Empire Virtuoso - Making a Positive Difference

This resonates so much with me, but running Stark after having so much development with Emperor will make me a much more Dynamic person.

I also think this sub will work well with Emperor: the will to power.


Had the same thought today…time to reread the sales page


@RVconsultant would you please change this journal’s title to: Empire Virtuoso - Making a Positive Difference


Have been thinking a lot about names, naming things, and the power of the intent behind them…

Some business gurus say the name doesn’t matter, and a couple of the biggest companies in the world changed their names, so it’s not like they’re written in stone, but like we’ve witnessed the evolution of the product names here, there’s something far more powerful communicated from the name A Stark Black Reality instead of simply Stark Black.

Anyway, I decided on a name for the membership association I’m creating, finally. It only took about a week and some change. And it may change in the future, but I’m satisfied with it now and for the near future.

On another note, I decided to run Limitless Executive instead of New Primal for this cycle.


Because I was using New Primal to balance Emperor and inject more fun and charisma into my business dealings and daily life, but I already have a sense that continuing to develop that charisma won’t be difficult with ASBR alone.

Plus, I think having Limitless Executive and Mind’s Eye alongside ASBR will supercharge its creativity and cognitive enhancement scripting. Along with helping me get shit done.

I’m already feeling the “go juice” from the combo of ASBR and LE this morning, and I only slept 4.5 hours last night – felt it even before I had a cup of tea.

Let’s gooooooooo


“You see what you expect to see…”


Leaving this here as a future reading reminder, and because I was considering how I would “be seen” in a certain context when this popped up for me.

The tl;dr

Basically, people were made to look “scarred” through the use of make-up and told to go into an interview to see if they were discriminated against, but before going into the interview their “scars” were removed without their knowing they were removed, so the interviewers had no “physical disfigurement” to discriminate against…

The result: significant numbers reported high amounts of discrimination and cited behaviors, certain phrases, and other specifics to back their perceptions.

And this just lends to why journaling, taking action, and expecting to see positive results is so powerful in adopting a major change in identity…it’s to help you “see yourself” in a new way.

I was concerned that ASBR might be “too far” from my baseline nature, especially in terms of the fame aspect, but I see how I can change that perception much faster and possibly how others with higher flow factor do it…

…it’s the same way I (and probably most) did things as a kid: just ACCEPT IT, and “play” it out.

Today’s feeling more fun already.


Random running thoughts:

On a medium intensity run just now, I thought about the aspects of conservation of energy and managing output so as to be able to face any harder obstacles that pop up along the way…

There are times when it’s appropriate to “empty the tank” in training, and there may be a time when you may be tested to your fullest extent, a test that’ll take you far beyond anything you’ve ever experienced or could think of…

(Nerd stuff incoming)

And that’s when my Mind served up the scene of Gandalf facing the Balrog of Morgoth…

He didn’t know if he could win. He’d never faced that great of a test up to that point. Yet, he fought him until he “threw down [the] enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountain side.”

Cool, so what?

Well, the nerdy symbolism for me is multilayered, but the first was that Gandalf represents wisdom – the wisdom that comes from knowledge and experience – and the Balrog represents the shadow – the unknown parts of ourselves found in the depths of our being, places most don’t and will never go – and the battle represents the struggle that occurs when faced with what arises from the dark depths of yourself.

Wisdom doesn’t come out unscathed. Your current form of wisdom dies. Parts of who you thought you were, die. Just like Gandalf died alongside the Balrog he smote…

And a new iteration of “you” is born, with greater wisdom, knowledge, experience, and ability. A new version of you that is prepared for even greater tests, should they arise.

I feel this way with some of the things I intend to do, they seem so far beyond my current level, but I’ll face whatever pops up along the way…and smote its ruin upon the mountainside.

I think ASBR + ME + LE is about to crank my imagination level over 9000. I feel great today.


Pinging Mr. @RVconsultant :point_up: :smiley:

An interesting ASBR “test” showed up this week that I didn’t realize was a test, until I considered why I wasn’t jumping on board…

Recently I’ve been focused on putting together licensing deals, and it’s been slow going between outreach and needing to vet potential partners and negotiations…plus, I’m new to this style of the business game so I’m striking out way more than hitting home runs. In fact, I haven’t hit one yet, but I’ve gotten on base.

So what ASBR “test” arose for me this week?

One of building my own list, so outreach can be one email to many potential partners and not so time consuming as 1-to-1 outreach.

It’s a no-brainer, right?


Not for this brain, lol. At least, it wasn’t a few days ago…

Anyway, the point of this post is to mark a few shifts in identity I just noticed and it’s 100% influenced by A Stark Black Reality:

  • I can now see myself building a list and letting ASBR’s fame and popularity scripting (within a tiny group of hundreds) breathe and
  • seeing myself able to calmly hold the spotlight of attention within a much larger group than I’m used to – hundreds instead of 10-40 – the jump seemed HUGE in my mind the other day, but now it seems like it’s about the same difference
  • I see myself getting “out there” on video (again…had the same nudge on OG Stark to practice by making a vlog or something more valuable) and being comfortable with whatever feedback comes my way, even silence

Reality is starting to feel a bit more malleable in a way that’s much different than it felt running New Emperor.


Hello, good sir…when you have a moment :point_up: @RVconsultant

Sleep deprived today, and did not bounce back. Still ran mini-loops though, after which I had to take a nap.

Day wasn’t a complete wash, but no where near productive.

Time to get a hard workout in even though all I want to do is nothing…because I just started a 30-day program yesterday and I can’t not do it.

I’d say the two mini-loops of LE are already bearing fruit, plus whatever magic is in ASBR for resilience.

Here we go…

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Had some interesting dreams last night with people from the past I haven’t seen or talked to in a long time…

In one dream, it seemed like we were in a grand hall of sorts and I’d learned about an old friend’s dad being in trouble, so I walked calmly passed my friend and his brothers and up to what seemed to be a judge sitting in an elevated position behind a large, white, cyclidrical, ornate desk. I didn’t argue, I simply opened a dialogue and asked what could be done about his situation. Then discussion touched on the nature of man and influence, and I seemed to win some favor with the judge. Afterwards, I was told what the claim was against him and briefly flashed some “evidence” in the form of some kind of receipt with a time stamp. I wasn’t sure what to make of it and asked to look at the evidence one more time. The judge didn’t seem to want to reveal it again…and I woke up.

Another day starting off with not enough sleep, but it doesn’t feel as bad as yesterday. I’m going to dial up the calories today and see if that helps.


Have I exceeded the quota for changing my journal’s title @RVconsultant ? :laughing:

Another round of shorter sleep, but I feel good. Strong. Healthy.

It might have something to do with my body becoming fat-adapted as I’ve cut carbs down to the minimum: raw honey, fresh squeezed lemon, and maybe another citrus fruit.

The drive to workout this week was high. Yesterday, I spontaneously decided that I’m going to grow my pull-up capacity in tandem with the program I’m following.

I’m able to visualize the fitness and business results I want a lot clearer, and feel “pulled” towards them more strongly this week…though my productivity was down due to sleep dep.

I think ASBR is expressing right now primarily in getting me prepared for the spotlight. Not that I can’t stand in it now, but I’ll feel even more comfortable when I recompose my body a bit…so the drive to workout and train is high.

Limitless Executive and Mind’s Eye alongside ASBR seem to be integrating smoothly. I haven’t experienced any recon in the mix so far. I’m looking forward to what those subs could do after they’ve been upgraded.

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So, Mind’s Eye results so far:

  • the realization that I need to take more time to “be bored” aka actually spend dedicated time, energy, and attention on imagining things and practicing that skill
  • predicted (or manifested?) several things with almost instant feedback on the subconscious nudge I responded to…

One example was yesterday when my girl was getting out of the car, I noticed / felt / saw the potential for the drinks to fall out of the drink carrier she had in hand. I said, “Be careful the drinks don’t fall. It looks kinda flimsy, and that would suck.”

Not even 5 seconds later, the drinks were on the ground. But somehow my drink landed without spilling?

So, my intuition was correct, but my interpretation of it was wrong…

The carrier didn’t break. She’d knocked the drink carrier out of her hand while closing the car door.

What I’d seen in my mind’s eye were the drinks spilled on the ground, and immediately my intellect kicked in to interpret that wisdom and logic’d that the carrier would be the failure point.


I wondered afterwards if anything would’ve happened if I wouldn’t have said anything…or if I’d spoken to a postive-outcome? I don’t even know what that would sound like, lol…but I think there’s something to it, so I’ll be watching my words.

What ended up happening was that she felt extra embarrassed because I’d “called it”.

Anyway, it seems like the signals of intuitive nudges are coming through more often and cleaner. There’ve been other things, but this example is basically the same overall deal.

I never “found the time” to put towards visualization practice before, but I’m more inclined now.

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My place has gotten steadily unorganized over the past week or so, and today it finally registered that it’s a mild recon I’m going through…

I don’t feel depressed, or overly tired (besides some sleep dep), or any kind of negative emotional way, but I have had a strong sense of being extremely neutral to things. So the symptoms so far are more along the lines of detachment, lack of prolonged focus on any one thing, and an urge to watch One Piece. :laughing: (I just started season one last week.)

Funny, the recon realization came this morning after I acquiesced to not being able to focus and decided to meditate…

It was a short one – 15-20 minutes, I didn’t time it – and basically just breathing with my eyes closed for that short time rejuvenated me.

Note to self: stop stopping meditation practice.

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Rolling into the second cycle with ASBR as the anchor sub, and I’m dropping both Mind’s Eye and Limitless Executive as my support subs.

Adding Nouveau RICH back into the stack to assist while I focus on understanding new markets and develop my tactics to cut through the noise. And it’ll help with what I mentioned a couple weeks ago…

I just took a step towards that and invested in some knowledge from a guy who’s made an awesome life out of doing lead gen. And I’m NOT going through all of it at once…I’m applying ONE thing at a time as I go through the material.

Ain’t nobody got time to “figure it all out” before getting started. :sweat_smile:

So, Nouveau RICH will help with all that and ASBR will help me get myself out there.

Not sure about a third sub to support the goals… I have my eye on Revelation of Mind for its enhanced ME and wisdom scripting; Legacy of the Spartan / Spartan to bump up the body gainz and keep me feeling great; or True Sell to dial up the charisma and understanding.

Maybe a cycle of True Sell is the way to go since I’m cranking up the volume of cold outreach too? :thinking:

Yup. True Sell it is.

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There’s a parable about an art teacher grouping students into one of two groups: quality vs quantity…where the result is the highest quality comes from the group producing the highest quantity. Not the group focused on quality. Because experience.

Is that always true?

Where did that parable even come from? Because it’s been passed around like someone’s hot sister at a rave and people just go with it. (apologies for the crude metaphor)

There’s also a saying among military folks, and gets passed around by people who watch too many Navy Seal podcasts, that: slow is smooth, smooth is fast.

But is it?

Pretty sure slow is slow. And fast is fast.

There are times when you should move slow, but when it’s time to move fast you better haul ass because no amount of moving “slow” is going to make you fast.

I guess what I’m getting at is…

Disrupting and challenging existing mental constructs is necessary to move the bowels of your mind. And if you don’t move them regularly, it’ll lead to worse issues down the road.

Context is everything.

Short-cutting thinking with metaphors and parables are useful to communicate concepts you want people to accept and work with…

…I know my brain doesn’t want to waste calories thinking about everything under the Sun…

But they can become the limiting factor to growth and deeper understanding.

So, as I’m ramping up my outreach, I’m considering what each “rep” is developing…and those two concepts jumped out at me that I decided to chin check.

Here’s another…

The idea that you could practice one kick 10,000 times and have Bruce Lee be afraid of you…

…and yet, the only thing to maybe be concerned about someone who does that is that ONE kick, especially if you act like a heavy bag and stand still in one spot to get kicked. :laughing:

There’s an assumption that the guy doing that many kicks will naturally improve and become deadly with it…


But just ask yourself how many people you know who have been saying words, sentences, and communicating every day for YEARS that still seem to be doing it the same way. Have they naturally improved just because they’ve “practiced it 10,000 times”?

I believe practice is the only way to improve a skill, 100% …BUT there has to be a deliberate intent to it. A specific energy and attention. And just because something works in one context doesn’t mean it’ll work in the next.

This blast of “hot air” brought to you by my brain on Nouveau RICH and True Sell.

And it feels…

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Continuing the theme of challenging the programming…

Instead of writing down and focusing on the BIG, positive intentions I have for my life, I opted to write down some of the facts of right now. And not the highlights either…

The parts of my life that I have a direct influence in shaping that currently bother me.

I could hear the positive programming voices rise up to say, “don’t focus on the negative,” “focus on what you want, not what you don’t want,” etc., etc., blah, blah, blah…

I told those voices to shut up…

And you know what I found?

Straight :fire:

The feeling of pure, uncut, 100% power

The POWER to change those parts of my reality. The drive. A deep well of energetic potential begging to be tapped and put to use for the mission.

It’s not anger, it’s resolve.

It may take 3 days, 3 weeks, or 3 years to accomplish, but when you’re resolved, time is just what happens in between.

First mini-loop of second cycle with ASBR this morning.

Iterating faster on the tactics I’m using to break through the noise and get some traction talking to the right people.

Ironically, that’s involved slowing things waaaay down.

It’s easy to do when there’s no neediness for: results right away.

Sometimes the fastest path to the result looks a lot like the slowest way to get there.

Influence while running ASBR, NR, and T$ is op?

I did nothing and got special treatment

An electrician came out to replace and update our circuit breaker panels for my part of the complex today, which meant no power until they were done, and it could take all day…cool story.

I “knew” about it, but forgot because it’d been rescheduled a couple times over the last couple weeks, and I’ve had other things on my mind.

When he knocked then waved at me through the front window this morning, I was comfortably in the middle of having tea, wrapped in a blanket, doing some research on a business…the timing couldn’t’ve been better :sob:

We had a quick exchange.

You know the one you’d have with any service provider: a matter of fact outline of what they’re doing before they start using the minimum amount of words necessary. They’re not there to chit-chat. They got shit to do.

So, the ONLY thing I did was ask a couple questions. And, asked if I had 10-15 minutes before my place went “dark”. Then thanked the guy. That’s it.

HOURS went by, and my power didn’t turn off.

But, I didn’t complain. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Then I got another knock at the door and guess who it was?

The electrician told me he was able to WORK AROUND my apartment’s panel, but I was up next and he wanted to give me a 20 minutes heads up. Then told me I’d only have to wait around 90 minutes for it to come back on.

How cool of him was that?!

90 minutes of no-power versus the 3+ hours the other units experienced???

Again, all I did was thank the guy.

I’m thinking something I subconsciously communicated created an instant connection that resulted in me not being as inconvenienced as others.

It could be the simple fact that I saw him as a person and not as a “worker” who was inconveniencing me that helped create the result.

Or maybe, the aura of elevated status from ASBR and NR mixed with my mostly “down to Earth” nature formed a specific magnetic resonance pattern in the 5th dimension thereby triggering the law of do me a solid…

I’ll have to keep an eye out for more of this.

Prediction: I expect to see more people doing favors and being helpful towards me without me having to ask.