Extreme learning and absorption

Hello. Which programs, modules (combinations) are suitable for extreme learning, memory and absorption of other programs please? I know Limitless but I want to take it even further…


You could go for Quantum Limitless or Stark …QL would be better suited for learning


Thank you. Quantum limitless and Stark is better than regular Limitless?

I would run QL stage 1-3 solo, then add Stark after some time on stage 4.

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Thank you. Does it work well for you? If so, what are your results? :slightly_smiling_face:

I have not done QL yet, but I plan to in the future. But I have run other multi-stage subs and they work best if you don´t stack to much.

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Okay. Thank you. :slightly_smiling_face:

others have said it but QL is the way 2 go

i just started it,!

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I may be reading to much into this, but do you mean which programs would accelerate other programs? Like how Dragon Reborn St1 could make future subliminals works faster and easier?

If not, you might want to look into Beyond Limitless for an extra charge (along with what has been suggested: QL/Lim/Stark/ and RM if you have a broad range of learning including arts/scienes). I would also propose that Mind’s Eye has a tremendous advantage with learning by using your imagination


Interesting. Thank you. :thinking:

It is actually a matter of speeding up and improving the absorption of programs in general. Get pernament results faster. :thinking: :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hello does anyone have experience with RAIKOV custom module? :slightly_smiling_face:

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