Five Years on the Forum




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I receivd the 2nd a few days ago, feels good

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Where’s the party at?


Here’s the party :balloon: party :tada: party :dancing_women:

I’ll be five in December.


How has it been? what are the highlights?

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I’ve actually been here for 3+ years but haven’t started posted until this year

Look forward to being apart of this great community of insightful members


You know you have to be over 18 to use subliminal, right :slight_smile: ?


How should I know? I am just a four year old.


I remember when there were only two subs. I found these guys by accident one day


those were ascension & mogul right? the good old days…
i wish I listened to my friends and used SC way sooner





@James was our 11th customer. And @King was actually the fifth. The individual that was the first isn’t registered on the forum (at least using their store email – I’ve looked before).

I still remember when we got our first order. I remember where I was – I was on the phone with @fire grabbing Boston Market for me and the lady. We had just launched the site and wasn’t expecting any sales. Then, DING – phone goes off and I looked. We had a sale.

At the time, it didn’t seem like such a big deal, since I had launched websites and businesses in the past. And SubClub wasn’t even supposed to be the “main” business. The goal was that I would always keep a day job and run SubClub as the second job.

Then… things began to change as I realized just how much I loved creating and researching things. From… whatever the first version was to Zero Point, we have come a very long way. And we thank both our oldest active customers for their support and patronage.

We thank all of you, actually. This company definitely changed my life and since the community is the heart of the company, that means you all play and continue to play an active role in that.



Thats what happens when you follow your passion!!
I can honestly say this company and all the fine products you guys have released have changed my life in profound ways, many times.

Love you guys!!

Edit: 1 more week and its 4 years since I bought my first sub here and created my old account.


Thanks for doing what you guys do!

It’s been a pleasure so far being apart of the SubClub community :heart:


But you yourself are a little over 2 years. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Am I want to thanks you for always having our best interest in mind, for taking the feedback into consideration and for also responding in a timely and professional manner (cause am sure by the time I ask a question it’s the fourth time you heard it.

Also big thanks in advance for this year with all the update and new subs completely changing the game again, like you guys always do.

Keep push @SaintSovereign @Fire and also you team.

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Time flies. To think that I’ve been a customer of Subliminal Club for 5 years now. I can’t believe it.

Honestly, I’ve never obtained results as fast as many other users here, but I can’t deny that over the past five years of running Subliminal Club’s products, many circumstances of my life and my outlook have changed for the better, and I have largely moved out of the depressive rut that I had started from five years ago. It’s a long and subtle journey, and can only be understood if one reads through every single post of mine.

I thank Subliminal Club for all its efforts in making improvements in the lives of countless people.


I came here around two years ago when Qv2 was introduced and I think Wanted was released around that time. Back the time I was just messing with binaural and isochronic sounds, and mainly fields.
Started a little bit with youtube subliminals.

One day this guy from the field community told me about SC and Emperor, that this is the best title.
So I look at it and never came back.

My problem is that I do not like to be told by someone else what should I do (I know it is just encouraging and not exactly telling me what to do). So probably that is why I have never had mindblowing experiences like some forum users had. But nevertheless, I still got my fair share of experiences and I think QTKS could be a real game changer for me since it is myself telling me what to do.


Yeah time is flying ! I realized it has been 4 1/2 years that I am with Subclub … It was total coincidence ! 14 years ago I was looking for something to help me stop smoking and I discovered the world of subliminals. I stopped totally smoking after listening to some of them and I became fascinated by these strange mp3s :sweat_smile: One day I was surfing on the net, looking for new brands/producers and suddenly Mr Google found one website I had never seen before called Sub Club, an intriguing name not very good in terms of marketing :rofl: but very nice in terms of family/friendship, a club of passionate people for their self development and development of their loved ones. My first titles I bought were Limitless,Beyond Limitless and Sanguine. Since then Sanguine is in all my customs whatever the general goals are