First 30 Seconds Of Talking To A Stranger

Holy damn if it there’s was I would get it right away.

I tried starkq which has daredevil in it does it count? (Fun fact I was using starkq when I was at that party with the massage girl)

Attachment Destroyer literally gives you the social effect @friday and @Vesper are deriving from alcohol, I highly recommend it, it allows you to speak freely without giving a single doubt about what you are saying and you also feel social ease.

But I’m not sure as to how much of your social anxieties dissolve, rather it seems like it conjures some kind of barrier between you and foregoing negative thoughts, if you really want to rid yourself of them I’d suggest Dragon Reborn. Social anxieties are really an effect of beliefs about yourself from traumatic past experiences and it’s those beliefs that are behind the unpleasant thoughts.

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So I had this idea, let me know what you think.

What if I run QL + Dragon Reborn

QL on headphones 1 loop masked (morning)
Dragon Reborn 1 loop speaker masked (night)

Would this be good and if yes what are the benefits I would see of me running them together?

It’s not a custom,
I have run a few loops this last week. of stage 1

the first time I ran it I felt an energy and power, parts of my body have energy and heat directed towards them -not like heat from libertine though-a different kind of heat-subtler hard to explain. 10 minutes in I was crying like crazy, all these releases. I started to experience a realness and sense of my own authenticity. I could feel and see my weakness and insecurities and they were intimately part of my but felt still very empowered and comfortable with them, they didn’t define me, but there was a also no distance or dissociation from them .

The next day I ran no other subs. I woke up feeling in a mood. But had a sense of kindness and love. I want to say all these senses I’m describing were SOO natural but COMPLETELY different than even my good moods sense of power normally. It was like the sub was pulling out my absolute best, not adding anything at all.

I went out for some errands and coffee, and I was blown away by the relaxed authenticity and attraction I felt with woman around me. I got into multiple ‘magic moment’ conversations with various woman, and even went out of my way to speak to some. Just felt a confidence and a fun and a freedom to engage.

Since running further loops of DR, I noticed I am hopping up onto counters to put on curtains, when I couldn’t get into my brothers house, I climbed on a stoop over a large drop to look through the window-what is significant about this is I have had a chronic injury where I am EXTREMELY careful, and can’t normally do this things, I am also hyper vigilant, think 3 times, and very slowly would do something like that if I absolutely have too and can’t get someone else to do it. Since starting DR I just find myself doing these things fearlessly, no though, no pain, no concern, no nyper-vigilance.

The first few loops I did feel the dragon’s flame, but when I stack DR they are harder to notice.
It makes me feel MUCH less cynical, and skeptical, and judgmental. Those are subtle emotions that have massive impact and when there not present -life and reality take on a totally different tone.

Also I can feel profound anger, depression, etc, but there is no resistance or dramatization of it. It’s just a part of my experience, at some point a power surge seems to come through and I break into a different state/ space.

All my other subs feel stronger and more obvious

-I notice it’s almost like while being completely immersed and present in my environment, I notice that I am imperturbable, my environment isn’t influencing me, I feel like I am effecting my environment and unreactive to what it is doing to me. This was so distinct I was concerned if I could be positively impacted by my environment still. and found a twinge of concern for what if I couldn’t. I re-read the sales page after this experience and noticed something akin to this was listed.

Lastly and this is big-I am not making myself ‘wrong’ or judging myself for emotions I have, I start to , and then there is just this ease, like I can hold everything with no problem as part of who I am.

Anyway more to come, hope that offers something.

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I find it’s better as a practice regularly than a state changer before events.
I personally don’t like meditating before socializing.
If I meditate regularly though my socializing, conversations, and sex become better.

See the thing is for me is when I meditate, I became way to wise if that makes sense. In a way I become so smart that it just doesn’t make sense anymore also I feel like I become a guru, not trying to act cocky or anything but yeah.

Do you have similar experience like that?

Not in that way

Not sure I understand what you mean, can say me about your experience after meditating that has that occur?

are you taking/making an identity unconsciously along with meditation?

Like whenever I meditate for prolonged time (A few weeks or months) I become like this (no joke):

Not that it’s bad but like when your 18 like this, it’s not exactly beneficial.

I recommend the book The Presence Process to anyone interested in meditating. Its a very different approach.

You might just be a nurturer and advice giver, and meditation, or however you meditate, brings out those instincts in you.

I had Attachment Destroyer in my first Khan custom and it did not do the job for me to the desired extend. But I also had some very weird effects and crazy reconciliation on that one probably because it consisted of 21 modules.

@friday @Vesper you guys should seriously consider running DR. Especially given your ages, it would be significantly more efficacious than for someone who may be decades older.

@friday I also thought that you’d be one of the first to jump on given that it’s so similar to your suggested Atlas Phoenix.

I am just strategically evaluating, contemplating and planning ahead right now :wink:

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