FIRE (Financial Independence Retire Early) ZP Preview

I love this statement! :clap:t2::clap:t2:

I believe being able to access and identify with feelings and thoughts about how you used to operate in the past can be a huge roadblock.

I want to get to a point where it feels like those thoughts belonged to a different person altogether. It’s cool this is working for you that way.


Day 2/21

Still feeling effects of yesterday’s stack. I feel different. A bit happier and lighter.

I felt quite drowsy in the morning despite mostly sleeping through the night like I took a sleeping pill.

I still dislike my job but now i feel a lot of the animosity leaving my body, leaving me even more confused. The voice in my head says it’s time to get out, but I am not sure what my next step is.

I no longer feel the deep burning pain in my heart area, when I feel those emotions that I felt before which caused that pain, it’s like soothing substance is placed over burn. I still feel those emotions and tension there it’s just less intense.

I keep running through which subs I want in my 3 layer stack I’m think ultimately it’s going to be CHOSEN, EoG, and RICH. I’m debating emperor or Stark instead of RICH, but those don’t seem to be the Ultimate Entrepreneur type subs. They have other things packed in there that are awesome but don’t fit what I am looking for. CHOSEN seems to be the archetype I was craving all along.

I noticed the reconciliation is much softer than on QV2 where I would just be immobilized my deep intense feelings. Also I am getting a lot of wierd feelings of breaking out of some imaginary projection I was heading towards.

Worked for the first time in a long time on my business so that’s a solid little win. Took some action, nothing leading to revenue yet.

Still feeling kinda down, but with a spark of hope deep down.


After what I experienced since running RICH ZP, I have no doubt the programs will help you blast through your limits. Don’t quit, you got this.


Could you elaborate or point me to your journal if you have one sharing this experience?

I appreciate the words of encouragement. Thank you.

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You’re welcome and yes my update from last night reflects part of this. I even ran RICH just after midnight before going to sleep and damn the amount of positive energy it fills me with is immense. I can’t wait to even get to work today so I can try out more sales techniques and push my performance even higher than I did yesterday. I’m motivated to have fun and make money at the same time. I’m even filled with so much positive energy that people are responding to me differently than they have before.

People at work that wouldn’t even speak to me just last week are now opening up, laughing at my jokes and smiling when they interact with me. I experienced that all throughout the day yesterday. Internally there’s really no negativity bogging me down. It’s as if I don’t have any mental or emotional scars. It’s like all negativity has been erased from my existence on a soul level. I feel healed on a multidimensional level. Feels like there is nothing I cannot accomplish. RICH isn’t just making me richer money-wise, but emotionally, mentally and spiritually as well. I don’t even want to run any other sub or self improvement program for any reason or from any other producer than subclub after feeling this way. I also feel as if the 2 consecutive loops are enough. No temptation to disregard the instructions at all because I’m willing to be patient with this journey and experience the inner transformation, all while having fun doing it.

Here’s my journal:


Thank you! I feel something in ZP promotes positivity to inimaginable levels. I got very similar benefits from running CHOSEN, particularly around positivity, energy and people responding to me in unexpected, wonderful ways.


Day 3/21

It’s Friday yay! I can’t wait till I don’t care what day of the week it is. I slept for the first time in a long time without listening to anything. I like that the reconciliation on ZP for me is that it just knocks me out at night. I feel different
… it’s so hard to explain how I feel but it’s just odd in a good way.

I think my final ZP Stack will be EoG, CHOSEN, HoM. I read somewhere that Saint suggested that HoM is good to replace RICH with since it has a lot of wealth scripting and my wife wants to start a family soon.

When running the scripts, I start to feel a bit of pain in my neck area, it’s moved from my heart to there. I also noticed random tears of joy and sadness all in one. When people describe what heaven feels like in NDEs I had a couple seconds of that. It was beautiful. I also felt some slight pressure on the crown of my head again and temples.

I played dnd for the first time tonight and despite having anxious feelings beforehand I had a blast. This will also help me with my business which has a target market of dnd players so it is giving me an intimate understanding of my demographic that I want to sell to.


Day 4/21 rest day

Everyday I wake up feeling as if the world has shifted towards my goals. It’s almost unnerving in a fun way. I have a craving to add a sexual sub but I told myself I would add wanted in January so I have a month of establishing my primary goals of financial independence before running wanted for my vacation coming up in Mexico.

I woke up pretty exhausted and groggy like I took melatonin last night. I also feel a slight pain in the back of my head. Not super intense but noticeable. It could be from trauma of getting smacked back there either in childhood or from when i got a concussion in a car crash. I has very intense dreams but couldn’t quite remember them.

I feel a spark of inner confidence and slight increase in my posture. I worked on my business for a little bit till I had a torrent of self doubt pe in, so I finished what I was working on and let myself be okay with the work I did today. A sense of hopelessness began filling back up again.

Towards the end of the night while watching NCIS with my wife I felt a sudden sadness come over me like a storm and then for the first time when recon hit, it also passed like a storm. It did not cover and envelope me like a blanket like QV2 did.

I keep re reading the sales copy of the programs I am running. I hope this is beneficial and not making me lust for Results too much.


ZP is magical for promoting internal and external positivity


Day 5/21

I woke up slightly groggy. I felt slight pressure in my heart center but not as intense as QV2. I also felt a slight pressure on the top of the crown on my head again.

I just feel kinda lost like not sure what my next steps should be, kinda filled with a lot of self doubt and feel directionless.

For the first time in a long time I rode my station bike while watching football. Nothing crazy in terms of intensity just trying to work some form of exercise in. While exercising I felt deep sadness emotions fill my mind and body less intensely than qv2

In the evening I had a slight headache. I have feelings of everything is going to be better. In non business aspects (such as chores around the house) I am a bit more self motivated. On the side hustle part I am really struggling.

Day 6/21 rest day
Downloaded a business book I found while browsing Kindle. That’s probably one way RICH is manifesting. It was free with credits I already earned.

Up and down day at work and by up I mean at times I tolerated working there. I have flashes of rage but they calm down just as fast as they arrive. I am definitely not that pocket full of sunshine. I feel like such a crabby individual. I am excited to see the positivity come out on CHOSEN.

Adding WANTED as the 3rd member to the stack. I’m creating a Playlist for the long haul so I think this will add a missing component for now. I think more processing days are needed for RICH and CHOSEN. Adding WANTED to the mix should create a good synergy between the titles. I am probably going to run CHOSEN and RICH more and only sprinkle in Wanted.

I am really rebelling against anyone telling me what to do. It’s an almost automatic shutdown response.

At the end of the day for once I actually feel good at night. I feel like financial independence is in my grasp I automatically keep visualizing myself on a all inclusive resort throughout the day without forced visualization. While I think EoG ZP is ultimately going to lead me to the promised land, RICH and CHOSEN together are leading me to a better future. I definitely feel wierd like I’m tripping out or something always when I finally enter my bed at night.


Day 7/21 already a third of the first round of 21 days.

It appears that it will be a while till RICH can hit some of those iron clad barriers that my mind has built up I remember @SaintSovereign said earlier that EoG is a sledgehammer to wealth mindset where RICH is more like a drill. I wonder if this will still be the case for ZP. If so I will use this time to drill a hole in my wealth issues while I await ZP EoG with @James so when the sledgehammer comes in it will fracture easier.

I noticed my libido has drastically fallen off too lately, this must be that primer in ZP. Kind of a nice side effect not to think about sex all the time to be honest.

I have noticed an uptick in how responsible and self motivated I have come to just about everything but money. There’s a serious issue there that RICH is working on.

Felt a dull pain and emotions from my heart area.

My therapist helped me realize I need to know who I am to integrate it with what I want. I have a vast knowledge of strategies from tons of books but couldn’t quite ever integrate them into my life.

I need to start learning about who I am and the why behind my desires and keep being curious about what is it in financial freedom that appeals to me so much and the keep asking why why why why 100x.


Yeaaaah, it’s going to come roaring back after a few days, lol.

Day 8/21 rest day

I slept HARD last night and woke up groggy today. I woke up feeling that my life is heading towards my goals. I feel very out of place.

I keep visualizing myself on an all inclusive luxury resort kind of automatically. My thoughts and dreams are also showing how my brain is subconsciously trying to come up with business ideas to implement in my life. Its like one of those combination decoders in spy movies is running through my head trying to find the right combination without emotion, just machine like.

Very brain tired today. I took a 40 min nap and was even more tired upon waking.

Went to a candle making bar and it may be the pivot I need for my business. Candles and cocktail creation aim to do the same thing in different ways. I now need to make a quick profit plan to see if a candle creation business for D&D and gamers is feasible. RICH leading me to this?

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Day 9/21
Slept okay the night before. I am sleeping quite hard lately but wake up every now and then. I noticed I’m a little more bored at work than usual.

I have stood up for myself a lot more since ZP came out.

The initial overload effects of ZP have seemed to have dim a bit. You can tell they are still there, just less so.

Played D&D tonight. Had a great time.

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Keep your vibes high no matter what great job so far you got this and I’m soooo excited for you!!!


Day 10/21 rest day

I didn’t feel the effects of running the subliminal yesterday, but I do today in terms of groggyness.

strong opinion about weak things
Listened to the best Christmas music of all time by Tran-Siberian Orchestra (sorry this is an absolute fact and I will die on this hill)

@invictus wrote a post about having 3 main goals. Mine have not changed since I started this journey, the biggest thing I struggle in is busines.

My three main goals are:

Absolute #1 Goal reason for this entire journal is financial freedom. I want the ability to buy things I desire and not be chained to a desk. I desire to work because I want to not because I have to. I am currently running RICH ZP until another better suited sub for ZP becomes available.

Second goal is to become more desirable for my special woman and increase the playfulness of our sex life. I run WANTED for this.

Finally I want to become happier. I have been dealing with chronic depression related to ADHD for a long time now. It has become cyclical. I also desire to make my wife and I that hot badass couple like Brady and Giselle with two kids. For this reason I run CHOSEN for that leadership ability in and out of the home as well as increase happiness.


Day 1/21 Mogul

I feel effects like I’ve started down the path of no return to an extraordinary life. I seem to struggle on wealth Subs but get results quickly on just about everything else.

I know Saint said he struggled with wealth Subs for a long time before things clicked into place. I have been heavily conditioned to have a scarcity mindset that just needs time to be reversed.

Last night while kinda sleeping I came up with an idea to create cocktail/tea infusion business selling kits. I contacted the local equivalent of FDA for rules and regulations.

I also got my student loan bullshit set up for repayment.

I AM SO EXCITED FOR MOGUL ZP! I am planning on running this until EoG upgrade comes out.


Day 2/21

I am reading business books for the first time in a long time since I became disillusioned with them. I no longer am enthusiastic about them but just read them as something to do since I feel stuck.

Rode my stationary bike while watching football.

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