Emperor ZP+Stark ZP+HoM {Stacked}

My previous stack was Emperor, Stark and Sage Immortal. However I cycled out Sage Immortal for Mind’s Eye on occasion.

Since House of Medici ZP is released, starting today my stack:
1st 25 Day Cycle - Emperor, Stark, HoM
2nd 25 Day Cycle - Emperor, ME, HoM

Results so far [From Emperor+Stark]

Initially I ran Stark and Emperor but it’s a crazy combo. After the 2nd day got into a big blowout with a supervisor, my manager and another department head at work. The only reason things didn’t go sideways is something in Stark really made passionate about my response and everyone could clearly feel it. In my head I kept thinking “this is bullshit, we need better systems and processes” and that was the tone of my exchange. It made a LOT of people uncomfortable. We’re publicly traded but in many instances we’re running like an early stage startup. While a few of our systems and processes are good, a lot of them suck.

So when a supervisor suggested something that clearly was only being done to placate another department head and was just off process, I called everybody out.

So…THAT HAPPENED :neutral_face:

The whole thing just irked me. A thought came out of no where, I’'ll just have to create my own system". Shortly after an idea for a side hustle came to me. After some research and testing, I realized the idea is viable. I’m working on it now, ready for launch in 6-8 weeks. Should be able to have a couple of salespeople onboard to help with initial customer outreach. My hearts racing just talking about it - but there isn’t a fiber in my body that doubts I can pull this off.

Around the same time I resolved an issue I’ve been dealing with for about 5 months with a large financial institution. While relaxing late night thinking things over, a solution came to me. I immediately reached out to a national watchdog and two government agencies. Problem was resolved in 2 days and the company called me to straighten things out. This after multiple phone calls over 5 months and HOURS on the phone. Solved just like that. In the past I would never have thought to involve those agencies and handle things the way I did.

That said, even with those results I added Sage Immortal to temper the Emperor Stark effect. Never in my life have I operated at such a high level of efficiency or been so effective. And it was pretty unnerving. Something about a 3rd sub (I’m guessing) toned things down a bit.

Mind’s Eye
I’ve had some interesting experiences with ME, the first of which you can read about here, if you haven’t already.

Most of the others aren’t really noteworthy - but this one was kind of crazy, at least to me. I’ve never had anything even close to this happen to me before.

No long after that last experience I was in bed kind of relaxed and a thought turned into a daydream of sorts. The difference here is I noticed my forehead was getting incredibly warm and kind of pulsating. I remember everything kind of being tinged in gold with lots of color and detail. Then my body got tight and with each breath it felt like my body and forehead were vibrating but out of sync. One would vibrate on inhale the other on exhale. Then the daydream suddenly felt like I had stepped into a movie and was actually living it.

Once that happened the pulsing from my body and forehead sync up, everything was aligned. It felt like energy moved up from my lower body, traveled up to my forehead and exploded out into gold shards. The closet thing I can compare the sensation to is having an orgasm but this was not physical in any way. But it had the same feeling of…release and relief…if that makes sense.

Maybe a half hour or so later, I got a random message that led to a phone conversation. I won’t give to much detail. But several hours later everything in that daydream happened. The whole scene, almost down to the little details - a handful of things were different but the whole experience was super trippy.

Since then my dreams are…different. If feels like there is a thinner barrier between by dream awareness and day to day life. I’m getting messages about things. It’s as if my dreams/subconscious is talking to me. My forehead gets warm and starts pulsing when I concentrate and visualize or think about anything for more than 10-15 seconds, even with eyes open.

After this last experience I took a break from ME to to think about how best to use my new - hell I don’t even know what to call it. Skill? Ability? Finally decided in the coming weeks I’ll focus things on my start up idea and live through each milestone visually. Should be interesting.

I edited this post a few times but I’m still not able to fully describe the experience. So, no more edits.


House of Medici ZP was released a few days ago.


Thank you @Seeker - I didn’t know. Just downloaded it:)

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Welcome to The Family. I look forward to seeing your experiences of how Emperor and Stark mesh together with HoM.

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At the moment running Emperor, Stark and HoM.

Emperor and Stark gave me total self confidence to move forward with my startup. Adding HoM really pumped the breaks in terms of pure productivity and had me taking a step back to see the big picture.

A day after the first loop I transferred 10% of income into my brokerage account and set that on auto deposit. 20% of income is going towards eliminating debt, with another 10-20% being set aside for recurring expenses related to the startup.

Before listening to HoM my focus was making more money. After a couple of loops, now my focus is two fold. First manage my current cash flow better while putting better systems in place so everything happens with the least amount of friction. Second, for the startup my current focus is on laying a proper foundation and cutting the initial target number of customers in half. Then personally service those customers for double the amount of time I initially planned. From there increase the number of customers then hire and scale.

Thinking of things in terms of the long game, running a proper marathon instead of sprinting to the cash as quickly as possible. I’m also more keen to negotiate with creditors now and push to make sure the terms are in my favor.

I do miss having the pure productivity from running an Emperor/Stark combo. Also wondering if 3 subs might be a bit much. Perhaps it’ll be better to run only two subs per cycle and just swap one out every cycle or two. Or maybe a better mix at this point would be Emperor, Limitless and HoM.

Have to think about it. For now, I’ll run my current stack for one full cycle before making any changes.


I listened to Ascension Chamber - feels like it formed a bridge between Emperor, Stark and HoM. Running three subs no longer feels overwhelming - it’s like all the subs are now on the same page working towards a shared goal.

Since the last update they’re been some shifts. Money is no longer the objective, I don’t…I don’t care about it in the same way. What’s more important is who I become. The increase in financial resources is just a marker. More resources gives more potential influence, more access and a greater ability to rapidly deploy solutions.

Which was another shift in thinking. The idea of “working on my startup” feels so ridiculous now. I identified a problem, pieced together a solution and all effort is focused on rapidly deploying and eventually scaling that solution.

All the other busy work was just bullsh*t.

Lastly, I think faster, not sure how else to explain it. I can hold more complex ideas in my head and on a very basic level play out different options a few steps ahead. Looking back at how I processed ideas before is kind of like watching a snail try to get from point A to point B.

It feels like everything is moving faster - will keep this stack for the next few months.


That’s good to know. Thank you for sharing.

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any updates?

I think you might enjoy reading this:): Cyber Stack Junior (Stark ZP, Libertine ZP and QL ST 3 ZP) - #58 by CyberSec


@lovage - not much to update. Had COVID so that slowed me a bit but here is what’s been happening recently.

  • I used to think Stark was “soft”, feminine, weak compared to Emperor. When running it in this stack I realized what I thought of as softness is really a gut check. I can now put my ego aside and allow myself to be vulnerable in a way that just wasn’t possible before. Thinking of the Stark archetype, what billionaire wouldn’t be acutely aware of their limitations and weaknesses? It’s been like putting a mirror up and finally seeing my whole self. Which has been humbling to say the least. Once I was able to really “see” myself, recognize and…embrace limitations, the other parts of Stark have unlocked for me like never before.

*I love being alive - I’m happy, significantly less self conscious than I’ve ever been, people respond to me favorably. Even when words aren’t exchanged strangers acknowledge me.

  • I don’t look for outward signs of validation from anyone like I did before. This I think is Stark at play, because I didn’t even realize this is what motivated me to do so many things. When examined closer I realized this was me seeking validation from my father. It still happens but now I catch it more often. In time it will no longer be an issue.

  • The number of people who believe in me and my ideas has shot up. I’m more persuasive but it comes from a different place. I allow myself to be vulnerable and communicate from there. People in turn want to help, are moved and inspired to help or provide and space that would where they allow me to lead.

  • I’m slowly learning what leadership really means to me and developing my own style. It’s hard…harder than I thought.

  • It’s much easier for me to manifest people/situations when needed. My intuition is also improving and I’m learning how to listen.

  • It seems to take people longer than I do to see patterns or finds solutions

I’ll post more updates in the near future.


I did - thank you.

I feel like this entire post is results of HOM.
Is it really Stark? Have you been running all 3?



That may be possible - yes I run all three back to back.

I’ve run Stark solo and always end up very emotional and introspective in a way that throws me off balance. When that happens in the past I’d just stop using it.

Adding Emperor and HoM brings out elements that allow me to feel comfortable exploring the emotions that arise.

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I’m having more moments where I feel both deeply grounded and present. In those moments my walk/body movements are smooth and relaxed. My speech is measured, carries more weight and I look at problems from 2 angles at once. Both big picture and at the same time very granular.

It is such an unusual level of awareness for me.

I’ve stopped thinking/obsessing about money and instead have become almost obsessed with learning and using different mental models. I’ve also significantly reduced the number of things I try to accomplish, both long and short term.

I’m reading a lot more with an eye toward finding one thing I can use/implement to increase my level of effectiveness. I’ve also been looking at productivity systems used by successful founders, VCs and billionaires.

I’ve decided to create two customs. One with Stark and HoM, another with Emperor and possibly the new Chosen, Spartan or QL.

This stack has been good for me. I also place a much higher value on my time and am slowly removing myself from certain social circles and cutting off people who aren’t a value add.

Seriously considering giving up drinking, reducing meat consumption, have zero desire to do any kind of drugs, and have been naturally eating healthier.

I’m reducing or eliminating things that could negatively impact target achievement.

One thing I forgot to mention, even though I’m not obsessing about money - I have more of it. And there is more of an ease when thinking about finances. in general. Also, the number of internal issues I’ve had with wealth are far fewer.

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Took a week long washout. I wondered how much the subs were really effecting me or if I was starting to venture into placebo territory. After about a week I noticed major differences.

I am significantly more persuasive when running my stack. Also felt like pressure was building up inside when on them. DEEP seated beliefs were being challenged. With the washout feels like Instead of letting things run it’s course I pulled a release valve.

Before the washout something interesting has been happening. Several people reached out to float the idea of possibly working for me. One has a Phd and until recently did research for a large pharmaceutical company (WTF!!!) and the others were just as surprising.

Everyone who knows about my company has full faith I’ll be successful. And not in the way people say “yeah you’ll do good”. There was a level of conviction that came through which I realized I triggered because of my conviction.

Feels like one hell of a feedback loop.

The "old’ me wanting to play it safe is still there. But even the old me isn’t afraid anymore. Having a fear of failure and or success is selfish on my part. I’ve been nurtured for years by so many, in ways I can’t even begin to count. Bringing this idea into the world - if it helps move the needle even a little bit for someone else, I have to see things through. I oscillate between the idea of duty and destiny. I still don’t know which, but whichever it is - this feels right.

For the last few days I’ve been using Mogul ZP and Chosen of Nature. From that combination I’ve embraced the power of silence and have had insights on growth. The latter even helped me figure out why one of my plants was dying. Also, I got a massive raise.

I think Mogul ZP would go really well in a custom, however I need to run it for a few weeks. I’ll create two customs. One with Emperor and (possibly) Mogul , another with Stark and HoM.

Now I just need to flesh out the other modules.

Until I finalize the customs I’m going to stack Emperor, Stark and Mogul. If they work well together I’ll move forward with the custom. If not, I’ll consider pairing Emperor with either Spartan, QL or maybe even Chosen of Nature, time will tell.

I can’t believe I’m in the place I am now - I’m doing things that deep down I never thought I’d have the courage to do.

Kinda feel like my own super hero :slightly_smiling_face:

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AWESOME!! Been wanting to see someone do this. What do you think of the combo? What’s been happening? Can you explain more? I know it’s only been a few days not a lot of reports on this yet.

Is Mogul + CWON making you more persuasive?

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It’s an interesting combo. If you’ve ever heard talking about finding your “why” in relation to goal setting for CWON has that covered. I notice people going about their lives, architecture, generally both the built and natural environment…an I want to…protect it. While thinking a few generations on and wanting more give anyone who’d be alive the same opportunity or better, to experience the built and natural environments as I’m experiencing it now.

I was watching a compilation video of Elon Musk discussing A.I. and his companies. In an instant I got a glimpse of how all of his companies were probably born out of a single idea or desire. and understand how Stark and CWON would pair so well together.

I’ve been getting insights more consistently, I’m more relaxed and thoughtful in when considering the future. While my goals haven’t fundamentally changed the “why” fueling them is much deeper, stronger…and there is less ego involved.

From Mogul I’m watching more financial videos, retooling goals however currently the combination really has me thinking of growth in nature and I’m pulling those ideas into how I go about dealing with my finances, business, my life in general.

Things about CWON remind me of RM - I notice shadows, the nuances of light and the way it reflects off objects. The difference with CWON is these things in relation to one another (people, trees/plants, buildings) instead of in isolation.

I cleared a ton of clutter out of my space - have a large bouquet of flowers on the window in my bedroom now along with a small brass statue. I can’t stand clutter even more now.

I want to and have been eating a little healthier naturally. Parts of myself that I once kept private, while I don’t talk about it I don’t hide books relating to those things anymore.

I could go on, it’s early days but at this point it feels like I’m rambling. While the combo of Mogul and CWON has been both interesting and fruitful, I miss HoM, Stark and Emperor. I want to find a way for these to work together in a custom.

One odd thing though, my forehead/third eye area feels really warm sometimes. Like tonight driving back from the beach, looking at the way shadows, the buildings and trees…I didn’t really have thoughts anymore. There were extended moments where my mind was blank and my forehead got noticeably warmer. It wasn’t uncomfortable though.

No, that’s 100% Stark, HoM and Emperor. I could be wrong but it feels like Emperors conviction is the vessel, then HoM and Stark work together in a way that’s almost magic.

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