Finding your PURPOSE

Hey guys,

I was wondering if there is any sub for finding your purpose in life?


@RVconsultant, @DarkPhilosopher

Wouldn’t ‘Mystery’ help with this? Maybe your hidden/unknown talents might bring out your purpose, could be wrong.

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Mogul has that. Ecstasy of Gold also.

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Hey Vinit :wink:

I would’ve said Dragon Reborn or Khan Stage 1.

Simply because it brings you back to your source and you will discover what you are/want to do.
I might be mistaken there.

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Spiritual Reality Alignment

But also, read the description for the module ‘Wayfinder’.

Notice the first half of the first sentence:


And here is the description for Spiritual Reality Alignment:

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if I remember correctly ,mogul mentions that specifically in the sale page…speaking from my own experience,stark will do that too…


@Present1 , @Malkuth - he is asking for subliminal titles and not Q Store modules, my friends


You might wanna check out the Alchemist.
The Alchemist is the ultimate spiritual tool and I believe that purpose is a very personal, spiritual, concept.

But I believe that other subs will help you find your purpose as well.
It depends on your perception of it - for example - StarkQ will help you find your purpose by contributing to others, using your inner gifts/talents…, etc.


I’d also vote for Alchemist.

I know this term ‘spirituality’ has a lot of baggage. And some of us here, myself included, enjoy getting in our ‘whoo-whoo’ bags.

But I think the essence of spirituality is internal and external alignment with Rightness and Meaning.

For some people, that may involve flashing lights, entities, and winged beings. But at the end of the day, it’s not about empty rituals. It’s about alignment with purpose.

So, yeah, I’d say Alchemist. Big time. That’s a big part of what I’m using it for.

Also, check this out:

There’s a link to a free program that is about clarifying one’s path and purpose. Who knows? You might like it.

you’re right, Raph. but, it was just too much of a perfect match to not mention it.

EDIT: you beat me to it @pakr93


It’s funny because my first thoughts were most of the above. First, I figured Alchemist could help since finding one’s life purpose is a spiritual pursuit.

Then I thought that maybe if a person figured out a specific field (wealth, sex, etc), the multi-stagers would most likely help find the perfect path in that specific direction but not the overall purpose.

Finally, I remembered seeing something like that on the Q store as I was designing my recent custom, came to the conclusion that the OP was not asking for modules, and so stayed silent. :slight_smile:


Here’s another take.

You probably know your purpose(s) on some level, but have been discouraged from following it (them) due to bumping into many obstacles in the past. We experience too many of these setbacks early enough in life or in too brief of a time period and we get overwhelmed and we shut down. Then due to avoidance and self-protective suppression we feel that ‘we’ve forgotten it’ and ‘don’t know what it is’. In fact, we’re hiding from further disappointment behind a wall of apathy. Eventually, the wall itself gets buried, and, forgetting the entire thing, we’re left just feeling like we never had a purpose in the first place.

It’s not true.

Your body knows.

So, spend $35 and run Ascension. Your confidence, energy, and self-efficacy will rise. Then just do what comes naturally. Do what you want to do. Your purpose(s) will reveal itself(themselves).

For a person who feels capable, the world is full of purpose.


Come to think of it, I’m still searching for my purpose too:sweat:


check the glove compartment.


If Reading books is an option - Please read Mastery by Robert Greene.

First Section is Discover Your Calling : The Life’s Task


totally joking @Present1. please ignore and forgive if not funny to you.

Lmao I already checked, couple of expired condoms in it. It’s an infj thing I guess, sorry for hijacking OP :pray:



Are you getting your question answered?

I have started EMPEROR from today which already contains ascension and mogul.

Whats your opinion on this?