newer me defiantly more, but I can’t tell what the difference is. Must be the subconscious noticing the changes. I think that’s cool though, I wouldn’t want to look like a different person.

  • My friends all were asking me workout tips and wanted to know my routine and all that too.

  • One guy I know a bit at the gym said something like, “I look like I’ve made 4 years of progress in 1 year.”

To top it off, all these results came in the most annoying year to work out that I’ve ever experienced, where I often had to resort to a routine of just body exercises at home because of the lockdowns, so I can’t complain at all. I feel that I would have likely given up and stopped caring about my health this year if I didn’t have these physical subliminals.


I believe I’m now around 10 pounds from my max natural potential if I stay at 10% BF and I wonder what will happen if I can get there, will the subconscious deem it too dangerous to go further? Either way I’ll be stoked to get to that limit, most natural lifters have to work their asses of to get there and keep broccoli and chicken diets etc… not for me! This has been a long time coming, so I’m actually getting pretty hyped after writing all of this.

I’m going to go hard and try a quick cut now since the lockdown rules are easing atm, so there’s no mask wearing requirements and can work out as long as you like. Now I can do cardio! I just want to get some HIT cardio in my routine again to make the most of this opportunity, because I’m doubtful that this is the “return to normal” and end of the lockdowns come the fall.


is blue skies a healing module?

im very tempted to add this into my future custom, would love me some more of that love that i already have! :sunglasses:

why not more? :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

Yeah it’s for sure a healing module. It’s effects are hard to explain, especially as a module, also I’m not the greatest at pin pointing the effects of healing modules in my custom. But I think one effect is it helped me notice and appreciate the little things in life.

It’s an interesting one though, not just dealing with love, but also understanding of reality and yourself, and I have taken an interest in those things upon using my custom.


i read the descreption, it doesnt mention anything about healing thats weird, even tho it has the healing module tag

thats really intresting, i think pairing this with ressaince man oh boy thats a good combo :heart:


very intresting i think im gonna add it in my future custom! lovely!

thanks chief

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You’re welcome


Yeah description of it reminds me of topics that renaissance man and sage immortal deal with. Those would work really well with it.

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A Song of Fractal on Fire

I started my first run of Dragon Reborn S1 today. While running it, felt some energy/pressure in stomach area within a minute, this lightly persisted the rest of the playthrough. One habit I know of myself is often under stress, I grab the side of my stomach, so I wonder if there’s some connection there? Other than that, it felt pretty subtle so far. Felt sleepy later on in the day, drew for a bit later and was very into it while listening to music.

I was considering stacking with various healing titles, but now my plan is to stack it with Mind’s Eye and DREAMS and then use Beast Within as a booster.

  • I saw DREAMS recommended on DR’s product page and it got me thinking more about the match with DR and I think it would be interesting, as I’ve had revealing dreams in the past. DR will probably bring that out even more and why not reinforce it with DREAMS too to get more out of it? This will also let me experience just DR’s healing and get an understanding of it better.

  • Mind’s Eye is to help with visualizations and positive manifestation, I see it as a target for healing, the “light at the end of the tunnel” as I go through this process and visualize my ideal life. Also to remind myself why I’m doing this. (Ah I forgot that I didn’t mention that throughout last year, I visualized the percent gain I wanted in my stock account by the end of 2020, interestingly, it hit that percent gain exactly and just in time!)

  • Beast Within is for: “I can’t go without a physical sub for months on end” haha

  • Most of all, the other programs are light, so DR will get plenty of focus in this stack.

My plan is to do one month per stage and then play stage 4 for at least 2 months. I thought this way I could go a bit faster and then get the benefits of all stages for a longer period of time. Of course, if I can’t handle moving that fast, then I’ll have to delay my plan to 2 months per stage. Once I finish with that, I’d like to get back into a stack with my Custom, RICH and the DR ultima for a while.

I’m following the new listening pattern but I don’t think I will play DREAMS two times in a day as a major, just once every second day. I’d like to have DREAMS as daily evening booster and Beast Unleashed as the morning booster but it seems this could cause issue, so I’ll wait on that and see how DREAMS operates like this first. I don’t think I’ve used Qv2 of DREAMS yet, so I’m interested in the differences.

As for journaling, my time is more limited than it used to be and I find I work best treading alone, it puts pressure on me to make decisions and take action. It defiantly is harder to deal with negative times though. So I think I’ll keep a private frequent journal and then maybe do some biweekly summaries or something of that sort on the forums, unless something interesting happens and I have to post a journal entry about it right away. I’ll probably make a new journal for DR too when the times comes and this one will be on halt.

And so the journey begins anew…