Regeneration + Elixir

Why are you running Elixir solely now?

@James why stop using RegenerationQ? Not even at 1 loop a day?

Yeah, it works magic combined with RegenerationQ.

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Running a loop of Regeneration Q currently. I will probably run one more later as well as a couple of loops of Elixir

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@James - are you feeling any reconciliation these days? Feeling lighter from certain emotional burdens?

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@Lion in some respects I do feel lighter. In other ways I almost feel more bogged down. Goes back to what I posted about in my last Journal how as someone grows and changes it’s really difficult not to become increasingly aware of how messed up people are. I feel like I’m continuously having to relearn what being emotionally healthy, stable , and grounded is. Maybe that’s reconciliation. At times it feels almost like you’re trying to unplug yourself from the matrix as cheesy and cliche as that sounds. Part of the healing process for me is becoming aware of cognitive abilities that felt literally dormant. Sort of reinforces my desire to run BLU and QLQ when I feel I am done with Regeneration and Elixir.


Running another loop of Regeneration Q then taking a break for a couple of hours and then I will run a couple of loops of Elixir

I so agree. In addition to this, am also noticing how much flawed I myself am. I feel there is so much work to do but not feeling as intimidated as doing the work as before.


I agree. I feel that makes doing the work that much more important .


Running a third loop of Regeneration Q. Just going to stick with Regeneration Q and Elixir Ultima. I will run Elixir in a little while . Just feel off a bit today. Bored and frustrated. Not sure how else to explain it

@James I would caution you to avoid the “healing trap” and get your mind busy with doing something else while the healing goes on!


Now that’s the talking! Great combo indeed.

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I’ve noticed that running my healing stack. Sometimes I start thinking about healing and the stuff it’s clearing out and it doesn’t do me any good. You’re right it’s best to stick to your activities avoiding moments of pondering about the inner stuff.


I think I’ve run four loops of Regeneration Q and one so far of Elixir. I will run at least one more loop of Elixir tonight if not two. I try not to focus on the healing. It’s not always easy. Especially when you’re surrounded by and see so much toxic and unhealthy behavior every day. It’s difficult to understand why people choose to play victim or feel entitled but then I remember times I did that without realizing it. Or how my behavior or social skill or lack of did more to alienate folks than anything.


I found a couple of things I’m going to start working on in the next few days. Get going in the right direction so I can not feel trapped or so frustrated


Something like that. Learn a skill and hopefully make extra money from it.

At the urging of @Hurrikane I am running a loop of Limit Destroyer Ultima. I sort of desperately need to bull my firmly wedged skull out of my ass so I can get shit done. Seems like every time I think of something I could possibly do some inner block decides it’s time to wake up and smell the shit show. So yeah let’s see what this does


EU + RQ + LD + KST1 is definitely the Ultimate Emotional and Subconcious Mastery stack.


I will be watching this space closely, wish you all the best. Also I’ll like to add: you’re stronger than all your internal limits.


never hear that one before, very nice, i like it