Empire Virtuoso - Making a Positive Difference

Seems like the addition of NR to the stack has cranked up the positive manifestations for the NWE to do its thing, more so than running ASBR alone, which makes sense as they have different goals…

In one negotiation that’s still going, I made an early misstep due to old beliefs and it reflected back at me from my counterpart in the form of skepticism. I know what I did and why, so I won’t do that again.

With another offer that came my way around the same time from two brothers, I “moved too fast” to the next step because it seemed obvious, but one brother went silent and the older one got a little defensive. I was able to diffuse it, but it was a good reminder to slow waaay down, if I want to make things smoother for myself, lol.

And there was another deal I made where I sensed the person was playing dumb and using a sneaky tactic to lowball me, and with the way I countered, I still lowered the price, but only barely. After it happened, I thought about why I did what I did and got a new insight.

Little by little, I’m starting to enjoy this process.

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Yesterday, an opportunity showed up that I wasn’t prepared for… The window hasn’t closed on it yet, but I doubt I’ll be able to seize it. Regardless, it’s focused me into a “never again” mode of action and I’m starting to get really creative with how I can use some resources. IF I can make it happen before the window closes, that would be amazing, and if not, I’ll at least have some new resources and a better strategy going forward.

Probably going to add New Saguine to the rotation to see if it can keep me from getting too “grumpy” in certain contexts.

I’m still adapting with ASBR + NR and noticed more emotional reactivity over certain things that wouldn’t have gotten to me a few weeks ago.

It’s likely due to the impulses I’m receiving and not taking action on.

It feels paradoxically like my standards are rising, and I give less fucks, if that makes sense.

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One step closer to being able to seize the opportunity. An idea popped up in my head so I sent out a hail mary, and now I have a call booked tomorrow that could provide the funds I’m looking for, which would be super cool if it works out.

In the meantime, I’m still working other channels.

There’s a sense of something like impatience mixed with excitement underneath my actions. But it’s tempered by experience.

It’ll be interesting to see how things play out.


The potential deal didn’t pan out today…womp womp.

But, since I kept working other channels I worked something out, and I’ll still be able to capitalize on the opportunity tomorrow sometime so I’ll have a new asset I can put to work.

One small win at a time… :muscle:

I’ve def reached a new milestone.

My negotiation skills have improved, and I’m kind of obsessed with continuing to improve them right now. So, I’m focused on getting into more of them.

I’m feeling a greater sense of pull towards what I’m going for, and less like I have to “grind” for it.

At near the end of the second cycle with ASBR, and I think I’m keeping it around for a third.


Asset acquired.

Wheels turning.

So many possibilities.

To be continued…

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Had a tight 15 minute convo this morning about a potential deal…


He had no idea which channel worked best.
His customers were mostly a one-and-done deal.
His go-to strategy was discounting everything.

And my favorite…

He didn’t know his numbers, but is happy with conversions the way they are.

New objective: find the reason to (kindly) say NO faster.

The door is still open because he wants what I got, but he don’t got what I’m looking for so… :man_shrugging:

On to the next.

Live and learn.

And practice.

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Focus off today.

A couple of hard conversations had.

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Still “going through it” albeit in a low key way.

I take it as a signal…

Something is off between what’s within and what’s without, that’s all.

The “battle” is to consistently reinforce the vision with the right action. To BE the change.

Some days are harder than others, but the overall direction is consistent.

Ran a loop of the New Sanguine, but I can’t say that I’ve experienced any sort of mind-blowing effects of massive harmony and inner peace yet.

In fact, I was told I scared someone the same day I ran it :grimacing:

Maybe it’s a residual bloom effect after two cycles of ASBR? I know I’ve felt a higher level of “idgaf” about things, but in a good way. Like, not worried much about social judgement and “coloring inside the lines”.

Plus, the added juice of NR’s boldness scripting probably helped turn up the heat.


Make 'em.

You won’t ever have ALL the information/skill/wisdom.

Use discernment.

Then “make the cut”.



Have some fun.

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Had a Sanguine experience earlier today, and put part of it in the main discussion thread:

The next thing that came to mind was to look into accessing / optimizing my flow state.

Up to now, I’ve just “let it happen” when it happened on its own, but I’m more interested in developing direct access to it, especially after experiencing what I could do in meditation with Sanguine.

And accessing flow state in other contexts beyond the ones I’m already proficient in is the goal. Maybe that’s a necessary factor, but I don’t think so. I’ll have more to say about it once I do a little reflecting and practice.

Followed my curiosity to this interesting bit of free internet info today while looking into the etymology of a few things. This vid’s called “Creating New Words”…

Think I might fast for a few days this coming week. It keeps coming up in mind, so that’s usually a good sign for me to pay attention and take some action.

I didn’t run subs yesterday as scheduled, and haven’t felt the need to today either. Do I make it an impromptu three days of processing and wait until tomorrow?

Or do I run 'em this evening and let the “heavy” processing happen as I sleep?

Decisions, decisions.

Ok, I decided.

Running subs tonight.

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I expected dreams last night to be a little crazy after listening to subs before bed, but I basically found myself in a Squid Games death match type deal…

Not what I expected from the Sanguine + NR combo.

Nature is so abundant it dgaf about all the seeds that get created but don’t make it.

The map is not the terrain.

remember: “hard” isn’t always required for growth.

whatever level you think you’ve achieved, there’s someone who remembers what that was like

no expectation of how

yes or no…no fence sitting

are you an action-taker? or a bullshitter?