Extremely crucial to processing (DEEP SLEEP MODULE)

(im sharing personal experience here what i struggled in the past, if u dont face this issue thats amazing, cuz u dont have to do extra steps to avoid it)

Hello there,

ive been a subclub user since 2021, always believed in it. had my doubts eventually when my output have not changed a lot. took action, drank water, ate healthy, didnt switch titles every 2 second

literally till like last week my processing hasn’t been the best till i added "Deep sleep’ module

ive been struggling with sleep ever since i started subs, once i start a cycle everyday id wake up super fucking groggy, like a sloth i literally can sleep for 20 hours if i dont get out of bed, i have to force myself to get out of bed , and this effect would sit still with me being super super tired for about an hour or 45 mins, then i go back to normal. id eventually notice minor changes in behavior that i journaled but ive been running my titles like for years? its kinda weird i should see more right?

and here i go i made my last custom which is focused on health/physical shifting and i added “Deep sleep”

i wake up like a babe fresh like a motherfucker, my processing speed is 1000 miles per hour, stark fucking worked again like magic, my social skills are now fucking incredible, emperor is blasting through the ROOF with productivity with my life, CONFIDENCE IS AT FUCKING PEAK

why am i writing this?
to share my experience that if you eat healthy and drank enough water and took supplements and slept for 8 hours and took action and u still wake up and feel tired like a sloth and no matter how much u sleep u still feel like a dead sloth ITS THIS PROBLEM, ADD DEEP SLEEP immediately

this problem has been with me ever i started subs in 2021, like i quit i think back in 2022 or 2023 im not sure, because of this problem, literally all i needed to process subs like a monster was GOOD FUCKING QUALITY SLEEP

now my fucking processing, and my results are fucking off the roof man, this is amazing.
cant believe i found a solution to my problem

i dont have any health issues regarding sleep, its in matter of fact that it has to do with subs, cuz once i stop listening for like a week, i sleep like babe again

just wanted to share and give back to the community since it really helped me a lot


also ive asked before and no one to seem be having similar issues as me, like i cant find anything related to that matter on the forum, maybe its a me problem thing, but i hope it can help someone skyrocket their journey, like literally ive been running alpha subs Stark/ascension specifically for like years and their results were absolutely horrible for that much time of running them, but guess what was the problem?

and i get like 7/8 hours of sleep everyday, go to bed at 9pm, wake up 4am or 5 am, everyday. and id wake up like im so overloaded with sleep that i could sleep for a million years if i let myself too, its my freaking body wanting to process but for whatever reason it cannot process as much, but now ive been using it for a week (my health custom) and i feel like fucking superman thanks to “deep sleep”

my custom is simple :
Deep sleep

and other irrelevant modules
the most important module is deep sleep

cause ive been running paragon also for a while now before getting this custom, and i still had this same issue with sleep

anyways, hope this helps


Did u try micro looping and still have the sleep issue?

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Excellent post. It’s like one of those little hacks for making your stack work by just adding a single module (in this case Deep Sleep).

I think I will try it for my custom the next time am making one. Am waking up tired too but thought it had something to do with age but if I remember right, I used wake up pretty well when having Deep Sleep in my custom. Never correlated it to processing and results but I would like to find out.

For those who only run main store titles and facing the same issue , they could try Paragon Sleep or Revelation of Dreams which also has sleep scripting.


yep, tried 1min of each title, tried 3mins, tried 5,

all ended the same, i sticked with 15 mins and now though


man i was questioning like 2 weeks ago :
“why the fuck i cant see stark’s output in my life?”
and i know how stark used to effect me before with my charisma and social skills

now im full blown a fucking charisma machine of confidence nd productivity, easy chats easy openings at work, its incredible, deep sleep is magic,

yeah paragon sleep would defo help, it makes sense though since we process sub input through dreams as well, a huge chunk, if u cant process well, then thats a problem


Congratulations man! Yeah Stark was always a difficult one for results for me too, I did better on Emperor with women and empire planning, but when I switched to Stark progress was a lot slower and I dropped it but never took Emperor back up again. I think Stark’s scripting must be more dense or intricate.

@Lion thanks for the heads up on RoD! I’m going to be using other spiritual tech to improve the processing but my addition of RoD to the rotation was always very sparse. Maybe I might need to do a little experimentation now I’ve checked the copy and confirmed:

The Revelation of Dreams also contains the entirety of the script for Paragon Sleep, a title designed to helping you achieve the most restful, deep sleep you could ever achieve – including a refreshing, tranquil and clear-headed awakening every day. This scripting does not put you to sleep. Instead, it helps enhance the quality of your sleep. Amazing, restful sleep will lead to incredibly rich and deep dreams.


thanks man!

yeah stark is defo a weird one but i like it a lot, the social skills and the charisma and the playfulness defo suits my fit, my main custom is emperor and stark and rm, i love this stack a lot

im so grateful i found this solution to my problem man, its like i was playing life on extreme difficulty cuz im running subs, but also im not processing it well for whatever reason at night, and i get heavy recon and feel overloaded, and the process is clogged its like a clogged pvc pipe that wants to go out but only some shit coming out and the others are stuck


Glad that this works for you!

I‘ve read in an older post that the Deep Sleep module made a user need more sleep than before (I remember something like 9 hours instead of 7) otherwise he would feel very tired during the day.

So what can we take from your find? Everyone has something else that will help him or her. That just makes sense because everyone is different and deals with different issues. So if someone is struggeling to see satisfying results: don‘t give up and keep on searching for a solution that fits you.

Thanks for sharing your experience @Budewr .


I know exactly how you feel. Especially with Khan Black stage 1, I felt like a train hit me, Everytime I woke up. It got better over time, but right now, I need to hit snooze 4 times to reach a state of consciousness that allows me to get up.
Though I don’t know if deep sleep would cure that for me. But it might try a few micro loops of PZzzz to mimic this effect

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For me I find that going to bed earlier, like no later than 10:15 to 10:30 pm helps a lot. Also, I discovered that 2 rest days in between listens is better.

I’m still experimenting with optimal loops, but there is variation between subs for this.

I’m going to start testing out 1&1/2 min, at least for new title releases.

I am getting good results from AoH, and it’s promising so far. Even though I find it a light sub, 3 min did knock me around a bit.

Getting off or cutting right back on coffee and increasing water intake definitely helps too. I was depending on caffeine too much to cope with recon effects.

Now I’m having fruit smoothies for breakfast instead of stimulants, and all that’s making the world of difference.

I think that sometimes recon can overshadow your sense of sub benefits. I mean you might still notice them but it’s clouded by that until it’s passed or cleared.

Then all the positive shifts and changes become obvious.


Or paragon sleep?

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Same, listening to subliminals is making falling asleep harder and the quality of sleep worst.

I know I’m done processing the script when I can sleep a full night and have a deep sleep with dreams I can remember.

Yesterday I overexposed and did 2 full loops of Khan Black stage 4, couldn’t sleep at all.

This is really great self-awareness and insight . I’m going to implement this advice.

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Interesting. For me, I know I’m processing deeply when I remember my dreams. Especially since I’m using ME I can remember dreams much better. And ChatGPTs Dream Analysis confirms the growing process.

If I do manage to sleep deeply and have dreams while processing then my dreams will be much different than when I’m not processing.

When I’m processing my dreams will have something that will cause me to feel a negative feeling like fear, dread, anxiety, shame.

When I’m out of recon/processing dreams are basically the opposite, dreams that makes me feel invincible, like I’m the man, doing what I want to do, being with hot females etc.

My dreams and sleep are my best indicators for recon/processing.

My dreams are neither. Sometimes there’s a fearful dream, but mostly it’s about growing themes or selfdiscovery. Like I’m at home but I discover new rooms or everything is more spacious. Or like I jump into a secret military base falling really deep to discover some nuclear power reactor.

Dreams where I’m just “The Man”, enjoying live I can’t remember, if I have them.


Apart form LB and LBfH which gave me nightmares, I never felt that the subs influenced my sleep in the one direction or another. I generally listen in the morning though.

It’s actually a very good idea, deep sleep module in every single major title


@AnswerGroup Would that be an option for future releases or ZPU?
Like a general part for better processing?
Perhaps even with parts of Pragya?