Updates: i stopped running Wanted Black. Only ran it for 2 or 3 cycles.
I went back to my 2 Customs.
At this point, I’ve ran them about 9 months.
And I’ve recently taken a 3 week break mainly because I got sick.
Wanted / EF3 Results
Anyway, I got the best haircut that i’ve ever gotten in my life. It goes really well with my facial structure/features. My hair itself and flow is a bit weird so such a big plus that somehow/someway I took a big step towards being more attractive and getting the a very ideal haircut. Now, i really want to see if it can be maxed out more but we’ll see.
Besides that, my calve muscles are starting to look very symmetrical and a lot bigger now. Big win there in my book.
I feel like my face has become more attractive from running wanted all the time. I catch myself in the mirror and more and more times I think im very attractive and hot.
My body has been shifting as well. It’s crazy. To be honest, i think EF and Wanted sort of clashed in terms of body looks. IN the spring time, my body was more bulky and I was lifitng a lot and taking creatine. But then I just stopped taking creatine, my body didn’t feel like eating some days, and it became like Wanted’s Body – which is my ideal body type. I actually have photos saved of what I want my body to look like, and as time passes, my body looks more and more like the photos.
My dick as well, when standing up, has gotten a lot closer to my sitting down length which is longer.
Ive bought shoes and clothes that have upgraded my style in the way i like. So fucking fine tbh.
Ever since I’ve been on this 3 week break, I’ve noticed more and more women looking at me as I walk by, and just respond very well to me.
“Use your personality, your life and who you truly are in the most attractive way possible” I feel like this objective has been especially pronounced in my life.
I also think my voice has changed. It’s much more masculine.
Also, my diet is changing. Ive been pulled towrds a certain direction time and time again. Im going to listen to it and implement the diet changes.
Ascended Mogul Custom Results
I’ve made the company I work at so much more money too. The company is transitioning to more of a real brand. So its a great learning experience.
Advertising itself, the nuances, how context influences, etc … all that knowledge is coming to me. I feel like I’ve gone up a few levels.
The way I speak, talk, and write has been a lot easier. It just flows out of me now.