Enigma Journal - Spartan + Dragon Reborn LD

Day 20 : DRLD + PC + AC
felt tired when woke up. listened to subs immediately. felt a surge of energy. Getting aligned with my purpose more and more. I will do 5 day wash now.

This cycle synopsis : I have realized that even though I am pursing a lot of goals actively, the real focus of my life has to be my inner journey. I have to put all my attention and energy in elevating my inner self. The outside goals are important but they usually also act as distractions to my inner work. thats why I am happy that a lot of inner work practices like meditation, kriya, affirmations etc are slowly getting consistent in my life.
paragon complete has been really effective. it has balanced and increased my energy levels and sleep cycle. DRLD has been very good in aligning me to my true purpose and making me drop things that are unnecessary.

next cycle will be : DRLD + PC

It’s good you have awareness of this. It can sneak up on you! Speaking from my own experience at least.

I like your usage of the LifeChargers! I would like to see that product line expanded or upgraded.

I would offer for your consideration, " Khan Black: The Crucible ", particularly Stage One for dealing with PMO related issues, which are sexual issues. The whole program is sweet though.

I would also offer for your consideration that any loops of Primal Seduction will be putting some sort of sexual scripting in, while you are trying to get PMO under lockdown control, right? Cart before the horse? A couple cycles of KBC1 and DR:LD (I like that sub myself!) would be beneficial for your goal of PMO banishment, and also set you up well for further PS plays.

In my opinion only! I saw your journal today, gave it a read, and felt prompted to reply.

Disclaimer: I make pizza for a living. Use YOUR best judgement. :slight_smile:

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Yes!! they are amazing! I love using them, especially on rest days or whenever I need to reframe my thinking.I second you on its expansion.

I had the realisation in my last cycle hence I have dropped Primal Seduction completely for now. I will revisit it after 6 months when some internal work has been done.

I really want to do Khan Black. I have read so many good things about it esp for PMO but it is not recommended for beginners. I have been using subs only for 2 months now.

Would you still recommend it for me now or should I wait for few more cycles of DR:LD and PC (Paragon complete)? @PizzaShaman @RVconsultant

Hmm. You’re asking that question.

Everyone is different.

Two months of SubClub and I was into Revelation of Mind, another Artisan title. Still running it. I wasn’t deterred by the part for advanced users; I saw “and experimenters” and felt that was for me.

Oh. Before I type any further: In rereading your journal, I noted your use of Masculine Matrix by Hypnotica. This random pizza guy on the internet suggests that you stop use of that while using SubClub products. (You may already have, I saw it mentioned 20 days ago. Great if so!) It has been recommended not to mix products from different producers. I’d suggest a support ticket to see if it’s usage would be fine. I doubt it is, but you’d have an official answer. :slight_smile: Only typed out of care. Do as you will.

Back to Khan Black (KB). Now or a few more cycles of DR:LD and Paragon? Well you do well with taking action on health with Paragon, as far as this guy is concerned. Taking action on KB is fairly simple as well: Semen retention and some sort of internal energy practice. The extra energy that would be generated could be used by Paragon, which you are already running.

Ask yourself:

Am I prepared to invest at least one cycle per stage of KB?
Am I ready to take action to help express and execute the script for KB?
Am I ready to confront whatever KB brings up for my attention?

Do I have $99?!? :rofl:

I don’t know you enough from your writing to make a recommendation. :slight_smile: I will say that a stack of DR:LD, Paragon, and Khan Black sounds pretty good to me for your stated goals!

If it’s just a matter of timing, like you will run it at some point in the future anyways, then if you can afford it, giving Stage One a few listens will give you an idea and is a possible choice. You can always stop listening if it turns out to be too much at this time, 3 titles versus 2 in your stack.

I view these subs as wondrous tools to keep, so I wouldn’t refund any of my purchases from here. There is that part of being an artisan title, the differing refund policy.

Sit still and upright, or stand up straight.
Breathe through your nose.
Inhale for a count of 4, Exhale for a count of 4
4 or 5 times
When you feel still or at ease, tap your chest over your heart
Allow your awareness to descend to there.
Then ask your question
And get your answer from within.

What do you want to accomplish over the next 6 months?

Thank you so much for your feedback.

Yes, I was just a one time thing. Also Hypotica’s work is not strictly subliminal, it’s more like Active Synesthesia + Spatial Anchoring. But I will heed your advice and not mix different products.

I know for sure that eventually I will use Khan Black because it addresses my issue directly. I just didnt want to get ahead of myself.

Right now DRLD + Paragon feels sooo good. I really love these 2 . the amount of shift for me both internal and external is amazing. If I can add KB ST1 to this, oh boy !!!
Its a great stack recommendation. Thanks!

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My goal for six months (or however long it takes) is to handle the area around sexuality.

I want to have great meaningful relationship with women, but I have come to realize that I have lots of inner beliefs and issues (largely due to PMO) that must be resolved first. Chasing external goals (relationships, hookups etc ) will not solve the incompleteness inside. Transformation has to move inside to outside.

even though I go out, socialise and meet women, I am completely focused on my inner journey. I want to be with women, but I dont NEED to be with women.

I am very aligned with my inner work with mediation, yoga, kriya, affirmations and journaling.
Both DRLD and Paragon has been amazing. As DRLD helps me dig much deeper and resolve my various beliefs and PC gives me heals me and gives energy for various practices.

Complete transformation of area of sexuality. Expansion and deepening of my inner world of sexuality.

5 Day Washout

So I have added a routine of waking up at 5 am. Also joined a Runners Club to start learning about Marathon running. Both have been on my list for a long time and glad to be able to start with them
Day 1 : Wake up 5am. Mediation 45 mins. Belief work, Goal alignment, Journaling ,Full kriya, Belief work.

Day 2 : Wake up 5am. Mediation 45 mins. Belief work, Goal alignment, Journaling and then to Runners Club. evening Full kriya, Belief work

Day 3 : wake up 5 am. very very stiff body cos of running. so no meditation. did quicker practices. went for yoga in evening, felt so much better. did other practices (shorter version) at night.

Day 4 : Wake up 5 am. again sorenes in body. Listened to LifeChargers - as above and so below. some help in pain. drastic energy drops throughout the day. Evening went for Running, did other practices (shorter version) at night. My body felt really tired and so… listened to Paragon before sleep. slept like a baby. so 3 day wash not 5 day.

Day 5 : Wakeup 5 am , OMG I love paragon. My body is so much better. Meditation 45 mins, Goal alignment. Very productive day as well, consistent energy throughout the day.
Evening other practices.

Slowly a disciplined routine is being formed. Of course, as new practices are being added, there is teething pains. However, I just so happy that I can see all of this coming together in days to come. I just have to keep focus on doing my work. Both Paragon and DRLD are such a an incredible combo.

The practices I want are almost integrated in my day but not quite. I havent figured out the optimum time to do them. It will unfold itself. Putting them here for my own clarity.

  1. Meditation currently 45 mins ( Goal is 1 hour x2/day)
  2. Yoga/Running 1 hour
  3. Kriya 1 Hour
  4. Journaling 10 mins
  5. Goals Alignment 10 mins (2x waking up + before sleep)
  6. Belief work 10 mins (Goal is 20 min x2/day)


  1. Avoid Dopamine pathways of Smoking, Drinking, Tea/Coffee, Binge Eating, Sweets. Internet.
  2. Figure out optimum food for health.

Resources : Easy Peasy book, Allen Carr Books, The Cure, Psycho-Cybernetics

Looking forward to the time when all these get intergrated in my day !!!

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What do you think will help most with that?

So decided to take the leap and go with KB. I will stack KB St1 and Paragon. Not running DRLD as I want to first work with KB and if I am able to handle it, I will add DRLD.

Cycle 3 : KB St1 + Paragon

Day 1 KB St1 + Paragon
Day 2 Rest
Day 3 KB St1 + Paragon
Day 4 Rest
Day 5 KB St1 + Paragon
Day 6 Rest
Day 7 KB St1 + Paragon

was dealing with a medical emergency so couln’t journal continuosly.

so 7 day synopsis :
Fap on first 3 days.
I had run KB St1 and then paragon and it felt very heavy energy, taxing to the system.

I read somewhere in forum that its better to do paragon first as builds energy in body to handle other subs. hence I tried it.
so I run paragon first thing in the morning and then KB after lunch. It has been really good and the suggestion is spot on.
in last cycle paragon energy felt really clean adn light. in this cycle PC + KB is a denser energy. it feels more gorunded and solid. paragon is really amazing sub. My energy has increased and is consistent throughout the day.
In my first cycle I had run SAW + DRLD and that was causing a lot of enegy crashes. I think in future I can keep paragon with SAW to compliment each other.

other thing I noticed that in last cycl;e DRLD I was very very productive at the same time it brought up a lot of emotions and beliefs in me. It was definitely a challenging sub.

however since dropping DRLD and adding KB, my motivation and productivity has gone down. at the same time the nervous edge is also gone. I feel calmer and more accepting. I miss the productivity part though.

I will continue wtih this cycle and add SAW or DRLD in next cycle.

observations just on KB -
my energy feels more grounded, dense and stable
Another strange thing, I dont know if KB has physical shifting or not.
this week I was not consistent with my workout but whenver I looked myself in mirror, I felt damn I look good. it was very weird but awesome.
related to sexual energy itself. tbh i didnt notice it. I was so occupied with my situation that that part was not present. so not sure of KB effect on it.

Cycle Complete. Now 5 day washout.

Fap 2 times.
had a panic attack. I dont know what triggered it but I had a similar one 6 months back. felt like heart attack but medical showed nothing. this time, I was more careful and did lot of relaxation, breathwork and diet control. things are better. but I feel it is some deep rooted anxiety that has surfaced.

I was able to let go of lot of past. Also my energy feels more grounded and I feel more authentic and aligned to my goals.

A friend invited me to huge music party last minute. I usually dont enjoy loud parties but I just went with the flow and went to parties 2 days in a row. met some women as well. had a great time. It was definetly more relaxed side of me. Also got couple of numbers from women and fixed date with one over the call. the call had sexual undertones and I was very surprised to notice that I was relaxed and unapologetic in leading the conversation.

A very influential friend called and introduced me to a polyamorous club, which is invite only. That was surprising as this aspect has been on my mind for a long time. I still have to go through vetting process.

Some health issues related to acne breakouts and stomach showed up, not sure if they are related to PC or KB.

Over all, KB has been very challenging but also it has dug deeper in me and brought out a relaxed, grounded and authentic side of me.

I will continue with PC + KB St 1 for next cycle as well.

Something which is happening is weird money related situations. Like some bookings/ payments I have made got cancelled and I don’t recieve the refund. The amount has been small but such incidents have happened like 4 times in last week. And amount not refunded keeps increasing. I am not sure where this is coming from.

in the washout I had major relapse of PMO. for week I pmod for 8 times. I felt like shit and really really down. I think I was KB that was showing me the darkest times. It showed that I really needed to focus on sexuality exclusively and handle it properly.

Since then I have completed 2 cycles of KB + DRLD . Has been on nofap for last 6 weeks, improved my diet and got hold of my health.

Observation on DRLD: this is my favorite sub. it is incredible how it just absorbs and transforms my sexual energy. I love the combination of KB + DRLD as KB is digging deeper and deeper in my sexual healing and DRLD is the stablizing element that absorbs and transforms any excess or nervous enenrgy inside me.

It has been very challenging but the energy and clarity is quite noticable. I did come very close to replase but was able to back off. Additional things that are very helpful is easypeasy book and I also started reading the full version of Freedom model, along with some spiritual books on sexuality. All of them combined have changed my perception on PMO and sex.

for now 3 cycles of St1 seems good.

I am now starting KB stage 2 + DRLD. I will run 3 cycles for the same.

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So I am week in with KB st 2 + DRLD
I feel much more sexual energy and that has triggered me to watched porn couple of times but still no fap. I feel very very sexual. I feel I should not continue with st 2 as it is again triggering sexual urges and my only outlet seems to be porn. I am going to revert back to St 1 + DRLD for this cycle. I feel I need more healing sexually.

So I lapsed to PMO after 6+ weeks of No Fap. I have since fapped 6 times. I think KB st2 was too much energy for me and hence I reverted to KB st 1 mid cycle. I noticed that the sexual energy was very contained. I also noticed the same patterns of dopamine use of smoking and binge eating reared its head before relapse. also I was very focused on no fap for first 4 weeks but kind of dropped ball in last 2 weeks.

This is a recap of my subliminal journey for year end and my thoughts since I started the subs.
Cycle 1 : SAW + DRLD
Cycle 2 : DRLD + PC (dropped PS midcycle)
Cycle 3 : KB st1 + PC
Cycle 4 : KB st1 + DRLD
Cycle 5 : KB st1 + DRLD
Cycle 6 : KB st1 + DRLD (Dropped KB st 2 midcycle)

SAW : amazing sub. even though I ran it for only one cycle it pushed me to be very productive and helped me be focused on my day. I will definetly return to it at later stage.

PC : this was an eye opener sub as it made me confront my health issues directly. I also showed that I need to take care of my health seriously. Thankfully I did and I went for a long postponed health camp. The camp helped me reset my health and gave me knowledge going forward. I had a massive panic attack and that pushed me to be serious about my health. I think it was paragon that triggered it. I am very happy with this sub and very good sub for energy and overall health.

DRLD : What can I say !! This is a sub which I keep returning to as I think it is an incredible sub. It is able to give me whatever is needed for me. It has helped me reframe so many of my beliefs and absorb a lot of negative beliefs. for PMO I feel this is the foundational sub as every time I felt sexual energy, DRLD was able to absorb and rechannel excess energy.

KB st1 : this is deep deep stuff. I mean energetically it goes really deep and extremely complex. this also needs time. I feel pairing with DRLD is essential as DRLD is able to smooth out the deepening KB gives.

I am so happy to have started with subs. since my journey related to sexual energy and PMO
I have had 2 streaks of no fap - once 1 month long and once 6 week long.
I feel I am on the right track and progess is happening each day.

For 2024 my Goal remains the same : Complete transformation in area of sexuality.
I will run another cycle of KB st1 + DRLD. adding LBfH to this.
I will start KB st 2 after that.

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I stopped last cycle in first week of jan as too much Recon. I took a long wash for almost 25 days. that was very helpful.

Started KB st2 First cycle + Paragon. I decided to do microloops instead of full loops and that was a great decision. Ran loops for 3 mins each but later reduced to 1 min each for KB st2 + Paragon. I feel that has worked very well for me.

esp running paragon has resulted in some interesting results as I was able to meet a really really good yoga teacher for my physical problems. i will start working with him from next month. after running the first cycle I am taking a 8 day wash. I feel taking a longer rest is also beneficial to me.

Next month I will start cycle 2 of KB st2 + Paragon.
As I am progressing spiritually. I am also looking to add RoS and run it just once a week.