Fixing my productivity/ADHD (EF1, LE and Paragon sleep)

Im planning to create a stack based on fixing some issues i have that affect my productivity, most of these issues likely stem from ADHD.

My main goals are:

  • fixing my sleep schedule. I get extremely little sleep right now and that often means i dont have time to do the things i want to do in a day.
  • getting myself to actually do stuff without there being a huge time constraint, instead of just doing nothing. Quite common from most people with ADHD i know, that we just sometimes…. Do nothing. Like maybe scroll on the internet all day or whatever, despite actually having plans, but never actually able to do them. This is the biggest issue im hoping to fix as its very annoying.
  • clearer thinking, a more empty head
  • stronger concentration without hyperfixating (as that costs a shitton of energy)
  • actually getting to the gym. Somewhat unrelated to ADHD but it is related to productivity. Gym is just sometimes i want to make a much bigger part of my life than it currently is. I want to do some kind of exercise every day (aside from cycling, im dutch so thats a given) but i often dont manage to do that.

My stack to achieve these goals will be:

  • limitless executive (concentration and direct productivity)
  • paragon sleep (sleep schedule)
  • emperor fitness ST1 (gym and indirect benefit to all the other things)

I expect to be running this for about 3 months.

On a side note: i never expected that i would run programs like paragon sleep or executive as they always felt like such small schale compared to the behemoths of benefits some other subs give. But recently i noticed that smaller subs tend to give me better results compared to big subs. I also dont have that big goals right now as everything is going pretty smoothly tn. I expect in the future these skills i build here will greatly benefit everything ill do in the future though.


Ran my first loop of LE a few days ago, its still hard to fully judge that sub untill later today since the past few days i was on a small vacation with friends. What i can say is that my sleep seems somewhat improved. I had allergies acting up when we were on vacation and had a lot of trouble breathing and stuffy nose. Despite this i still managed to be asleep before 24:00, wich is quite impressive for me!

This said, that is also honna be my goal. On the days im not going out i want to be sleeping before 24:00. Before my average sleepschedule was around 3 AM to 9 AM (than not getting out of bed till 12 since im tired).my new schedule im aiming for is more along the lines of 24:00 to 8 AM and than getting out of bed within 10 minutes.

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Ive been thinking more about the future, and made some plans of what i want to be doing for the next stretch of time. I would assume this is step 1 of what limitless executive is doing. First getting some ideas of what to do, and than actually doing them.

My sleep goals have t been as great. The past few days ive once again only went asleep at around 2AM. This said i did fall asleep quite quickly afterwards so thats a hugeplus. Also feeling a bit more awake than usual rn.

Now going to the gym for the first time i. Quite a bit, gonna keep this ip at the very least twice a week, hopefully more.

Rn im in the gym. Im a bit sick so im not pulling that mych weight. That said im noticing my form is greatly improving and with a few exercises i slowly started realising that ive been doing them slughtly wrong and readjusted them in a way that feels better. This definitely seems like empfit ST1 helping meget better form!

Im known to get injured in the gym so this is definitely something extremely helpfull! (Sadly though it does mean i have to do lower weights for a bunch of exercises)

2 days in a row going to gym despite not being able to breath to well with allergies. Very proud, in the past i wouldve used that as excuse not to go. #nodaysoff

This time the gymw ent very well! I usually struggle with form on leg day as all the exercises have such big and precise movements. But i did quite a bit, slowly with good form, and with decent weight too! I did notice my cardio is as though, when i did deadlifts it really felt like i was abojt to faint from exhaustion (tbf lack of breath also doesnt help). Afterwards i did a few smaller exercises and than i could go on though. Deadlifts is also still the exercise i struggle eith the most. I really want to fet the form down but it just doesnt come naturally to me due to my bad posture.

Productivity so far seems to be somewhat up. However in a quite natural way. Normally when i have an ultra productive day it is often followed with a day of doing absolutely nothing. Right now i seem to be in a bit of a middleground where im not completely productive, but quite consistent. I hope this pattern will stay.

So far:
Limitless executive : having trouble really seeing much results so far. Than again though i find it really hard to know where to start with some of the goals i have. Like i want to learn programming as it looks good on my resume. But than the question becomes what kind of programming i want to learn…. And i just have no idea. I dont know what most of the things i find are nor so i really know what is isefull, and therefor its hard to start anything. I have restricted youtube though and removed instagram as i spend to much time mindlessly scrolling the shorts. It helps but rn i still see im just spending most of my time just calling with my girlfriend, so it still isnt that productive lol.

Paragon sleep : my sleep schedule still kinda sucks but, i find myself falling asleep quite easily and waking up feeling more refreshed, so thats definitely a huge upgrade!

Emperor fitness ST1: im going to the gym quite a lot so far, not completely 3 times per 4 days as my schedule is, since i dont want to go after having gone drinking, but still find myself going this week 4 times thus far. So thats very good. I also find myself as previously mentioned soin the exercises slower and more methodical and less explosive. I really feel the muscle im working on and focus strongly on it. Also learning some ways around some of the pitfalls i fell into like overexerting my forearms, not having a good enough condition, etc. So far i really like this!

Also minor thing but i really hate putting my clothes to dry, so i have a lot of wet clpthes rn. Probably a very student thing to do but i really do need to take better care pf my clothes, it feels like a huge mistake waiting to happen. Just havent lived alone long enough to really have gotten used to actually taking care of myself and my room fully yet.

Todays gym session was amazing. I went for like 2 hours and felt like the entire two hours i did effective exercises. Even learned some new exercises simply by walking up to the guy with the biggest biceps in the gym and asking him if he knew some bicep exercises. The biggest suprise to me though was that staninawise i could get through it. I guess the fact that upper body is not as draining also helps, but i really feel like in the past i wouldve never been able to go for so long and do so many exercises in a row. Very impressed with myself!

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Ive been quite good with gym right now, i quickly see myself building up in strength and being able to lift higher and higher weights. And i also have been very consistent in going, where i at the very least have been going 3x a week lately.

This said with the other two ive had less success. I wouldnt particulairly call myself productive, and my sleep has still been lackluster to say the least. This said i understand these have been lifelong issues for me that have quite a bit of baggage attached to it, so i get that i just hve to take more action and more time for me to truly be satisfied with the results.

I have had small victories though!
Ive been pretty much going to all my lectures and seminars in school, even though in the past i would rarely go.
While my sleep hasnt been good, i havent had a truly terrible nights rest, wich would be a bit common before whenever i couldnt get to sleep for to long/was stressed/just busy doing something else.
Feeling more well rested more often, even with not enough sleep.

All in all i definitely want to keep running this stack for a bit more time but there does seem to be some change happening!

Also i made some vague plans of what i want to be doing the next few years. I want to finish my bachelor in 4 years wich means i have the next two years where im basically taking half a bachelor (1 years worth of subjects in two years).

During the free time i have i want to first, make money,
And than when i have a semester where there arenr any subjects i enjoy, ill soend that semester using the money i made to do volunteerwork in foreign countries.

In particulair the volunteerwork i have my eye on are working on the beeches of greece where id be working in a conservation project for turtle nests. And volunteerwork in south africa where id mostly be observing the behaviour of the animals in the savanne and some other stuff.

These two projects sound absolutely amazing to me and i definitely feel like theyre within my budget.

Day 3 of washout rn. The past few days have been hyperprodictive, yet i havent been able to go to gym all week wich is very sad. I hope to be abel to go tomorrow and sunday so i at the very least still went twice this week. Aside from this ive also completely removed youtube from my phone due to shorts being far too addicting.

The next few days ill mostly be studying for my exam that i have on tuesday.

Honestly part of me is reconsidering having paragon sleep in this stack. It just doesnt feel like im in a mindset to really take action on that sub. I stil go to sleep at really weird and inconsistant hours and than have to wake up early, so real good sleep doesnt seem like a possibility. It feels like first there need to be changes related to my organisation skills and time management before im really able to change my sleep schedule to something healthier.
For this reason im doubting how much impact paragon sleep can have on me rn, this all said me doubting the use of a sub has jn the past followed with some insane bloom and change related to that sub lol, so im definitely gonna give it a bit more time before truly deciding what to do with that sub.

The reason why i havent gone to gym this week is due to how tired i was after going to uni from 9-16, and in the weekend having to study for my exam and some other stuff. To make sure this doesnt happen again im gonna make sure that starting from tuesday im gonna go to gym regardless of how tired i am after uni. I mught have a terribly gym session after being so tired, not sure, but than i at least know for sure that i cant workout when tired.

Im very bad at journalling here lol. But currently im on my 3th cycle of LE, EmpFit1 and LbFH. Since ive started a lot of cool subs have been released that make me want to change my stack. I have comitted to 3 cycles so im gonna stick to that, else i feel like ive just been wasting my time. But next cycle im most likely gonna change LE for genesis (keep the high productivity but also get all the benefits for finding what i want in life, wich is absolutely perfect for someone in his early 20s like myself) and remove emp fit entirely for now. Next cycle it will be summer vacation (and i have a lot of vacation plans) so i mostly want to stick to fun subs that allow me to enjoy the vacation as much as possible.

Noth lbfh and genesis seem to fit my goals extremely well though, so its very possible i will keep running these two subs for a long while. Depending ofcourse on whether genesis seems to be able to keep my productivity up and how long it will take for me to truly become inspired and find what i want to do in my life.

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Change it to LOS :slight_smile:

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