Emperor Fitness - Jayvee

I’m back on the fitness train. I lost a lot of weight using these programs last year and established some good habits like intermittent fasting and working out consistently. Unfortunately both of those disciplines cannot combat a bad diet and beer. I’m not happy with my current health and weight so I’m jumping back in.

A few habits I want to establish that will help make the weight loss more permanent include:

  • Calorie tracking
  • A set sleep schedule
  • Cutting out alcohol for good

I started an Athleanx program this week. I like to be able to workout at home or work with no issue so I went with a resistance band program.

Starting weight as of 13 Feb was 324lbs. I’m 6’3" so it helps spread it out but I don’t want to get any bigger than this so it’s time to make some changes.

Here is the schedule for this first 21 day section:

  • Listening Day A - Spartan and Paragon
  • Listening Day B - Emperor Fitness ST1

I’ll likely throw in The Legacy once I reach EF ST3. I’m planning to do one 21 day cycle for each stage since I did them before with the original Q build.

  • On Sunday to create some leverage I wrote a contract to my wife stating that I will finish the full twelve weeks of the workout program and drink no alcohol during that time. Failure to do so will result in me paying her $500 to buy whatever she wants and to have an overnight girls trip with one of her friends. So I have a lot on the line but it’s enough to keep me going.

  • Another thing I noticed after listening to EF ST1 yesterday was how disciplined I was with the tracking. I planned out all the meals and calories I was going to take in today before going to bed. It felt natural and I didn’t have to force myself to do it.

  • Some days when it comes to working out after work I’ll find myself lacking the motivation to workout. I’ve been getting motivation by listening to one of the old superchargers. Usually I’ll do The Beast Within and The Beast Unleashed. I bought The Legacy two days ago because I started listening to the supercharger on the Life app. Yesterday that was not a problem. I got ready, put on some music, and got through the entire workout.

  • The shift that comes with ZP is different from QV2. A lot of QV2 was external. Now I feel like I am a fit person, as if being healthy is a part of who I am(I felt this way tracking my calories last night). I’m happy with the way these subliminals have evolved over the last year I’ve been using them.

  • Today I had a lunch date planned so I worked around that. I fasted till 12 which set me at a 19-hour fasting window. I’m glad I did that because I took in close to 1200 calories at lunch. Dinner was light, I had salmon, a baked potato, and some roasted broccoli.

  • I have one workout left tomorrow and I’ll be done with week one of the program. I’ve also managed to track calories, fast 16+ hours each day, do my morning routine (The Miracle Morning which I mentioned in my previous journal), and have journaled offline each day. I’m on track with the program and habits I want to integrate.

  • I’ve been reading Life Force by Tony Robbins. There are some good tips but for the most part, it is a giant infomercial for health companies that Tony has invested in. Also, a lot of the treatments that he presents, which he says are miracle cures, involve flying to Panama and getting stem cell treatments that range from $5000 to $25000 per injection. I like the science being presented but those price ranges are so far beyond what the average person can afford. The stem cell injections are only the beginning, there is a huge amount of pricey treatments and tests introduced that insurance will not pay for. There are a couple of chapters on weight management and fitness that include the same advice that is talked about everywhere. Eat less sugar, exercise, and fast 14 to 16 hours a day.

  • Today was a Paragon and Spartan day. My energy was incredible throughout the morning and afternoon. I felt a bit sluggish by the time I got home at 3 pm. I listened to the supercharger versions of The Legacy and The Beast Unleashed. That got me pumped up and I was able to get in an incredible workout. I even took the pup for a walk at the end to get some light cardio.


EF + Spartan + Paragon = Ultimate Good Health :muscle::muscle::muscle:

Love this journal, man!

  • I successfully completed week one of the workout program. The program is much better than the last one I used. A lot more planning went into this one. I’m sore all over but my legs have it the worst.

  • My weight as of this morning was 314lbs so I’m at a 10lb weight loss for this week. I know that’s mainly the initial shock and it won’t be like this every week.

  • The last three days I’ve woken up at six in the morning and taken the pup for a mile and a half walk. He enjoys it and so do I, so I’ll keep doing this. This morning I listened to Emperor Fitness ST1 while walking. I might get some Galaxy Buds so I don’t have to wear my giant headphones.

  • I bought a Galaxy Watch and am happy with my purchase. I can get my body fat percentage, analyze my heart rhythm, and text and call from it. Easy to use and I like that I can track my workouts on it.

  • This week was easy to integrate a lot of the changes. Especially since I know what to do now. The first run of these subliminal programs I had to learn everything overtime.

  • The subliminals have given me a lot of confidence in my ability to perform certain exercises. Sometimes when I’ll look at the plan for the day I’ll start to doubt that I can do some of the moves. That started to fade away as the week went on. My thoughts have transitioned from doubt to excitement.

  • My sleep is getting better. I’ve been going to bed at around 930 every night and wake up at 6. I feel well rested and have energy throughout the day. I would eventually like to cut out caffeine but I’ll wait on that one for now.

  • I’m happy with how things are after this first week and looking forward to the changes to come.

  • I finished Life Force today. My original review still stands. Here it is:
  • The last few chapters were on how ultra-rich people are trying to find ways for themselves to live 150 years or more. The book finished with some classic Tony Robbins pure motivation. Overall, the book was okay, it had a few good tips here and there but for the most part everything is so far beyond what the average person could afford that a lot of the book is irrelevant.

  • One of the habits I’m working on integrating is reading one book a week. This week I’ll be reading The Adweek Copywriting Handbook by Joseph Sugarman. I’ll do the same thing I did with Life Force and leave a small review.


Hell yea, man… I thought my 10-pages per day was a decent amount, but now I want to push for more :muscle:

Your growth ethic inspires me :rocket:

Keep sharing

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I’m glad to hear that. Thanks for your support.

I will! :muscle:

  • It keeps getting easier. ZP has some magical effects. Today I was so motivated. Not just with working out, but with life in general. I feel confident. I feel as if I am breaking down barriers and can achieve anything I want.

  • I started off week two of the program. I hit chest hard. I made sure to go slow so I could feel each rep and ensure I had good form. The focus I had today compared to last week was a huge difference. Seeing the scale yesterday is what sparked this feeling today. I’m seeing huge progress, and now I want to see more. The compound effect is real.

  • The copywriting book is excellent. I don’t have a lot of regrets, but I do regret not reading this book sooner. I’ve always thought of copy as this huge complicated process. That changed today. The author broke down copy by saying the whole point of an entire ad is to make a person read the first sentence. After they read that first sentence, it’s to read the next one, and so forth.

  • I am not sure if this is from ZP but I had no interest in watching movies yesterday. I tried to watch House of Gucci but found it too slow. Then I tried to watch the new Kingsman movie and could not get into it.


About the movies thing, maybe the stack is nudging you away from movies. I too would not know the reason. It is either from one of three subs, 2 of 3 or all three. Or you did not like those movies!

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Haha, I feel like that is the case with House of Gucci. I liked the other Kingsman movies, so who knows? :man_shrugging:

The subs could be helping me prioritize my time better.

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  • I had a fun time with my family this morning. We all put on snow gear, went outside, and had a snowball fight. It was a blast and a good workout.

  • I was snowed in today. A little tired because I woke up early to check the road conditions and couldn’t get back to sleep. Nowhere near as tired as I was yesterday.

  • I did a tricep workout this afternoon and pushed myself harder than I have so far with this program. The program is great and I would do it again.

  • I’m taking some supplements to aid the process. After my workouts, I take a scoop of whey protein and creatine. Daily I’ll take a Multivitamin, Ashwagandha, B-12, Fish Oil, D3, and Garlic. Before bed, I’ll take some ZMA. I’ve heard mixed things about ZMA, about half the articles I’ve read say it does nothing, the other half say it increases testosterone. Either way, I’ll keep taking it until I finish the bottle and see if it makes a difference.

  • Eating wise I’ve been shooting for 2500 calories a day. I’ll eat more depending on how much I burn during my workouts. I’ve also been fasting 16 hours a day to help with the weight loss.


Week two of the plan is complete!

  • My weight did not change from last week but my body fat percentage did. I went from 39.5% to 36.7%. I can feel the change because my clothes are fitting better. :muscle:

  • As I stated in a review on the Emperor Fitness ZP main thread, I no longer need to use the superchargers to get myself in the mood to workout.

  • I talked to my doctor this week and got prescribed a medication to help control blood sugar. This will lead to even more fat and weight loss.

  • I have one more week left on Emperor Fitness ST1 before my washout. I’m impressed with this stack and happy with what I have experienced in two weeks.

Here is the short review I posted on the main EF thread:


How are you determining your body fat percentage?

I use my Galaxy Watch to track it.

Huh. Didn’t realize watches could track that much. Thank you.

Week 3 is complete!

  • My weight went down from 314lbs to 309lbs. My body fat went from 36.7% to 36.1%.

  • I’ve been doing more intense cardio in the mornings. Yesterday I did a boxing workout. That burned a huge amount of calories and I did it in a fasted state.

  • Today is day 21 of this current stack. Over the last week, I cut out Paragon and have been listening to Emperor Fitness ST1 and Spartan each listening day. I also used no superchargers this week. I did not need them.

  • I’ve been more strict with planning my meals. I am a sucker for Taco Bell. The day before eating it I mapped out all the calories I would eat that day, along with the number of calories I would have to burn from working out.

  • I’ll be modifying my stack after the five-day washout. I’ll be removing Spartan, changing to Emperor Fitness ST2, and adding in Renaissance Man and R.I.C.H. ZP. I’ll do R.I.C.H. and RM on my first listening day and Emperor Fitness ST2 on the second.

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How are you tracking calories burned?

With the watch as well.

That’s an impressive watch! Thank you.