Elevating Wealth & Status - Emperor(Qv2), LD, R.I.C.H & StarkQ

Greetings everyone!

Currently 1 week into my new stack, decided that it was a good time to journal so I can track my progress. Also clear my mind out!


  • Emperor Qv2 x 2
  • StarkQ x 1
  • RICH x 2
    (Feel free to share any improvements you would make :slight_smile:)

After running Khan solo for a few months, I’d noticed all my time had been spent chasing women. Especially casual sex… Got an addictive personality, moderation isn’t in my dictionary lol.

Switching to Emperor has been INSANE, focus has gone through the roof, as has my confidence, self belief & productivity. Only issue is that my mind seems to be running through ideas nonstop… though being an INTP doesn’t exactly help.

Really looking forward to seeing where this journey leads. This community is great & I’m excited to share results/ideas with y’all.


Changes… so many changes. I’ve been waking up at 04:15 consistently, with no alarm clock. Usually I’d have to drag myself out of bed at 08:00. My mind is so business oriented right now so it’s hard to think about much else… this doesn’t bode well with my 9-5 :sweat_smile:. Women & sex are the last thing on my mind right now, I’m confident I will attract the right women as the empire grows.

Starting to have vivid dreams…

I dreamt that I met up with members of an online group I am in. We talk business, play chess, discuss ideas on how we can elevate our lives even further. I feel important, people want to be around me, they respect me. Everything feels effortless.

Though this stack is going really well for me, I’m tempted to add WANTED. I enjoy that people around me find me mysterious, they always seem to be looking for ways to figure me out… uncovering my plans etc. If there’s a way to take this to the next level, I’m certainly going to try it.


Would it be worth running EoG Stage 1 for a month to break down financial limitations?


Wanted will definitely help you achieve both of these outcomes as far as what the sales page indicates. It’s the reason I decided to pair it with Emperor to enhance the empire building experience.

For attracting the right women, Wanted makes you…

“The man who arrests the gazes of women and fills their hearts with thoughts of equal measure sin and curiosity.”

For taking your mysteriousness to the next level. It says…

“In WANTED you will experience the endless mystery that you contain in yourself and use it as a cloak that awakens in others an unrelenting desire to discover and find out more. You will find your behavior, thinking and mannerisms becoming more coquettish – the game of hot and cold will become your second nature when dealing with others.”

Curious to see how things develop with you since it seems like we have similar goals and there’s more than one path up every mountain.

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Appreciate the response! I was reading your journal earlier, looking forward to seeing where it leads. Curious to know if you’ve noticed any changes in focus/productivity?

After reading over the sales page AGAIN I’ve realised Wanted is exactly what I’ve been looking for… too good not to try it out.

My only concern is how it would run with StarkQ. Mystery of Wanted clashing with the attention/fame side of Stark, for example.

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Emperor WANTED RICH and LD :sunglasses:


It’s too soon to tell. Nothing out of the ordinary there yet, but I’m expecting Emperor to play a role in helping me spend less and less time on things that don’t move the needle in my business.

Seems like an Ultima title like Executive would help with productivity, but I haven’t picked one up yet.

Check out this recommended wealth stack from one of the founders.

Think it was in the main Wanted thread where people asked about this same thing and the recommendation was to consciously guide it so it doesn’t clash. But I don’t really know how that works yet.

My thought is that fame is a tool. Just like mysteriousness. And you can use both at the same time.

Imagine being famous while maintaining an shroud of mystery where tons of people know of you, know a few select things you want them to know about you…but the rest is hidden.

You can also go the opposite direction and make a show of your behavior. As long as it’s unfathomable to others, it has the same effect. Being unpredictable creates the same air of mystery.

Test it out and definitely share what you find. I think I just sold myself on trying Wanted + Stark in the future lol

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Sounds like being batman or any DC super hero besides like aquaman lol

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Yesterday I experienced the lows for the first time… and it was LOW.

Here’s just a few things that went down:

  • No desire to train or work on my goals
  • Couldn’t main eye contact with anyone
  • Not ignoring negative impulses & instead acting on them
  • Seeking confrontation (Nearly got myself into a fight)
  • Thoughts of ruining momentum

The energy I usually direct towards my goals was shooting left, right & center.

Woke up today with a somewhat hungover feeling, as if yesterday I was releasing all this pent up energy… Definitely feeling refreshed.

It feels sometimes that the subs are swimming against the current, as I often go against my better judgements. There’s a lot of work to do.


The storyline of the Great Gatsby, then.

The rise of Jake/Logan Paul.

Both @Fire and myself are INTPs, so we know the struggle. Be sure to take some downtime and just enjoy a hobby, lest you end up burning yourself out (like I do ALL the time).


were on you on Khan stage 4…
and did it support with productivity, finances/career at all?

Looking forward to hearing about your journey ont his new stack.

Yes. Khan stg 4 was powerful & took a lot of time to get used to.

I was seeing great benefits regarding women, social skills, confidence etc. However, my focus was always on short term pleasure. This is my fault as I hadn’t established clear goals regarding wealth etc.

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Took a rest day today, felt a break was necessary.

Todays observations:

  • £75 landed in my bank from a friend who owed me money
  • Struggled to focus in the gym
  • Noticed in a shop that one of the workers was following me. Could tell she was interested. Looking back I should of approached, but I wasn’t really in the mood for conversation
  • Old friends approaching to make plans

Few ups & downs, yet overall a fairly good day. RICH manifesting as ever! That sub has been insane for me, especially since running 2 loops. Going to mix in LD tomorrow as @Sub.Zero mentioned recently.

This stack has really hit hard! No doubt that I feel like a better man since this journey began.


Focus is HIGH again. Woke up at 04:15 & headed straight to the gym, definitely felt more powerful today, though I did run legacy as a pre workout booster. As I was on my way I ran into many uni students, throwing up, asking me for lighters as per usual. Something about that kind of lifestyle which doesn’t sit right with me… seems to like a waste of time & money haha. Each to their own!

Over the past few days I’ve been waking up in the night with the urge to work on a project. It could be 03:00 & my mind just wants to get on with work. Trying not to act on the urge as my sleep schedule isn’t great as it is.

Going to run LD & RICH as my morning booster. Seen a lot of good feedback with this.

LD x 1 + RICH x 2 + Emperor x2 + StarkQ x 1

Excited for the day ahead!

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Life threw plenty of obstacles today, and I took those hits and marched forward. I laughed in the face in adversity & pushed on, knowing I’d become a better man by doing so. This is a HUGE breakthrough for me, usually I make one mistake & get in my head… then negative momentum kicks in. Not anymore. Everyday a new challenge arises & every time I attack it, perhaps these subs are manifesting obstacles to test my character & discipline.


Few key points from today:

  • LD sent me into some wild daydreams…
  • My boss was showing me a lot more respect, he let me take control over our meeting & discuss my ideas regarding the future of our business
  • Family & friends made more of an effort to speak to me
  • Despite a day full of ups & downs, my feeling of optimism never faded
  • I can’t relax for 5 minutes without my mind going frantic about work… I’m becoming addicted to the “grind” :smiley:


Have you noticed that men try to compete with you while running emperor? Whether it be in the gym or at work…


No not at all. I feel like ppl are much more respectful towards me, especially girls. Like I get girls smiling at me all the time while im on emperor… Its weird because on Stark I never got that, but on emperor im pure focused on purpose and mission mode and my vibe is intense and kinda asshole mode lmao. Its funny but I get the most positive reception while on it.

With guys I get more respect, camaraderie I guess. And I get hit up frequently to partner up with them on business ventures so yeah, its been awesome.

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and quick question for you? This is crazy but im running the exact same stack as you LOL I dubbed it Great Gatsby stack. I just replaced StarkQ with HOM last week and this week I was experimenting with EmperorQ and Ascended Mogul… the best results ive been getting is this week as I’ve been so zoned in and focused, and on StarkQ I was a bit lethargic at times, RICH is going to be a permanent part of my stack for sure though. How has StarkQ been like for you?

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Good to see you hear Bichar! Enjoying your journal & love the attitude you have towards business.

Crazy how much I can relate to this. Past few days have just been non stop grind and it seems my energy levels are through the roof! But the asshole thing I get for sure… I’ve had this chip on my shoulder since running Emperor. It’s helped me to finally take action with business however not much time for anything else haha

For a few days I’d been contemplating switching StarkQ out for Wanted. However, I’ve been noticing a few changes…


When I’m socializing people want to be around me, they want my ideas & are always digging to see what I’m upto. Conversation has been effortless & I seem to have picked up a sixth sense of knowing who I should be trying to talk to. Made some small talk with a guy in the gym… turns out he’s a big time Estate Agent, which is mad because I was looking into Estate Agents as my niche for biz.

Question: How are you managing your time? Since Emperor I’ve been addicted to business, which means sleep is now a luxury :smiley:. This is what business is all about of course, sacrificing now for a better life down the road. Though I’d still like to find enough time for gym & networking. Curious to know how you maintain balance in your life, or whether you just embrace the grind.

DUDE… hella crazy but thats my niche for my marketing agency LMAO. I met my first client actually at the gym haha this is crazy.

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For me I just sit down everyday and allocate a certain period to get some work done.

You should read the book called “The One Thing” by Gary Keller. It is phenomenal. Basically it says to work on ONE thing only. I take this to extreme levels where I only work on the ONE Bottleneck I’m facing in my business … for example… If Im not getting enough Appointments, my one thing is increasing outreach, either by hiring and going through interviews or changing my outreach script and strategy