Executive or Executive Limitless? & Limitless but which one?

Hi All

So as per my own goals or needs, there are 2 subs that i keep looking into.

My First main goals are to be an action taker, someone that has amazing motivation to never procrastinate but to be a goal achieving machine, who gets on with what HAS or MUST or NEEDS to be done daily to reach the goals I need to reach. I have many things that I must do daily for different goals but daily they must be done, from studying to physiotherapy to exercise to cooking and even just showering. Everything now feels like effort and a chore. Even the thought of keeping a plant feels like effort as it will need taking care such as cleaning dust off it or checking the soil etc.

Im someone that not only procrastinates (especially and throughout my academic life after puberty - before it school was easy) but also sets lofty goals and then when I take action that I must do daily I end up stopping at the first hurdle, or lose the motivation etc. I want to be a winner and an achiever.

I believe that if I take daily action whether its to exercise, or to cook, or to shower, or to study or whatever that the sheer action of doing it daily will make me 1 step closer to being the kind of man that is a winner and well taking action will help the subs too of course.

My 2nd main goal is to study. I want to study easily. Not procrastinate. Not fear it or be overwhelmed or stressed by it and to easily remember all I read and learn. Im studying as I dont have the necessary knowledge for my chosen career. I have the books but ill need to study them daily and the volume of information that I must know, understand and learn and retain is a lot. I need the motivation to study as well as everything else so that I can see myself as a great studious person that can sit down and study and make every session a success.

I also need to be able to then learn on the job for when I work. My field is stressful and the expectations on me will be high and the information thrown at me daily will be huge. I need to be able to listen or hear and immediately understand it or learn it etc.

So the subs that ive been looking into are the following and im confused, as to how they all differ from their sister subs in their category and which would be best for me.

1 - Executive or Executive Limitless?
So I know that Ascension and Mogul arent the same as Ascension Mogul, which uses some of ascension to help mogul to reach its goal of wealth. Whereas Ascension alone is based on its goals and mogul alone on its but AM is using Ascension to help Mogul. Is that the same with Executive helping limitless I wonder?

2 - All of those in the limitless family?
I dont understand the difference between Limitless, Beyond Limitless, and Quantum Limitless.
And then you have Executive Limitless too.

So anyone please able to help me figure this out?

And then someone else suggested to me that if and when im ready to add a sub to my current which is Ascension, that I add something such as Limit Destroyer that helps this sub and further goals but im unsure what is best.

So if you have the time please share what you all think. Sorry this was long I wanted to explain as clearly as I could.

Thank you for reading and helping in advance if you do. Appreciate it.




Are you having AD(H)D?

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Thanks for this bro!
Im unsure if its helped me or given me further confusion.

So from this I feel Limitless and Executive were combined but only enough to work synergistically whereas alone they would be the full entire programs, is that correct anyone or am I wrong?

Also im still confused we have:

Executive which deals with procrastination and in-action. Working to make you super productive daily on actions you need to complete that day - right?

Limitless, or Beyond or Quantum im still confused with. I dont have any tests, i finished my degree BUT i must study and learn everything I feel as I literally know nothing or very little. I need to do this over the course of the next 3months and then hopefully once I start working I need to continue this with getting back home from work and self-studying from all my textbooks.

So which would work for this?

My biggest issue however is procrastination and laziness and lack of motivation or rather motivation to watch tv instead of doing the work i want or need to do for myself.

I feel since im using a ZP sub also that I can add 2 more subs to the mix and so maybe executive on its own is going to be super powerful to help me further with confidence and procrastination and a limitless sub from that family?

Or perhaps you all might feel I should instead with my current ZP such exec/limitless and then add maybe quantum to this as it has all the healing that i feel i do need too around learning.

Or you might say zp + ex/L and with this limit destroyer to help release all negative beliefs whatever they are?

HELP lol

no i dont have this bro.

IMO Limitless Executive .

But if you are unsatisfied with the answer , you can submit a ticket for the personalized help .

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Want to/ have to learn? - limitless.

Need to get shit done? Executive.

Need both? - :wink:

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thank you for answering and the support ticket is a good idea too.

So you went with Lim/Ex.

Since it has limitless and executive in it then do you think Quantum Limitless would be a good idea to add on top to help in the long term?

Thank you but would it be 100% of both?

And then what are quantum limitless for and the other erm beyond one for?

and if I needed more limitless or more executive then can those be added or quantum or executive on top?