Emperor Black (EB) + Stark Black (SB)

I have finally decided to start this stack. I know many of you will say this is incompatible as one is Monk Mode and the other is the opposite of Monk Mode. Hear me out

Story so far:

  • After a long time of removing layers after layers of trauma and realising I’ve always been very creative, emotional, and spiritually open. I realised that part of the reason for that has been my wounded masculine

  • Back when I realised this I started running Masculine/Alpha subs but even Ascension used to give me major recon, but I had moments of feeling powerful and alive

  • Now Iam at a stage where I am very grateful to New Khan and EB for bringing me to a point where I have not only stopped jerking off, but also stopped porn, and have also been able to acknowledge and humbly say No to sexual thoughts.

My Goals:

  • Short Term: I am very innovative, but due to low self esteem ive always short sold myself and I am at a low salary. So my immediate Goal is to get a higher paying job in Product Management

  • Long term: I now believe (i do have my self doubting moments) I deserve to become a multi millionaire, but not through handouts of lottery. I’d love to use all the sexual energy and my masculine drive to innovate and create a baby(business) and nurture, grow it, and set it free (self reliant). To build my legacy through innovation and value

Why EB and SB:

I have worked with psychdlics (mainly el ess dee) for few years, and I take our deep work time to plan a trip once every 6 months or so. In December I had a few days to be on my own as my wife and little one were in Scotland at my wife’s mum’s. So I primed myself with EB and the trip was absolutely insane, I came out a new person, filled with power and ambition. A newfound sense of purpose, pride, respect and debt to my ancestors, and gratitude for life and my body (cz it has always supported me). I saw Monk Mode and Retreat not as a matter of few days, but a lifestyle where I can focus on generating value and abundance for my family.

EB did not make me anti social, it made me very attentive and in the moment, which made me social yet social with a purpose.

Ive ran SB in the past, and maybe because I am already very creative, I always noticed it opens the floodgates of ideas, which also means the demons I felt I had tamed (for example Porn).

I believe EB will keep me focused on my mission while SB will allow my creativity and comms to soar and serve the core being laid down by EB. So EB will be my roots and SB will help me reach for the stars.

This will not be a daily journal, but il try my best to write a long-ish post every few days


One tip I want to share that has helped me (after starting EB) was that I dont feel sexually repressed. I havent had sex in over a month, no porn, no fapping, and after being tormented by sexual thoughts even they stopped. However, I came up with a self programming method to help tame sexual thoughts. Whenever I would have a sexual imagination, I would speak to the source of it and say

“I admire how good you are in trying to lure me in such fantasies because they do work and they do trigger a physical change in my hormones, good job. Since you’re so good at luring and seduction, I would be more than happy to indulge if you lure and seduce me towards my Goals. That way you can do your job, even get better at it, and I can also gain from it.”

Did it a few times and it seems to be working. Il stay disciplined with this. The idea was to not to self hate, self shame, or guilt trip myself, but instead to observe the strength within that part of me and giving it a purpose.


Now that I have become conscious of my sexual thoughts and can choose to not indulge in them, for the past 2 nights ive been having sexual dreams, however, both dreams had 2 commonalities:

  1. I was in the act and I felt passion, but I didnt feel like i was possessed by lust and just wanted to ejaculate. I was in the act, in control

  2. In both dreams the space was eventually encroached by strangers, probably my mind’s protective mechanism, attaching a bit of shame or “being caught” moment to it, eventhough there was nothing illegal there.

Quite interesting how the sexual energy isnt liking that the neural pathway ive built for over 20 years (fapping) is no longer an option for release. It tried urges for porn, sexual thoughts etc, now trying dreams. Ive never felt so much in control, and now that I do, i realise how deeply possessed I was by this power.

I think the next thing it will try will be to give me a stronger aura to manifest sexual opportunities in the material realm, my wife has already started acting very different. Her sex drive has always been a bit on the low end, even before she met me, but now ive already dodged her advances.

It’s not like I am trying hard to fight this, it’s merely me making a choice. Fapping is too demeaning in my view now, and sex is good but I am hungry for success. It’s like a chocolate would be good if you’re hungry but what will really help is a good healthy meal. That’s what I want.


This stack is very hard to describe. It’s not easy but it’s very empowering. Tbh I feel like Goku when he used Kaioken while being SS Blue :grin:. I guess the stack is best described by him:


“Super Saiyan Blue is all about power through extreme control. Combining that with the multiplying boost of the Kaioken, and now there’s no telling how high I can go.”

Feels like EB is Blue and SB is the Kaioken

EB lens of wisdom and self awareness is quite next level tbh. I’ve been catching myself acting out a few patterns that do not serve me and upon reflecting on the phenomenon, I’ve had a realisation that would be best described in the following way:

There are spirits that reside in us, around us, in ether, depending on what our frequency is, we can listen to their whispers of the spirits in that frequency and the frequency in that range.

The relatively stronger spirits are able to invoke thoughts, if we indulge in those thoughts and let them invoke emotions, then we use our free will to give that spirit more power and in turn the spirit is able to transform into a very weak yet significant neural connection/pathway. Giving it its first baby step into the material realm.

Once that circuitry gets stronger, and we act upon it, it starts to get a stronger hold over us because now it can manipulate reality through our actions.

Everytime you use free will to say Yes to that spirit and take action, it keeps getting stronger and your reality keeps shifting. Soon it takes the form of a habit and becomes second nature, now your “consent” is hard coded into the circuitry.

This can be seen as a blessing and a curse, be very mindful of the thoughts you indulge in, the content you consume. Everything is in your control, regardless of your past. You can always change course, it may not be easy, but some battles are worth fighting.

The very first and foremost thing is to aim at something, nothing can get fixed until you have an aim. Then build a :evergreen_tree: from there with the North Star on top, and as you move down the tree, think of people, things, habits, and everything that you can lay down that can help you remain on that path.

Now you have a vision which is pretty high resolution, now it will be relatively easier to judge what serves you and what doesnt. Now start consciously saying Yes or No to your thoughts. In the process also stay in touch with your intuition, because you want to train your intuition as well to help you reach that goal, that will help you make quick decisions when needed.

All of it is a process and I am always in control, I just have to take ONE decision, and that is, I am setting boundaries until the only path that is left is that which takes me to my goal.

Hope it helps anyone who finds this post.

And because at the end of the day it all boils down to choice, we “All must choose”:


Whata your listening schedule like? Listening every other day?


Iam finding it a bit hard to handle the combo in the EoD pattern so I am just doing twice a week for now.


Your gettinf pretty good results for only listening twice a week,im doin the mwf schedule


This isnt the first time I am running these subs, but i’ve never ran them in a stack. They seem to be having a very interesting effect in a stack. I think il push it to 3 times a week once ive run it for 2 months. I am doing full 15 min loops.

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So after trying to lure me with pornstars and random gorgeous girls in my dreams, showing me from fpv that I am havings sex with them and I can choose to not have an orgasm, the last two sexual dreams have been with my wife. One of which felt like the longest bj ive ever receieved, yet ejaculation was missing from the dream, so the longest peak pleasure one could say.

This made me realise that maybe it would be wise to throw KB into the mix. So after my loop of EB I ran KBSt1.

My daughter is turning 3 later this month and shes the youngest one in her ballet group. Later that day she had a ballet show in a theater and while my wife was backstage with her, i was in the bar having a drink before the show began. Thats where i saw a lady selling the show’s program brochure and I recognised her being the the woman who owns the ballet school. So when she came to me I appreciated her efforts and all the hard work and she and her team had put into it. She asked who I was and I told her my daughter being in the show and we had a very short convo as she was in a rush.

She goes backstage and tells my wife, “I met your husband outside, what a dreamy man!” And my wife blushed and all other mums giggled a bit and they all had a little teasing moment. (So i was told)

The magnetism is something on this stack, especially if I add KB. So I’ll be running it maybe once a week or smth, keeping EB+SB as the primary focus

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  • Productivity is off the charts
  • People want to talk to me
  • People show respect when they talk to me
  • My wife is more feminine around me
  • I’ve noticed I am not getting angry anymore, if something is irritating or annoying, i tend to become more sharper and attentive, like an intelligence boost occurs so I can figure out the situation and maneuver through it. Hence I am almost always calm. The other day my wife appreciated it and said she feels more supported and safe when I am calm amidst chaos.
  • I am starting to become an awareness, gaining a better understanding of the self and realising I am not my fears, hence my anxieties are disappearing
  • Today for the first time I experienced a strong belief that I am healed and ready to win. That also made me realise that focusing on healing can sometimes become a never ending loop that can consume you. @James , thought of you when I had this realisation.

Take responsibilties and be loyal to your duties, let the inner intelligence do its job of healing.

I have ran EB as pre workout every so often in the past few months with Khan and I have become quite a beast in the gym

Muscle Mass:

Overall Stats taken today (il turn 38 in May):


So I watched porn in my dream last night, and even then after watching for a second or two I turned it off :joy:

Another very productive day, however I felt a bit tired, had moments of procrastination and caught myself getting entangled in victim mindset, then pulled myself out of it. Even had urges to watch porn at times. But once I finally got control of my awareness again, I was able to remain calm and just observe the uneasyness

Almost like a voice inside me said, feelings, emotions, and sensations are like seasons, they come and go, they change, what must remain constant is your focus. That felt very grounding

I realised that porn and jerking off was a coping mechanism, and just like that i had built many coping mechanisms. Real liberation is breaking the shackles of impulsive desires.

I tried running a loop of the New Limitless and the cognitive boost and the boost in building strong arguements was insane… That reminded me that i had built a custom with the following titles, but have only ran it maybe a couple of times:

  • AI Whisperer
  • Chiron
  • Fortune’s Favorite
  • Godlike Masculinity: The Commander Core
  • Inner Gasoline
  • Limitless Core
  • Stark Core
  • Submodel Alpha
  • Synergy: Master of the World

I might try replacing SB with this and see how it fits in with EB.

While I absolutely love EB, I am starting to see why it’s the “monk mode” sub, especially switching over from Khan I could notice the drastic change. So to give it a I ran a short loop of KhSt4 yday and boy oh boy, I realised what was missing… The raging fire in my belly and rock hard morning woods.

I am going to restrategise this a bit, I absolutely love the productivity, self reflection, and focus of EB but I love the ambition and fire under my ass feeling of Khan. I might try running one or the other every now or maybe keep Khan as the primary sub, EB as an occassional pre workout, and (Limitless/HoM/Stark-Custom) as the secondary.

Let’s see. I am going to an AI meet and drinks event today after running Khan and HoM, il report back on how it went. So far the day has been epic at work, HoM just makes me want to lead, Khan gives that raw urge to dominate, and EB is still hard to explain but i just dont feel like removing it lol

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On my way back from the networking event… Holy fkin moly, I WAS ON FIRE!!! Leading conversations, pro actively walking up to people and striking conversations, that became so interesting that some investors who were also there started encouraging me to go down the startup route after talking to me. They said I don’t belong in the company I am in. It was fkin amazing!!!

New Khan + HoM + EB (occassionally) is now my thing!