Emergency help needed from experienced users

Sorry i make a lot of typos when I’m nervous .

Keep runing ascension maybe mix some primal in there as well… but like what hobbies are you doing

When she isn’t around you should be making yourself do activities so you have less time to focus on her absence


Thanks for your suggestions
Since I already have both (ascension and ps)
I will try this combination.
I keep you updated .


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Here’s your “problem”


Sounds like you went from aloof to attached…and now it’s scaring the piss outta ya.

Good. Don’t stop until you find things to fill your life with that get you juiced and are independent of your new serious relationship. Don’t neglect yourself. Keep building yourself up.

And enjoy the ride :sunglasses:


I feel like Wanted would be perfect for you but it’s special.


Here ‘s m’y plan
I’ll stack ascension and wanted for while.
And I will report the result.

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If your going to do Wanted just do Wanted solo. And then add Ascension if everything is good because in your case Wanted will work in a very particular way that would help with the girl. Ascension works in a way where you become high status which is what attracts the girl.

Wanted works in a way where you get attractive and mysterious to get the girl and are non chalant about her.

My personal advice would be to do Wanted for at least 3 months to get rid of the neediness and then add Ascension to compliment Wanted.

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You need to work on this as well… in addition to subs, you may find some mindset books very beneficial. See if either of these sounds helpful to you:

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You forgot the most important book;):


I haven’t read that one, but I do like what I have read from Mark Manson! I also in no way meant that my paltry list of 2 books should be considered exhaustive. :wink:

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Now that @BLACKICE gave the ideas of what books to read. Here’s my personal favorite (There not the best to actually get girls but I like them for the story they hold and for what not to do cough cough The Game):

This book is the best honestly, if you use the things it teaches it will help you in your social life, dating life and professional life like it did for me (If I had to pick one book to read to become the best person I can be, it would be this one, it really changed my life and no other book has had this effect on me, I even made a course on the book’s teachings back in the day that’s how helpful it was):

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I haven’t got a specific book reference, but I’ve found studying (and actually applying!) Stoic philosophy is a very good approach to getting rid of neediness and cultivating a mindset of “I am enough” and “I am ok”.

Same here, I remember reading “the subtle art of not giving a F” a few years ago and it was very much what I needed to learn at the time. I haven’t gotten around to reading “models” but anything by Mark Manson has my vote.


That book alone has really helped change my perspective on so many things in life. Honestly it’s a really good book to go back to and reread every few years or so

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Totally different issue, but just yesterday I ordered a copy of Loving What Is by Byron Katie for my mom. I found that to be beneficial for me as well, for not getting all bent out of shape when something isn’t the way I think it “should” be.

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I salute you all.
this my 24 hours update.
I decided to go with wanted Solo, and let me tell you this is one of a kind experience to me.
The anxiety is gone , the confidence is back.Within 24 hours i was able to shift mentally (not 100%).
I feel free detached still in love but not needy anymore and she felt it.
I was able to pinpoint the root cause of all this mess(more details later).
Hats off to @Fire and @SaintSovereign for their great works ,ZP is a masterpiece.


WANTED has helped tremendously with being detached with outcomes in terms of romance. Plus WANTED has also shown me that I am also a prize in the dating field and in general, which helps with self respect and also kills obsession and oneitis. This has led me to be more focused on my goals rather than women so much.

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I see how needy you are right now to the point whoch you consider this an emergency.
I have been there❤
Take a look at WANTED, it ANNIHILATES neediness.
But look if you wanna integrate other objectives of the sub.
For overall sediction, another sun named primal seduction is amazing.
Ascention is also ok, but VERY extensive on this matter.
IF your only priority is that woman being devoted to you, go and run WANTED :grin:

The weird thing is that for a while I was able to find my balance again. I was fine in every way.
I just lost it in the past weeks.
I need to be careful so WANTED all the way for now.

There is also Sanguine if you think that might help.