Foundation - Emperor, Wanted, Daredevil - A Boundary Pushing Journal

My life has been pretty chaotic working 60-80 hours a week the past few weeks. I’ve been doing social crap and working.

Diet has been poor (a reoccurring theme for me throughout life, can I finally let go the food addiction?) and I’ve been ungrounded. I haven’t been Journaling or tracking or anything like that. Today feels like the day to start back up here on the forums and get more grounded.

So much of this work is about focus, clear goals, avoiding distractions, and keeping yourself grounded.

There’s been a lot of darkness and cruelty surfacing for me recently. But it hasn’t hindered my progress. I feel like I’m becoming better at transmitting the darkness into positive results. The funny thing, is that when I lean into the darkness, I seem to get better results. It’s a bit strange to me, but it works for me.

I still have many walls to break down and in some respects I’ve seen old thinking patterns resurface. I guess that’s just the nature of the game.


I’m going to start my washout now and then call Monday the official start of cycle 1.

Since beginning this journey, I have been listening but I haven’t been tracking or Journaling. I’ve forgotten to listen to Emp several times and in general, I’ve been a bit hands off with this one.

A Result…A Big Result

I went bar hopping alone last night. Something in my gut told me I should. I knew that I was going to find something. What I found is that I had completely transformed in the way that I behave at bars. From last year to now, things are completely different. I’m so much more free and confident that it’s kinda hard to believe.

I also found that I’ve lost my taste for alcohol. I’m just not very interested in it anymore, and I realize that I can be extroverted without it. I guess, I just don’t need alcohol anymore.


There is so much to say, where to begin. Well, I’m officially returning to the forms on Monday and resuming my diligent Journaling.


Cycle 1 - Day 1 Wanted & Daredevil

I’m back for the first official cycle of this journey, worry not, I’ve been busy since the unofficial start of this journey.

I’m listening as I write this. I just got home from the gym and was pleased to discover that my strength has been maintained.

Last week I did a few days of keto as a test, and I felt incredible, so as of yesterday, I’m officially on keto for the next 6 weeks or more.

I’ve experienced some massive social and emotional shifts in my life over the last couple weeks–been great y’all.

DD and Wanted continues to be the winning combo for me. Should I drop Emperor? My hesitancy to run it is either recon or wisdom. Hard to say. I feel very little need to speed through this process of reprogramming after harsh lessons I’ve learned.

Up and Coming
Is a focused financial plan for the next little while. I’m running about 3 weeks behind the schedule that I set for myself, but I’m not terribly concerned about that.

In General
All is better than its ever been. More to coming in the following days and weeks.

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Alright, looks like I’m going to drop Emperor and add in…


Why not?

Emperor is beautiful but the Empeor doesn’t always get along with the Daredevil and the Wanted Man. That’s what I learned on my first long experiment with Emp, DD, and Wanted. R.I.C.H sounds like it will mold itself well to DD and Wanted. What’s more Daredevilish and sexy then being untouchable?

So, new plan:

Wanted, DD, and R.I.C.H. Nothing else changes.

Monday: DD and Wanted
Wednesday: R.I.C.H
Friday: DD and Wanted.

Stark simple.

See, I knew my higher self was having me skip Emperor for a reason, I wouldn’t have thought of this were it not for skipping Emp.

See y’all tomorrow for my first loop of R.I.C.H.

Cycle 1 - Day 3 R.I.C.H x 2

I’m running two loops of R.I.C.H today as a SLIGHTLY irresponsible experiment. Some voice inside me said “do another loop” hopefully it’s not my demon. Lol.

So, we’ll see how this goes.

In other news, I’m just coasting, moving up hill, removing blocks to success and getting more of what I want. Day by day, every day, I get a little better.

I’m getting less frustrated when I don’t get exactly what I want, when I want it. When ever I don’t get what I want, when I want it, it’s because of something that I’ve failed to notice. Once I resolve that, I get what I want.

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Cycle 1 - Day 5 Wanted Daredevil

Once again I return to the place of needing to clarify what it is I actually want.

Ehh, since life is so short, I might as well aim high.

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Cycle 1 - Day 7 - Rest

Hmm, interesting. Seems that these subs are truly not limited, the limits are within the user. I’m still trying to figure out how exactly to break through plateaus and speed up results.

What I’ve come back to is that you must find a way to convince yourself that you actually want a desired result.

We often lie to ourselves about our true desires, and then we are confused when we don’t get what we think we want. It was never a matter of limitations from the subs, it was a false understanding of self.

Meditation and Journaling alongside objective self observation is the best I have so far.

To those that follow this journal, I don’t speak about results much anymore.

I get results daily, but results seem to matter less to me than seeing the changes in my ego structure over time.

I’ll give a result though. Suddenly, men and women both are far less attractive than they used to be. What does this mean? I’m simply not intimidated by beauty as much as I was.


Cycle 1 - Day 14 Wanted and Daredevil

Had some great fucking romantic manifestations today…It made me want to try and catch lightning in a bottle to figure out what I did right…BUT I know that’s not how this works, not really.

If I got good results today, the lesson is CHANGE NOTHING.

One thing I have noticed is that I tend to do better if I space the listening throughout the day. So, on Monday and Friday I will do A.M and P.M listening for that purpose.

Great, great stuff.


Cycle 1 - Day 20 - Wanted Daredevil

Hmm. I skipped listening yesterday. Today is my final listening day for this cycle.

I’ll do one more cycle and then washout for 2 weeks while on vacation in Europe. This will be my first long washout in a year, so it’s pretty exciting. I’ll finally get to experience a full bloom.

Things have shifted again, this time they have shifted into territory that feels both uncomfortable and less than desirable.

Spoke to my therapist about it today and they advised me to ride the waves given that I’m growing in a positive direction.

In the last couple days I’ve been experimenting with brainwave entrainment and meditation. To early to say, but brainwave entrainment might not be recommended alongside subliminals, the results have been unpredictable as well as strange. I could easily see someone getting overwhelmed with the combination.

As always, things are moving forward and upward.

Cycle 2 - Day 1 - Wanted

Making a small change to my plan. I’m just going to run 1 title per week. Then on the Wednesday of week 3, run 2 titles.

Monday: Wanted
Wednesday: Rich
Friday: Daredevil

Wednesday Week 3: Rich Daredevil.

I’m really going for slower, more manageable results these days. I’ve done so much of the major work, now I’m in the stage of slow, constant improvement. I’m no longer looking for big leaps and bounds.


Everything’s great, better than it’s ever been.


Cycle ? Day ? Wanted + Rich

I haven’t kept my word from the previous journal entry: I haven’t been journaling and I haven’t been tracking my listening. I’ve listened to Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and that’s about as much effort as I’ve put into it.

Not journaling is not effective.

Today I suffered some pretty intense recon, nothing new.

Part of me feels like I’m reaching the end of my Sub Club journey, but that’s most likely not true. I’m getting really sick of the recon. I’ve not been helping myself to alleviate the recon by journaling, tracking, etc.

I’m not really at the end because I’m still far from where I want to be with this stack.

I’m not changing the stack. I’m recommitting to the process.

I’m now officially back on the forums. This journal is now live again.



Good morning all, I just hit my one-year anniversary on subliminal club this week.

I graduated from one university, was accepted and dropped out of another university, changed jobs, got a second job, partied, met some girls, won hearts, broke hearts, fell in love, broke my life, rebuilt my life better, deepened my understanding of the world and reality, let go of a mountain of trauma, made friends, lost friends, won friends back, moved three times, increased my net worth, saved my receding hairline, and now I’m leaving for a solo vacation in Europe for a few weeks.

I’ve done a lot. It’s been a big and expansive year full of some of the deepest pain and highest states of bliss. I’ve seen the walls of my mental prison, and I’ve tasted freedom and power.

In short, I’ve only gotten better since I’ve began. It’s been a broad and slow upward journey.

Starting today, I will consider myself a beginner again. I had my year and now I’m going to pretend like I’m starting sub club for the first time because I essentially am, the subliminals make you a perpetual beginner.

So, I suppose now I need some worthy goals to focus on.


Binaural beats are not a good idea.

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Going to start the washout now.

Spent the last couple weeks experimenting with binaural beats and have come to the conclusion that they are harmful to me. The brain is complicated, if only it were so easy as shifting your brain mechanically into different states.

I’m gonna stick with what’s worked all along: sub club, meditation, cold exposure, breathwork, and the rest.

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A year or two ago, silly me thought it was a good idea to listen to delta waves while listening to :dragon: Dragon Reborn ST4. What I can tell you is that I felt really weird and felt like I damaged my brain afterwards. Never used the two ever again and don’t ever plan to use them separately on different days either :joy: .


I literally thought I cracked the code when I found the binaurals…all I did was have intense recon and a few borderline psychotic episodes. :rofl:

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It’s amazing how you can come so far with subs and still be such a dumb coward. Why the hell do I keep falling into the same mistakes that I know are mistakes!? What the hell is wrong with me?

Problem solved. :slight_smile: thanks sub club.

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I’m fighting the subs, and this is why I need to journal. I’m not a dumb coward, I’m just creating artifical resistance by trying to control everything and not Journaling.

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Im at the airport, about to leave for Europe. I’m nervous. I’m nervous that I’ll fuck up my own vacation.

I’m nervous is all. The fear is a great sign, it means I’m about to step into a big opportunity to grow and expand as a man. No matter what happens, I’ll be changed for the better. When I get on my flight, I’m going to listen to RICH and Wanted. I was planning on doing a washout on vacation, but perhaps I won’t. This is a huge opportunity to take massive action and allow the subliminals to do their work on me.

So, here’s the game plan.

Washout Friday, Saturday, Sunday and on Monday I’m going to start up a cycle of RICH, Wanted, and DD using the standard listening protocol. I’m going back to basics. Meditation, standard listening protocol, and Journaling and taking action.

Experimentation is fun, but I know what works.