Finding the perfect stack vs staying consistent

I can’t be the only one that goes through this. Very often I get fears like “what if this stack isn’t the answer?, what if I dedicate all this time and it doesn’t work?, what if it isn’t me?, what if something is easier or better for me?”, and so it goes.

I’ve been pretty consistent with my titles so far. But sometimes I get these urges. I try to remind myself that staying on the path is guaranteed growth and improvement. That should be prioritized over trying to maximize results with some mythical stack that in all likelihood might not even exist.

In a way it’s commitment issues. Why is it that the closer I move towards a goal or reality, the less I want it? In those moments I sit my ass down, play the sub, and don’t touch my stack because I know I’m trying to run from something.

But is it always gonna be like this? It’s exhausting having some borderline conspiracy theory level logic that plays out in my head to convince me to drop a title all the damn time.

What do you guys do to help you get through those episodes if you have them?


Commit to your goals, not specific titles.


Been overthinking this as well. Came up to conclusion that you need to choose 1-3 goals and use 1-2 core subs accordingly. And use free slots as necessary.

Unless your goals change so much that current stack doesn’t fit, no need to constantly switch subs. “Best is the enemy of good”. Or unless there’s a new title EXACTLY for your goals.

Also, desire to change subs is recon iirc from the manuals.

Honestly HOM has deleted this for me and changed my thinking to long term but when I had them previously, I just repeated the thought process above. Though, I listened to Emperor at first and was recommended to change to Stark as it best fits my goals.


I forgot what it’s called but our brains are wired to long for new information and novelty. I remember this saying “Love chopping wood and carrying water for weeks on end”. What actually means; get used to having repetitive and sometimes boring tasks to get to a boring goal that first seemed fun.

When I have those days, I remember the above. But honestly, maybe you haven’t really figured out yet (That takes time) what you actually want. We normally call that “The Void” or “God’s waiting” room. Right now I see so much positive feedback on KB, but it just doesn’t align with my goals that I don’t have the urge to listen to it. I only want subs that are completely aligned with what I want.

So write down exactly what you want and if you don’t know that for sure. Let time play it out. Unfortunately, we can’t decide in what type of season we want to be. That’s something that flows naturally.


Repetitive and boring has been kryptonite in my life. It’s pretty much torture for my mind. I recognize the importance of it, but more and more I don’t think I’m gonna discipline myself out of this disposition and I have to find a way to make it work.

I think I’ve been so disconnected from my own emotions for so long I’ve had to even figure out what “want” is. Hard to know what you want when you have trouble identifying and validating your own emotions and desires.

Fair point. But I’ve also witnessed a pattern with subs.

There’s a honeymoon period when first running them. Then it can get difficult. Then you break through some limitations and get results. Then you go deeper and hit something else. And so on.

The problem I see with committing to goals is it can leave you open to jumping from subs and only taking in the honeymoon phase or that first level of going in depth. Ending up in a cycle of “this is the one that will get me towards where I need to be”, but over and over again in different variations. So you hit very shallow surface level change on the way to the goals.

My point being even committing to goals leaves that possibility of dropping something for something supposedly better or a better fit.


I stumbled on this post by @Yazooneh awhile back that really helped me with this.

When I get urges to swap because X sub has Y quality in it, instead of switching I just consciously guide it into reality instead. For example I’m running WB right now and had a desire to switch it up to something that would expand my social circle like daredevil, but I sat back, thought about it and realised that how could a sub literally created to make me the most wanted man alive possibly NOT have a massively positive effect on my social circle and it killed that desire to swap.

Realising that a part of recon is a desire to keep switching up my stack helped too. Reducing my exposure to the point I no longer get recon really snapped me out of that toxic loop of endless switching

I also find that listening to 3 titles in my stack make it worse, I can keep things until control with a single or 2 stack


I have read this advice on the forum now many times, yet it isn’t really helpful so far for me personally.

For example, I am committed to 2 goals: Money & Harem.

Yes, these goals come with many different titles as potential solutions.

Additionally, there are always titles that support manifestations of goals, titles to remove road blocks, plateaus etc.

…so even when focussing on clear goals, it is sometimes really challenging to commit and stay with specific titles longterm.

And then, if I am defining goals in a super specific detailed manner, like e.g. “The money will manifest through me doing this, utilizing this manifestation path and within this timeframe”, it is still not really helping and still too many possible titles apply as a potential solution.

With those 2 goals mentioned above, I always end up with at least 7 core titles to choose from and 13 supporting titles to choose from.

With Sub Club, no matter what you run, you will have a “good” result either all, yet the desire to go for the “best” is always there lingering in the background, nagging on my mind to rethink and “optimize” my stack and listening schedule.


The individuals who commit long term to their stacks seem to have had the best results. There has to be some mechanism that becomes more active the longer you stay consistent with scripting. I don’t know if it’s formation of new habits that stack on top of each other. Or it’s like a progressive exposure therapy and the fear diminishes and the sub can drill deeper.

If anyone here does jump around with their stack or bounce around I’d be interested to know what benefits you get from it.


Yeah, I have committed longterm to Khan 4 and WB because I now understand the benefit of long term exposure of a specific title.

The 3rd and 4th title I use “on demand” and “according to the current situation”, and rotate them with whatever necessary. I am also aware that I shouldn’t even have a 4th title on rotation in the first place and this all only makes the whole process longer. But in the end I always end up rationalizing to myself somehow that this is the minimum viable stack I need in order to reach my goals at all.

Maybe creating ONE or TWO customs would be the solution and then run this custom / these two customs long-term?


4 titles definitely sounds heavy at times. What are the other titles you feel are necessary to use?

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So, Khan 4 + WB are always there.

(However, I have to admit that for this cycle I have chosen to switch Khan 4 with PS after getting triggered by watching Californication and in order to speed to up the seduction results aspect… :confused:)

3rd title is Khan Black 4. I get almost zero recon from it, therefore I have put a 4th title into my stack:

4th title is either G:M or EoG 1, which I am rotating with each other and I do make 15 rest days in between when rotating them.

I do the same 15 rest days with Khan Black 4 and only run Khan Black 4 on the same day when I use G:M or EoG 1.

5th title would be Ascnesion Chamber, but that is allowed to have as add-on in the stack without counting as an additional title.

Wow so you run two Khans at times? Are you getting results? That seems like a pretty dense stack you have.

Yes, I am getting results with regards to certain aspects of the titles.

However, since Khan, WB and EoG are definitely also end game titles with a lot of objectives on the list, it will certainly take some time until all of these objectives are reached and have manifested themselves.

All my FOMO and desire for finding the best stack stems from my impatience of wanting all results as fast as possible.
I re-read the product sales copy and the testimonials and I get hyped up.
Then I want to all the results ASAP and right now.
Then I run too many titles or overexposure myself and get recon, which leads to a phase of no results at all.
Then, to hype myself up again, I re-read the product description and testimonials and push myself to do more action taking.
It is a vicious psychological cycle that leads to me getting slower results than I could probably have.
And when I realize that I could make faster progress, I am again, looking at optimizing my stack, searching for ways to improve my flow factor, pushing myself with willpower to take action etc.

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Ah man I definitely relate to that. It’s tough. Those sales pages definitely hype you up and makes you feel like the goals are only a few weeks away. Realistically it might be a year or more for some people.

Why not drop Khan and just do EoG and WB? If money and harem is your goal that seems the most direct route to me. What’s got you wanting to leave Khan in your stack?

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I feel like I am too passive on just WB.

Khan has the dominance scripting, which I love.
It has also the primal presence and proactive seduction skills, which WB lacks for me.
It has also the strong status increase, which is important to manifest high value people in the first place.
It has also the push to action so that I am not too passive.

EoG alone feels to passive too. At least now, where I am still at Stage 1. The action taking comes only on Stage 3. Therefore adding G:M for more action taking as well as for the NWE and G:M also being in alignment with corporate game and investing.
Probably also need to add RICH and RICH Crypto to the mix, otherwise there is FOMO that the wealth manifestation from EoG and G:M are not instant enough.

Why Khan Black?
KB is doing the sexual healing for me that Khan 1 failed to provide for me even after 5 months.
KB is also a strong manifestation booster for every other title and goal in life.
KB is also an attraction booster and fuel for the WB aura and for Khan’s primalness.

Hope this explanation of reasons makes sense.
It is my attempt at covering all important aspects with the least amount of titles.

I just seem to have had a mini breakthrough of sorts on my Survival Instinct/Spartan custom and that’s after 8 months. I have been planning to go a full year but now I might like it so much I’ll want to stick with it, so I’m open to that now too.

this is exactly what I wanted to say after reading the post.

as addition: do not come from a position “what if it’s wrong? what if it’s a waste of time?”, but from a “what can I do to find a better stack? does my stack align with my goals? how can I increase the ROI of my stack?”. Focus on goals and consider subliminals as a complement, not the other way around.


But that’s the exact type of thinking I’m talking about that fuels the desire to change stacks. Constantly re-evaluating vs sticking to something.

I’m not experienced yet with subs, but my current approach is I have my two main subs (Khan and Khan Black) that I have committed to for the next year.

My third slot can be interchanged as needed. ATM I’ve got LBFH in there, but I know I can adjust that through the year. Even just knowing I have that ‘freedom’ reduces any FOMO


Harem is a clear goal, while “money” is not. Wanted Black is exactly for harem

For money, there are need to be more specifics. Want to build your own business, consider Emperor or Stark, depending on what type of business. Want get better in the corporate world, consider AM. And so forth, at least that’s my understanding. And the third sub is used as necessary, depending on what you currently need. Need more coding skills? Index Gate. Need better network? Inner Circle. Want to focus more on getting the best deals on, let’s say, real estate? HOM. Etc. etc. etc.

The most mindblowing results are usually gotten by the people who used their subs consistently for a long time, at least that’s my observation.