Empryan ZP Grade II

Time for a new journal. I’ve been lurking for a good while now checking in on new updates ever since i finished my new Khan run. To be honest there was not much to post or talk about. At this stage for me it’s mostly about refinement and enjoying what life have to offer. This bad boy however have been giving me so much gains I need to journal it so that i can look back on it in the future just like I sometimes do my old ones.

A Stark Black Reality Core
WANTED Black Core
Synergy: Divine Dominion
Divine Will
Synergy: Wisdom of the Ages
Synergy: Preordained Vitality
Synergy: Carpe Vitam
Synergy: Machine Totality
Synergy APS: Head/Face
Cosmic Navigator
The Way of ROI
Furious Ascent
Lifeblood Fable
Seeker’s Discernment
SPS: Nervous System
Auric Overdriver
Epigenetics & DNA Modulator

Now this is my 3rd custom sub ever. The first one i had was messing around with the idea of having wealth and learning cores in order to boost the store subs. The second was pure physical shifting with Lots and BLDM which worked fantastically ( in 2 moths i got half and inch taller and somewhat thicker ) which i am satisfied with.

This one is my first experimental using Synergy Cores. I am using it solo, 3 times a week ( 3 to 5 min loops ) but it hits like a bulldozer. I’ve been using this for close to 2 months now and my results are kinda out there but it matters not.

To start with: This custom even when run solo have caused me dense recon on the level of the time i was spamming version one of ZP ( Primal Seduction, Old Libertine, Seggs Mastery X and Diamond ). The plan was to refine it further removing some modules yet my gut instinct told me to keep going

Physical Shifting: The physical shifting aspect of WB + Synergy APS: Head/Face and maybe some effects from Synergy: Preordained Vitality have drastically changed my face. People and especially old acquaintances always ask if i started a new skincare routine and one even asked if i got one of those jawline chewing gums. While comparing new and old photos, there is barely a difference in my jawline but from the EYE level… my face have filled up in a way that is impossible to deny.

I started my new job around the same time i started using this custom. The amount of compliments i get from work have gotten so out of hand it feels cringe at this point. I almost envy them for how easily and freely the get to say whatever they want knowing if i said 10% of the “”"" i hear i would be reported in some manner. I’ve stopped working out entirely and focused completely on running / jogging yet i am in the same shape i was at my peak when i used to hit the gym plus a the now 7% ish body fat ( my normal rate is around 12 - to 15 despite how hard i tried back in the day to get a six pack )

I now realize that the way i consciously guided the sub, from my eye level, shaped my naturally triangular jawline where from the angle i look at in the mirror, my face looks precisely how i imagined it.

Tip for physical shifting: Anyone using Lots, WB or a custom with physical shifting need to take action. The way i did it was massaging my face for 2 minutes after shower in a way i believed it would help ( This does not work, however it counted as taking action since i was not only thinking about the result but DID something ) and this something does not need to be perfect either. I don’t know jack about massaging or how the face or bone structure works anymore than the next guy but i associated the action with the intended result.

Social Results: I really got tried from all the people hitting me up so much. My network have expanded so much I’ve cut so many people off just to make some room for those who are most fun/interesting and yes… useful
I have so many options i get to be as picky as i want. Yet no popularity nor recon could ever make me disrespect nor under appreciate anyone. My peace of mind comes from first from making my mom proud, by being the man she raised me to be.

Money: This is mostly from new Khan which untangled so many fried wires in my brain i feel worthy and ready to receive what i am owed. And what i am owed is nothing less than a comfortable life and a comfortable job. I’ve been poor for 99% of my life. Today i can say that i am an above average earner in Sweden. It may not be much, for now, but I enjoy the pace it’s developing so much and i am so grateful.

ASBR is still pulling it’s weight when it comes to money. I’ve networked with few but very knowledgeable people and I’ve started learning and investing. At the job i am became the problem solver who does it with so much ease. I’ve single handedly revived a very important department of my job to the level where they can now afford hiring new people. The creativity is pure lazy genius in my case as in i can easily find solutions that are so simple yet effective I can afford to be as lazy as i want.

Spirituality: As I’ve stated on my new Khan review. My path in life is spiritual. I want to to be in the flow, in the moment permanently. And like i said before. This is a little out there but i figured it out. It’s not a simple technique but the culmination of all my previous experiences, highs, lows and knowledge enhanced by Synergy: Divine Dominion, The Way of ROI, Cosmic Navigator and Synergy: Wisdom of the Ages. While i found the key, i realized that using it is far more terrifying and uncomfortable than i could have ever imagined…

If i could simplify the experience in a way it would be this. Imagine fully, utterly and completely detaching yourself from the environment, your body, your mind and time itself. Staring, embracing and completely becoming nothing except for the presence that watches. To say that i have the key to enter this state is a massive understatement of just how hard it can be. Having every cell in my being begging, lying and using every trick imaginable just to go back to the comfortable. Only a scant amount of people could fully comprehend how much this key demands and how simple it is ironically. Which is why i am 20% there from the goal of being permanently present or in the flow.

Now i could be disillusioned, wrong or half wrong but i no longer care nor need the certainty, for that need by itself was the biggest thorn i had to pluck while on new Khan Stage 1.

This could be why i feel exhausted 90% of the time. It could also be that this custom is too kitchen sink. I am simply following my gut instinct which says to keep going this path.

Da Ladies: I’ve been getting so many stares from women and even got approached at least once a week. Without sounding too cynical, I have little need of anything from a woman that isn’t my gf who stood by me through so much and loved me in a way i could never repay nor fully comprehend. While she cares little if i have some fun on the side, I rarely ever do since my standards are so high. But going beyond the pleasures of ego and flesh… it matters little compared to my real goals.

For now my fun is seducing without seducing. How can i seduce with as little effort as possible? While requiring 0 investment from either side.

If i read this 10 years ago I’d bet my life the person writing this is someone else. My high libido wasn’t because of testosterone or my love for women, It came from a masked ego and a deep craving of intimacy i could only get on a physical level. Now i am drawn to real beauty, authenticity and unrelenting self expression.

This lead me to truly comprehend the beauty, kindness and femininity in all shapes and forms. The way Zan Perrion describes it

Now for the drawbacks

I feel tired 90% of the time as i stated earlier. I sleep great, i eat great, i take care of my health and i jog each time the weather is fine. My relationships are great. I love my job. Everything is great. Yet somewhere very deep within, my very being is showing me just how addicted i was to suffering. How badly i wanted to be the victim again. To get angry again… To feel like the world is against me. To struggle for another " Milestone " thinking all will be well after and to those bittersweet emotions and thoughts that seem more real than anything i could ever be.

Those results are not just random or accidental where you feel truly alive for a while and then go back to normal randomly. This is my full effort to maintaing this state, while denouncing everything else.

You are what you think about… Such a simple statement a 6 year old could understand… Yet its so tricky to comprehend it would be easier to tell a blind person what the color RED is. Words could never give it justice yet giants who walked so we could run like Ekhart Tolle e.t.c have done such an amazing job in grasping the smoke.

Things are going far too good. Almost as i am being mocked by getting everything my ego and insecurities thought it needed just to see that you are who you are, no matter where.
My old self is SCREAMING danger… that some bad thing could happen… Not a second goes by where i don’t feel like breaking down just to go back to the old self which i’ve so gracefully denied. To listen to the old songs that made me feel sad, to feel like i am the underdog who needs to suffer to find meaning, To be the nobody my father always told me i was, to be the guy who has to prove something to be happy, to be the unwanted guy that no girl could ever give a damn about and to feel that bittersweet intensity of pain and anger… That familiar place…

Lastly, My results are consciously guided and backed by slow yet persisting action. I no longer need anything outside of myself… and when i do… The world will gladly present it to me

Water, sun and love. All you need, the air you breathe


What would you describe as your meaning or purpose in life?

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This is the first time this question or any of it’s many forms does not feel like a sting in the chest. In one way or the other i searched long and hard for the answer. Ever since my earliest memory seeing beggars on the streets of Baghdad in the early 2000s crying over them and being unable to comprehend how indifferent the world was.

For now all that matters is now. All that matters anymore is effort of letting go, finding joy whenever possible and helping those who matter to me. If i do have a purpose then it’s in the unknown… Somewhere logic could, effort and hard work could not reach despite almost 3 decades of trying.


For all the other times I asked variations of this, I’m hoping you know I never meant it as a sting. Rather as a compliment, and as a compass.

As a compliment because you seem to have developed a number of skills that result in “mastery” of certain aspects of this three dimensional material world. For example, you seem quite capable of having sex or finding a sexual partner fairly easily.

The compass comes in with the hope of giving you a direction to look in. Once one masters the three dimensional material world, there might be a question, or a vague feeling of incompleteness: “What now?”

As you continue, I think you will find a few answers to that question.

You have empathy and compassion.

Logic has it’s limits. You are reaching for something beyond logic. :bowing_man:


No worries at all. Although it might sting for different reasons. It is a very important question to ask. It might be perhaps the most important question when it comes to knowing someone or trying to help them know themselves.

Right now i am re discovering what life could be about. I might use strong or edgy expressions because I want others reading this to know that they are not alone in their struggles


You’ve all seen it. haven’t you? Those short but rare magical moments where you truly feel alive. The moments where you broke past fear, doubt and limitations. How did you feel? Were you full of desire, envy, pain and desperation or were you truly present and alive. That moment where everything clicks. The calling that always reminds you of what you could become despite momentary gains or losses.

Were you to let go of all that isn’t you. Those carrots you’ve been so eagerly chasing, getting and subsequently replacing with another carrot for you to chase all over again. Were you defined by your obtaining of em or by your failure to obtain em?. Only to do so all over again because who else could you be?

What would it take for you to feel truly alive, proud and at peace. Are you defined by your chasing of success? Or is your identity the person who is endlessly chasing it, never truly getting there since getting there means letting go of the identity that is " getting there ".

How many more cycles until you reach it? How many upgrades? How many customs? When will it end?

in 4 months it will be 2025. I dare you to ask yourself those questions! I dare you to realize that there is no objectively correct answer and that the answer you seek might just be beyond your mind which created the shell you so desperately try to escape.

You have known the real answer long ago. You need only read few quotes to grasp it with your flawed yet very capable logic. You know damn well what it takes… That leap of faith beyond your comfort zone and right into your fears and perceived limitations.

Your real power which you have so naively disowned and given cheaply to conditions that you made sure you will never fully realize nor fulfill. And what’s up with all the cryptic talk? Why is nobody speaking in plain English? What the actual F does " You are the mystery and the solution mean? ".

Is it because you are too ignorant to fully comprehend the truth? Or does all successful people gatekeep the real secrets despite claiming they were once like you?

Or is it simply because they all know all too well the price of this realization? That it is not only a destination you have to reach by yourself and all they could ever do is give signs and still it is a path to walk. A slippery mountain that guarantees that anyone resting on their success will eventually slide right back down.

Keep going. Keep daring and do not be afraid to try something new. If your path is a dead end then go regardless yet listen closely to the signs. You will know then that what you seek is somewhere else. And that the next place you search might just be the light at the end of the tunnel. There is no time frame. There is no rush nor delay.

I can only tell you that you will NEVER get what you want being the EXACT version of you which currently wants it. Do not be afraid to progressing towards the version of you that can get it. It is the right direction… Or so i believe with my limited, foolish, naive, desperate yet unrelenting will to find it.

Given enough time even the tiny yet consistent drops of water will split down a mountain. You are blessed to be alive and breathing. And to live is to devote yourself towards your highest calling which could only bring you true untold joy, life and peace.


You’ve been introspecting.

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@RVconsultant yes. I’ve reached the limit, almost towards madness, on how far one could go by logically and analytically progressing towards achieving happiness and success. That would have been fine and dandy if my goal was to throw in the towel after being consistent with money, success and the ladies.

Clearly that was never the case and i am meant for far more. That elusive " More " exists in taking consistent action + spirituality


Introducing my second grade Empryan ZP subliminal

Empryan Red ZP

1: WANTED Black Core
2: Primal Core
3: Synergy: Winner Overdrive
4: Synergy: Semper Praesens
5: Synergy: Perfection Manifestation
6: Synergy: 42
7: Synergy APS: Head/Face
8: Emperor Fitness Height Inducer
9: Auric Overdriver
10: Emotions Unfettered
11: Stillmind
12: Transcendental Connection
13: Lifeblood Fable
14: Fearsome
15: You Are Not Alone
16: Safety Net
17: The Architect
18: Asclepius
19: Radiating Health
20: Pragya

Yes i was inspired by the incoming Fire vs Saint season but i always knew that my path with subliminals would be 2 customs that complete each other. This is the first part. The second and final one would be New minds eye + New EOG.


The first iteration of this custom clearly tried to do too many things at once as in Wealth, Social, Attraction, Spirituality and physical shifting. It was not easy to run at all yet it served it’s purpose. I now know how much is too much after giving it more than enough time and exposure. Empryan Red is simply Social, Attraction and slightly spiritual.

For the first loop was a full loop which was smoother than i could have ever imagined. My current estimation is that i can run this solo twice a week + micro loop something else.

Now for the results:

1: Mind, The switch between ASBR to Primal was the best decision i could have ever made when it comes to my needs. The mental enhancements from ASBR were barely noticeable at best since it would seem that i was always sharp and intuitive when it comes to the mind. Primal is doing far more simply by unshackling the social constraints + the fun factor. Whats good about becoming smarter when one is so dulled by the inability to fully express and let go.

I did a test run of Primal for the first time ever few days ago. Primal is unlike anything else on sub club, or at least from my opinion and experience, and using it almost felt like the first time ever i switched my QV2 stack to ZP version 1. As in it’s just that damn effective and smooth. The irony is that I’ve never even given the OG Primal a thought since i always viewed the OG Primal Seduction as superior.

Primal has me so high on life right now i wish i paid 100 USD for it. And yes i am describing on it’s own and not as a whole with the rest of the custom. I will be reviewing module each separately. @Fire and @SaintSovereign and the SC staff and everyone involved with this community. Thank you. I have no words

Attraction: I am having the fun of my life attracting passively while showing zero intention of taking it anywhere. At this point my standards are beyond the roof and i honestly cant see myself hooking up anymore or doing ONS. Been there done that. At this point the action i am having with my amazing GF is more than enough. The benefits of S""""" retention are far more beneficial than wasting it on someone who wouldn’t make my heat pound with life and ecstasy. Yet, while I’ve left the game… the game ain’t left me yet. My fun is now having people fall for me while doing absolutely nothing about it and showing 0 intention of taking it anywhere. I am the guy who friendzones and is always out of reach. I don’t even do this on purpose it just happens.

With this newfound freedom paved forward by the literal blood, sweat and even more blood and sweat ( and some tears ) from my New Khan run and further expanded by Primal. WB’s aura is making every woman stare and quiver with nervousness. My new found level of attractiveness is now being fully leveraged towards building connections and further funneled into making easy cash.

Physical Shifting: Is working just as effectively as before. I imagined that abandoning " Epigenetics & DNA Modulator " would make a difference yet it would seem that the physical shifting from WB + Synergy APS: Head/Face was already an overkill.

Productivity: Even better than before and i can assume that since the original Empyrean ZP was so all over the place it’s recon derailed far more than it helped. Less is more.

Now for the modules which stood out: Transcendental Connection: First time using this module. It overdelivered by covering one of my biggest weaknesses when it comes to being social. I could not connect with Non Intuitive people for the life of me despite how popular i got or how hard i tried. With this module i made more progress in few days in my social life ( when it comes to Sensors ) than i ever had without. It’s ridicules how this module made all the pieces fall into the right place

Synergy: Winner Overdrive: This module is making everything click harder than it has any right to. I recommend this synergy module to anyone making any sort of stack. Do yourself a favor and get it.

Synergy: 42 + Synergy: Semper Praesens: Those two modules synergizes so well i gave away a secret recipe for success for free. Well, i was never one to gatekeep to begin with. My mediation and every day being is far more composed, relaxed and at peace. I can barely wait for New Minds Eye to drop so i can kick things up 10 notches.

The Architect + Asclepius + Radiating Health: I feel healthier, need less sleep and far more energetic physically and mentally.

Overall: I have no clue how i managed to create such a masterpiece that fits me so perfectly. Be it luck or preordained, I managed to somehow strike gold with this one. This custom will be the first building block towards the life I’ve always dreamed of.

Final Words: When it comes to making customs. This one is my 4th and every penny went towards it predecessors was worth it. In a way i am thankful for waiting so long before dabbling into them despite my original intention being egotistical. I thought that i did not need them but in fact i was afraid that ( what if i made the perfect custom yet it things would still be the same ). Yes i was unconsciously holding off as the final trump card which i was afraid of using yet still losing. Man that feels like such a distant memory.